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Old 02-10-2008, 22:13   #16
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Does it matter what the dogs name was/is or maybe.I mean before the bomb was designed and the mission thought up and all the preparations were made and the team picked and trained.Did the powers that be sit round a big table at the war Ministry and decide the mission could only go ahead if they had a dog called Nigger?

The main point of this thread is not RAF wartime operations, it's the fact that the dog's name has been changed from Nigger to "Nidge". In the great scheme of things it didn't matter a damn, as you rightly indicate, but it happens to be what we're talking about.
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Old 02-10-2008, 22:17   #17
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
The main point of this thread is not RAF wartime operations, it's the fact that the dog's name has been changed from Nigger to "Nidge". In the great scheme of things it didn't matter a damn, as you rightly indicate, but it happens to be what we're talking about.
agree completely.
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Old 02-10-2008, 23:52   #18
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
The main point of this thread is not RAF wartime operations, it's the fact that the dog's name has been changed from Nigger to "Nidge". In the great scheme of things it didn't matter a damn, as you rightly indicate, but it happens to be what we're talking about.
Yes I know,but the fact remains that If you had a dog called Nigger and you moved to New York from England and lived in the Bronx you would I think be inclined to change It's name.

So I think the change is in the interest of racial harmony and not to detract from what was probably the most dangerous mission performed by the brave and courageous men of the RAF and others.
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Old 03-10-2008, 00:08   #19
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Presume you can still buy the original film (probably 'U' rated), and being shown on many TV networks, and without the dubbing out of the 'offensive' word, so what's the problem ?

Having said this, have just found :-

The Dam Busters (1955) - News
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Old 03-10-2008, 03:52   #20
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Yes I know,but the fact remains that If you had a dog called Nigger and you moved to New York from England and lived in the Bronx you would I think be inclined to change It's name.

So I think the change is in the interest of racial harmony and not to detract from what was probably the most dangerous mission performed by the brave and courageous men of the RAF and others.
"Racial harmoby"? What about historical accuracy. Why should one changes facts in order to pander to the sensitivities of minorities who, if you asked them, would probably not be offended by the dialogue in a holliwood movie?
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Old 03-10-2008, 04:37   #21
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
"Racial harmoby"? What about historical accuracy. Why should one changes facts in order to pander to the sensitivities of minorities who, if you asked them, would probably not be offended by the dialogue in a holliwood movie?
Well you live nearer than I do to 40 million of them but to me they are all human beings and have a right to life and a right to not be insulted.Quote; Mohamed Ali I will not go to Vietnam because none of them called me a nigger.everyone born has a right to exist some find It harder than others.
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Old 03-10-2008, 08:28   #22
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

As pointed out in this thread, political corectness is nothing new, as the original version of the film, when released in the U.S.A., had the dog's name redubbed as Trigger.
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Old 05-10-2008, 05:45   #23
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

i personally think its the right thing to do. not from a PC pOV though.

peter jackson the guy who made the lotr films has been looking to make this film with alot more accuracy than the original dambuster movie. back when the original was released alot of the actual details were still top secret which have since been declassified. and since the 617 featured aussie and kiwi airmen he'd long been told stories from school about this so he's quite keen on publicising the events to its best possible audience. and if that audience wants the word nigger out to get it the best rating then so be it.

should be great though - starts shooting early next year

Plans for Jackson's $US40 million movie about the the famous assault were announced in September 2006. Jackson, who is producing the Christian Rivers-directed film, has said shooting was possible this year.
British actor and writer Stephen Fry had written the script, a remake of the 1955 film The Dam Busters, but the cast still had to be announced.
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Old 07-10-2008, 15:27   #24
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

It is no secret that serviceman (and now women) have, over the years developed extreme linguistic versatility in their use of the F and other related anglo-saxon words. I have no doubt, therefore, that it would have been used in all it's variations at the time of the air assault on the German dams. However, I do not recall the word being used in the script of the 1950's film. To ensure authenticity, therefore, can we expect the F word to be used in the new film, if the N word is not to be so?
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Old 07-10-2008, 16:07   #25
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Re: Even Hollywood has gone PC

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
It is no secret that serviceman (and now women) have, over the years developed extreme linguistic versatility in their use of the F and other related anglo-saxon words. I have no doubt, therefore, that it would have been used in all it's variations at the time of the air assault on the German dams. However, I do not recall the word being used in the script of the 1950's film. To ensure authenticity, therefore, can we expect the F word to be used in the new film, if the N word is not to be so?
Well f*** me never thought of that Tealeaf
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