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Old 12-11-2011, 23:50   #1
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Electromagnetic pollution

When Neil drew my attention to EMF radiation in my 'change ISP' thread, I did some websearching about it.
Knowing how some people are sensitive to EMF radiation and suffer adverse health effects from it, I decided to reduce my exposure to it.

I have disabled my BT homehub wireless emissions and chucked out my wireless telephone.
I am back to using a corded phone but that isn't a problem. Living in a small space means wherever I am in the flat isn't a route march to reach it.
I have, but don't use, a mobile phone - I won't need one when I give up driving (very soon)

When websearching I came across a phrase new to me - 'dirty elecricity'.
There are plenty of videos on youtube explaining it
dirty electricty - YouTube

I have always been a fan of compact fluorescent light bulbs and began using them long before incandescent bulbs were phased out.
Not any more - I now have got myself some LED lightbulbs. (see thumbnail)

I recognise that our society cannot survive without electrical gadgets, and I know I would struggle without internet.
Whilst there appears a possible connection between electromagnetic pollution and poor health for some people, it makes sense to reduce that pollution if you reasonably can.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-11-2011, 00:15   #2
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

I first heard that term about two years ago from a girl that I knew who'd got a pretty nasty electric shock from her vibrator.

Monitors - please move this thread to the adult section now.
Sparkologist and accyman like this.
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Old 13-11-2011, 00:19   #3
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I first heard that term about two years ago from a girl that I knew who'd got a pretty nasty electric shock from her vibrator.

Monitors - please move this thread to the adult section now.
How humble of you to admit that your lady friend needed one

PS smart meters pollute too

Last edited by MargaretR; 13-11-2011 at 00:24.
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Old 13-11-2011, 00:33   #4
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
How humble of you to admit that your lady friend needed one
Purely platonic. She's as ugly as sin. Wouldn't touch her with the proverbial bargepole.

Still, it just goes to show how nice I am, being friendly with everyone.
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Old 13-11-2011, 08:55   #5

Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Margaret, I found this clip on youtube

I wonder if its the same type of thing that I used to notice when I ever drove under
electricity pylons years ago, if the radio was on in the car the interference was terrible, and as I drove away from the pylon the radio was as clear as a bell.

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, Was it worth it ?
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Old 13-11-2011, 09:34   #6

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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

A quick Google on Dirty Electricity produced these threads from Skeptics,

The Skeptics Society Forum • View topic - "Dirty Electricity"

electromagnetic field (EMF), electromagnetic radiation - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

and for balance this

Dirty Electricity Information | What is Dirty Electricity?

Now I don't believe in the New World Order, Chemtrails, Fracking causing exploding tap water, 9/11 a inside job etc.

you pays your money and you take your pick.

For the record, I have had a mobile phone since the early 90's, back when we still had Analogue not Digital, before that I had a Rabbit (a type of cordless mobile phone, http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Rabbit_%...munications%29), we had a cordless phone in our house in the mid 80's, I have had wifi since 2005. I get attacked by Cosmic radiation every time I fly, more than passengers get, I am sitting near HF, VHF and Sat Comms when I work.
I have a major medical examination every year, as part of my Pilots License, Apart from being a touch overweight, there is nothing wrong with me.
Read into that what you wish.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 13-11-2011, 09:55   #7

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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Kenny a bit of research further you would have found this:

Cell Phone Popcorn? - Urban Legend

and this:

Physicist Debunks Cellphone Popcorn Viral Videos | Underwire |

and this:

CSI | Viral Video Cell-Phone Scare

the whole thing was a Viral Hoax from a company called Cardo Systems, trying to promote the advantages of Bluetooth Headsets, theirs......
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 13-11-2011, 10:16   #8
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Kenny a bit of research further you would have found this:

Cell Phone Popcorn? - Urban Legend

and this:

Physicist Debunks Cellphone Popcorn Viral Videos | Underwire |

and this:

CSI | Viral Video Cell-Phone Scare

the whole thing was a Viral Hoax from a company called Cardo Systems, trying to promote the advantages of Bluetooth Headsets, theirs......
Firms wouldn't do that would they BG
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Old 13-11-2011, 10:33   #9
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Like many things in life, not all people are the same.....some are ultra sensitive to peanuts and exposure to someone who has touched a peanut could kill them.....but peanuts to the vast majority of us are harmless.
Some peole can take all manner of antibiotics and come to no serious short term harm........if I was to be given tetracycline I would be very sick indeed.

I think EMF is a bit like this.....for a lot of us it will have little or no tangible effect that we can discern.
But for some people, EMF will cause them severe physical problems.

I think when ridicule is being dished out, it should be remembered that we are all unique beings...that we are entitled to our views and opinions, and that opinions are just that...opinions.

Many scientific studies are carried out and their results are lauded....then afew months later another will be published which refutes the theories put forward in a previous study....which all goes to show that scientists know less than 1% of all that happens on our planet. Heck, they are even questioning Einsteins Theory of Relativity.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 13-11-2011, 10:38   #10

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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Not ridicule Margaret, just providing some alternatives.

As to the popcorn, well a simple search showed it was false.
I agree things do affect people in different ways, it is just I do not believe things I see on the web or in the press as absolute truth, I look for alternatives rather than trying to fit what is happening in the world to a narrow model formed by certain websites and a narrow mindset.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 13-11-2011, 10:50   #11
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

I didn't mean you BG....I meant that generally when MargaretR posts stuff like this there is a wave of ridicule from people who (perhaps) don't think through what they are posting. I think Margaret doesn't necessarily believe all that is posted onto the web or any other media, and she has shown that she can research with the best of them....and I would say from what I have read of her postings, that she doesn't have a particularly narrow mindset. However, that cannot be said of others who sometimes post on here

She has her own opinions. They may not coincide with mine or yours. That doesn't stop us respecting them, even if we disagree with them.
Nor does it stop us from posting alternative ideas or be read and balanced with what has gone before.......which is how I viewed your post....a balancing view/discussion.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 13-11-2011, 10:50   #12
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

When you research electromagnetic pollution you learn that it is not in the range that heats water - so the popcorn hoax may well have been engineered in order to be discredited - so that the people who haven't bothered to find out more will rest content that all is well.

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Old 13-11-2011, 11:07   #13
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

Please don't just consider mobile phones - fluorescent bulbs can affect your body too


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Old 13-11-2011, 16:33   #14
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

so how many conspiracy theorists DOES it take to change a lightbulb?
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Old 13-11-2011, 16:41   #15
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Re: Electromagnetic pollution

How many Conspiracy theorists did it take to change a light bulb? - JREF Forum

"Why bother, the sheeple love to be kept in the dark"

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