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View Poll Results: Election time - who wins & how many votes?
Jones - increases labour majority to 10,000+ 0 0%
Jones - takes 15-18,000 votes - same majority as Pope 4 12.12%
jones - labour vote falls - majority of 200-2000 20 60.61%
Jones - after a recount - scrapes through with 1-200 votes 2 6.06%
Buckley - after recount, wins by 1-200 votes 3 9.09%
Buckley - big swing to Tories - wins by 2000+ votes 2 6.06%
Rankine - scrapes through with 1-200 votes majority 0 0%
Rankine - wins seat with big majority 2000+ 0 0%
UKIP win 0 0%
BNP/crackpot christians/greens win 2 6.06%
Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 28-04-2010, 13:36   #121
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Voting for LibDems is NOT a wasted vote, it is a vote for the LibDems. The argument that it is a wasted vote is frustrating because that implies that people are not voting for the party that they want to get in but voting against the party that they want to keep out!

Personally, I think that's the wrong approach and we should each vote for who we really believe is the best option for the country.

Look at it this way -
You vote Labour and Labour win
Unlikely, but it proves that the majority want to maintain the status quo - Gordon Brown stays in.

You vote Conservative and they win with a majority - Gordon Brown is out
You vote Conservative and they win but without a majority - Cameron and Clegg pair up - Gordon Brown is out

You vote Lib Dem
Labour win but without a majority - they need to form a coalition government which Nick Clegg has said he is open to as long as Gordon Brown steps down. - Gordon Brown is out
Conservatives win but without a majority - Lib Dems form a coaliation government - Gordon Brown is out
Finally, on the off chance that everyone has voted for the party that they truly believe to win rather than voting tactically, Lib Dems win and both Brown and Cameron are out.

In other words, a vote for LibDems is just what it says it is - under any scenario other than an outright win Gordon Brown is out.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-04-2010, 13:47   #122
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
A fair point, but how many other people are thinking the same thing up and down the country? Go with what you truly believe instead of a tactical assumption, whichever way you intend to vote.

I note you sidestepped my point about tax revenue in Hyndburn. How can that be justified? Who wants a Tory MP for Hyndburn when what they're really standing for is Oswaldtwistle? A disorganised local party and a non-local candidate, it just doesn't look good to me.

I take your point about national policies but can you honestly say that Ms Buckley will be better for Hyndburn than Graham Jones? Surely a voice for our borough is more important?
No i can honestly say that Graham Jones is the best candidate for Hyndburn and believe he is a really dedicated person for his borough, but to vote for him in a general election would be saying i was in favour of Labour policies and a Labour government. I may consider voting Lib Dem because if all the people have decided to do this we may really be in for a big surprise.Waiting now for the final debate to make my decision.
Will be considering all their views on pensions and how they will look after the elderly in this country. Really like Camerons policy on the 8,ooo that you can pay to protect your hard earned income and home so you can leave it to your loved ones instead of the state taking it all if you have to go into care. Under Labour policy currently they take it all very unfair system. Really i think it should be free like in Scotland but i guess money can only go so far.
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Old 28-04-2010, 13:51   #123
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
No i can honestly say that Graham Jones is the best candidate for Hyndburn and believe he is a really dedicated person for his borough, but to vote for him in a general election would be saying i was in favour of Labour policies and a Labour government. I may consider voting Lib Dem because if all the people have decided to do this we may really be in for a big surprise.Waiting now for the final debate to make my decision.
Will be considering all their views on pensions and how they will look after the elderly in this country. Really like Camerons policy on the 8,ooo that you can pay to protect your hard earned income and home so you can leave it to your loved ones instead of the state taking it all if you have to go into care. Under Labour policy currently they take it all very unfair system. Really i think it should be free like in Scotland but i guess money can only go so far.
Also i feel their are many people out their claiming benefits that are not genuine and Cameron will get rid of them, for the people who are genuine and cant work then i think they should receive more to help them so stop the cheats and give more to those in need.
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:05   #124
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I see Gordon Brown is in Oldham this morning, alongside Jack Straw. I wonder what the odds are they will be travelling up to Blackburn, via Accy?
Bet he'd rather have come here than Rochdale!!!!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:08   #125
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Bet he'd rather have come here than Rochdale!!!!
On his way back there now on a damage limitation exercise. I knew they should have got rid, before they went to the country!
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:18   #126
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
On his way back there now on a damage limitation exercise. I knew they should have got rid, before they went to the country!
Yep...i think he's pretty much done for after that!...How ruddy naive and stupid!...I've no doubt most politicians have a few choice words about people in private, but for him and his aides to forget he was miked up is just sheer stupidity. Certainly didn't help when we can all see that the lady said nothing wrong or contentious at all...he even seemed to have got her on side i really am baffled as to what he was whinging about!!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:22   #127
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

