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Old 23-06-2010, 17:57   #31
Resting in Peace

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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

All I was saying Dave is that it won't have much effect on the bigger earners .. they have more than enough to pay all their bills, etc., and probably won't have any need to tighten their belts.

Some people will now have to do without any type of luxury or being able to afford new necessary white goods for instance.

Not saying it's a bad thing ... just will hit the poorer in this country.
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Old 23-06-2010, 18:03   #32
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

....and when you think about it....
all this world financial mess has provided a few with flash cars, yachts and ranches in South America.....

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Old 23-06-2010, 18:11   #33
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

Originally Posted by katex View Post
All I was saying Dave is that it won't have much effect on the bigger earners .. they have more than enough to pay all their bills, etc., and probably won't have any need to tighten their belts.

Some people will now have to do without any type of luxury or being able to afford new necessary white goods for instance.

Not saying it's a bad thing ... just will hit the poorer in this country.
Aye I know Katex, but really we're stuck with it. There will always be casualties in any situation. I don't know, I believe there was something in place in UK for low earners & the like to be able to get necessaries, all state funded, might not be the model you wanted but adequate for purpose. (I don't know as I haven't lived in UK for 26 years, but I was led to believe that to be the case.)
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Old 23-06-2010, 19:02   #34
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Aye I know Katex, but really we're stuck with it. There will always be casualties in any situation. I don't know, I believe there was something in place in UK for low earners & the like to be able to get necessaries, all state funded, might not be the model you wanted but adequate for purpose. (I don't know as I haven't lived in UK for 26 years, but I was led to believe that to be the case.)

Again you are not incorrect Dave. I am not really grumbling too much .. just pointing out a fact. Pensioners for instance get a winter fuel allowance, free transport, concessions, etc. Will be worse for the pensioners who only have their state pension to rely on. I am still having to do some part time work to buy any extras.. at 67 years, believe me, I do not want to. Ok .. I was stupid .. was a very high earner, but spent on giving my kids a good lift in life .. so not resenting it.

Poorer families get benefits of some sort (sorry not ofay with all these). I don't think any of us are going to starve, but why should the lower income families be deprived of a few luxuries in life ? "Oh yes, darling .. don't think we will cruise the Med this year, just go to South of France instead" Pah! To say to these people tighten your belt, does not go down very well, when it is already cutting them in half. The freeze on child benefit will affect them but suppose, nowadays, is some call for it to be means tested... just may cost more to do this. I dunno' not an economist.

Shakermaker: Interested in the figure you quoted.. where did that come from please ?
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Old 23-06-2010, 19:11   #35
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

Whether this budget works as planned or not, only time and external circumstances will tell. I do not think there is anything really radical about it – it’s simply a case going towards balancing the beans and I doubt if the overall impact will be that substantial. How better it would have been to shut down the Department for Overseas Development and slashed the salaries of any bureaucrat in the public sector to the level of an MP – aprox. £65K a year. These two measures would alone have saved about £12bn. The problems we now have in the UK run far, far deeper, and as such fiscal and monetary measures should have been addressed to the following:

Within the so-called EU, we have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy, the lowest rate of active sport participation, the highest rate of binge drinking, the lowest rate of social mobility, the highest rate of teenage obesity, the lowest rate of life expectancy, the highest rate of violent crime, the lowest rate of literacy/ numeric ability for under 16’s, the highest government borrowing requirement, the lowest rate of oncology survival, the highest rate of employables choosing welfare, the lowest rate of manufacturing apprenticeships, the highest rate of asylum seekers, the lowest rate of local fresh food available in the shops, the highest rate of legal negligence claims, the lowest rate of voting turn-out, the highest rate of Niqab and Burka wearers, the lowest rate of international football success, the highest rate of rotten MP’s, the lowest rate of electrified railways, the highest unfunded public sector pension liability, the lowest rubbish recycling record, the highest house costs psf, the lowest average-size house build, the highest number of net immigration, the lowest number of criminal repatriation, the highest number of skilled emigration, the lowest satisfaction for financial services, the highest per capita public funding for bank bailouts.....I could write another 10 pages of this but I can’t be bothered.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 23-06-2010 at 19:16.
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Old 24-06-2010, 09:47   #36
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
As you say Kate, not everyone will benefit from the shift in personal allowances. But almost everyone will pay VAT.
Can't remember you having very much to say when Dumb and Dumber did away with the 10p tax bracket, which lets face it didn't effect any toff lining up down Savile Row waiting to be measured for a new suit behind Brown and Darling, it just effect the most vulnerable in our society, VAT increases are a far fairer way
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Old 24-06-2010, 09:53   #37
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

I don't think anybody realises that this country is pay £80,000 per minute in interest on its debts, drastic actions have to be taken now, especially seeing the last government were very economical with the truth about the state of our finances prior to the election, things are far worse than anybody realised
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Old 24-06-2010, 11:12   #38
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Re: Emergency Budget 2010

In my opinion it would seem to suggest that the International Finance Market likes the budget and expect the UK to pull out of recession quicker that originally thought because of the actions taken - look at the rise in the exchange rate against the Euro.
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