04-12-2012, 16:22
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'Euthanasia?We couldn't possibly'. The Hypocrites!
Your partner, parent, child is inevitably dying in pain and you want to help them die with some dignity and comfort- you can't do that ,it's murder!
You ask the doctors to help them with a nice big shot of morphine so they'll go in comfort with perhaps a smile on their faces-they can't do that , it's euthanasia!
BUT-despair not, we have the Liverpool Care Pathway! I'd read about this before some time ago but thought it was a rare occurrence. Apparently not. An article in the Mail(28/11, don't know how to do an attachment) says it is now being applied to babies(British Medical Journal) as well as old people.
What is this marvelous ,caring way of helping a dying human to die with as little pain as possible and as quickly as possible? You let them starve and dehydrate to death! It may take two weeks but hey- it's legal, it frees up beds and the hospital gets a cash payment if it meets its LCP target!
Started in the 1990's its been adopted by hospitals all over the country. 130,000 old and/or terminally ill people are killed this dreadful way every year, now it's being applied to babies.
Can you imagine having intravenous liquids and food withdrawn from your baby or loved one and taking them home to watch them literally shrink and cry for a drink for up to two weeks?
The PC brigade- doctors, the Government, judges etc say they can't countenance painless euthanasia but will practice and accept this cruel treatment( or lack of it)!
Give me that nice big shot of morphine when the time comes- and make it legal!
Who's with me?