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25-11-2009, 09:39
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even more pointless crap in schools
now kids as young as 5 years old will be taught that domestic violence is wrong, what exactly does it acheive to teach a 5 year old not to smack tehir partner in the gob and even by teaching them that its wrong what exactly can a 5 year old do when they see it happening in the home and will a 5 year old actually understand or even remember the lessons later in life
Maybe teaching 15-16 year olds yes but 5 years old ?
i may be alone in thinking this but surely its not the schools duty to teach right and wrong in relationships and should concentrate on teaching lessons like math, physics, english etc etc
schools should not be a place where kids learn what their parents should be teaching them , it wont be long before schools will be teaching kids how to chew food properly or how to wipe their arses
before long there wont be time in teh school day to teach propper lessons
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
25-11-2009, 12:43
Coffin Dodger.
Re: even more pointless crap in schools
the only lesson that needs learning is by the "Courts" giving proper sentences to perpetraters of any violence. not community service, or tagging, etc etc.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
25-11-2009, 13:20
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
I think a combination of the two previous posts is what is required.
I may be wrong, and it may be more media nowadays, but has domestic violence not increased over the years, has violent crime not increased, has vandalism not increased - in my day you learnt the standard lessons at school and some behavioural aspects, but standards of behaviour was normally set by parents and relatives.
26-11-2009, 10:16
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Sad thing is that it has to be "taught" that something so obviously wrong is "wrong". And I still can't go along with this "get tough on crime" thing. The laws we have in place, and no doubt, you have similar laws too, are enough.
Domestic violience is a major problem in Canadian First Nations communities. Incarceration of the perps didn't seem to slow it down. But, since First Nations' Band Councils have started to deal with the problem in the community, involving family and friends of the accused and the victim, the problem is on the decline. I think that harsh punishment, in the form of long periods of incarceration, is the wrong way to go when dealing with domestic violence. It's a cop out. Sweeping the dirt under the rug.
26-11-2009, 10:43
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
my gripe is that it is in no way or any shape or form the schools problem especially a junior school infact not only that it isnt the schools place or teh govenments place to expose our children to teh world of domestic violence especially 5 year olds
i dont want my child coming home from school and asking questions about why a daddy attacks a mummy or vice versa which incidently seems to have been left out of teh equation because all teh excuses to justify teaching 5 year olds about domestic violence center around teh bloke smacking teh woman around but not one example that i have seen has shown a woman abusing a man so its already one sided and inaccurate
yes some children are exposed to domestic violence and if that child approaches a teacher then yes a teacher should go down the propper channels but i may be on my own here but i dont want my 5 year old knowing about such terrible things that happen in life at such an early age.Its hard enough as a parent to make our kids be aware of dangers already out there without scaring teh crap out of them and to teach them about domestic violence which to me is not really a thing that will effect them at 5 years old because i dare say at 5 years old they are a long way off been in a marrage, long term relationship or whatever
between pedophiles,domestic violence, sexually transmited disseases and god knows what else they try teaching our 5 year olds its a surprise any of them dare step foot out of teh house or dont get kept awake at night with nightmares
how about the govenment keeps its Fing noses out of parenting because from what stories have surfaced over teh years from their own behaviour and their own childrens behaviour they are in no position to tell us whats good or not for our kids
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 26-11-2009 at 10:45.
27-11-2009, 16:38
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
I think a combination of the two previous posts is what is required.
I may be wrong, and it may be more media nowadays, but has domestic violence not increased over the years, has violent crime not increased, has vandalism not increased - in my day you learnt the standard lessons at school and some behavioural aspects, but standards of behaviour was normally set by parents and relatives.
Standards set by example!
27-11-2009, 21:26
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
The way I caught it up here, though could be wrong it was women that were on the receiving end yet men can suffer as well.
28-11-2009, 18:05
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Originally Posted by webglynne
Standards set by example!
Very much so - never saw my Father raise his hand to my Mother and I have never raised my hand to - I would say lady, but better to say female I think - even though I consider all females to be ladies until proved otherwise.
28-11-2009, 22:04
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Very much so - never saw my Father raise his hand to my Mother and I have never raised my hand to - I would say lady, but better to say female I think - even though I consider all females to be ladies until proved otherwise.
A good n fair point
29-11-2009, 01:48
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Maybe they should teach philosophy to them. Applied ethics is mentally stimulating and you can cover a vast ground of topics which will help build life perspectives and opinions. Obviously it wouldn't be heavily based around theories and the complexities of philosophy, but to tie in the ideas of thinking objectively and subjectively and how to present an argument with the reasoning behind it is always a good skill to have an can be transferred in many academic subjects at school and in situations beyond that.
I think the problem is that school aren't thinking hard enough about how to fit in these lessons into traditional subjects. At school I had a lesson with my form tutor about things like ethnic minorities and respect and so on. It wasn't very often and I can't remember what they called the lesson now, but it was a good one that tied in well with the subject he happened to teach, which was geography.
I think older teachers manage much better than the younger ones to bring up these issues in the context of their normal teaching, which is why I personally think that teachers should have more life experience before being able to qualify as teachers. Young teachers can be just as good at teaching what they have to, but they often still have a lot to learn themselves about life before preaching to others.
29-11-2009, 02:08
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Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Originally Posted by blazey
Maybe they should teach philosophy to them. Applied ethics is mentally stimulating and you can cover a vast ground of topics which will help build life perspectives and opinions. Obviously it wouldn't be heavily based around theories and the complexities of philosophy, but to tie in the ideas of thinking objectively and subjectively and how to present an argument with the reasoning behind it is always a good skill to have an can be transferred in many academic subjects at school and in situations beyond that.
I think the problem is that school aren't thinking hard enough about how to fit in these lessons into traditional subjects. At school I had a lesson with my form tutor about things like ethnic minorities and respect and so on. It wasn't very often and I can't remember what they called the lesson now, but it was a good one that tied in well with the subject he happened to teach, which was geography.
I think older teachers manage much better than the younger ones to bring up these issues in the context of their normal teaching, which is why I personally think that teachers should have more life experience before being able to qualify as teachers. Young teachers can be just as good at teaching what they have to, but they often still have a lot to learn themselves about life before preaching to others.
Mancie makes more sense than you
29-11-2009, 09:43
Re: even more pointless crap in schools
Originally Posted by blazey
Young teachers can be just as good at teaching what they have to, but they often still have a lot to learn themselves about life before preaching to others.
I think that is true, after all how often do you get the older members on here suggesting to the younger ones that they have no life experience?
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