I think that's outrageous - he was in private. I'm sorry but I think that it was wrong to broadcast that. Yes, he was a bit dumb for being miked up and saying it but what has happened is like phone tapping and probably illegal.

As for the lady, it's not a surprise that they're only showing the last bit of their conversation.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 28-04-2010, 14:27   #128
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think that's outrageous - he was in private. I'm sorry but I think that it was wrong to broadcast that.
That's exactly why they should broadcast it. As citizens, we've every right to know the true thoughts of those who are asking for our votes. They're the ones who're answerable to US, not the other way round.
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:49   #129
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
Fair point John, I have to concede that there are faults on both sides but the swing for me was 'that' Observer letter which I thought was particularly below the belt.

As for narcissistic, it may appear that way to some people but I can say, hand on heart, that he is certainly not. On the flip side of that coin, Peter Britcliffe comes across in a rather self-publicising way to me (the notorious Hyndburn calendar being a case in point) but perhaps I'm wrong too.

Different perspectives, possibly.
Well I've known Britcliffe for a long time and I cant remember him ever sending out an eight page leaflet, which is basically saying look at me the great I am, the great white hope, the only thing missing on the front is I HAVE A DREAM, its just 8 pages self publishing, I've done this, I've don't that, but of course there's always the old saying Self Praise is no Recommendation, the only thing is the person that gave me the leaflet was of the same opinion, he's just full of his own importance
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:57   #130
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think that's outrageous - he was in private. I'm sorry but I think that it was wrong to broadcast that. Yes, he was a bit dumb for being miked up and saying it but what has happened is like phone tapping and probably illegal.

As for the lady, it's not a surprise that they're only showing the last bit of their conversation.
Oh come on Gayle, we are in the middle of a General Election campaign the guys miked up, he (and for that matter, so are other leading politicians) knows that every word is scrutinised by the world and his wife, can you imagine if Cameron had done the same he'd have been hung at dawn, if he can't control his comments he shouldn't be in politics, sorry
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:58   #131
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
That's exactly why they should broadcast it. As citizens, we've every right to know the true thoughts of those who are asking for our votes. They're the ones who're answerable to US, not the other way round.
Exactly my thoughts Wyn
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Old 28-04-2010, 14:58   #132
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

[QUOTE=turkishdelight]Really like Camerons policy on the 8,ooo that you can pay to protect your hard earned income and home so you can leave it to your loved ones instead of the state taking it all if you have to go into care. Under Labour policy currently they take it all very unfair system.[/QUOTE]

A policy introduced by the conservatives, if my memory serves me correctly.
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Old 28-04-2010, 15:02   #133
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think that's outrageous - he was in private. I'm sorry but I think that it was wrong to broadcast that. Yes, he was a bit dumb for being miked up and saying it but what has happened is like phone tapping and probably illegal.

As for the lady, it's not a surprise that they're only showing the last bit of their conversation.

I agree 100%. it was a private conversation, and it should have been pointed out to him, but not broadcast.
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Old 28-04-2010, 15:12   #134
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I agree 100%. it was a private conversation, and it should have been pointed out to him, but not broadcast.
Could not disagree more. This man could well be leading the country for the next five years. We, the electorate, have every right to know his private views on the mugs who'll be voting for him...or not, as the case may be!
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Old 28-04-2010, 15:38   #135
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Re: Election - Place yer bets.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight
Really like Camerons policy on the 8,ooo that you can pay to protect your hard earned income and home so you can leave it to your loved ones instead of the state taking it all if you have to go into care. Under Labour policy currently they take it all very unfair system.[/QUOTE]

A policy introduced by the conservatives, if my memory serves me correctly.
Yes your right however Labour have never changed it at least it is being changed now.
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