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Old 10-03-2005, 19:18   #1
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garinda's Avatar

Fags out.

Will it affect you when the new smoking ban in public places comes in soon. Are all non-smokers for it, or have you got used to a drink and a purple haze? Will the character of pubs be altered forever? ls it enforcable given all the strange ammendments about being 5 feet from the bar etc.?
l' ll be outside in my rainmate between drinks.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 10-03-2005, 19:21   #2
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stanerlee's Avatar

Re: Fags out.

it's annoying. i like to smoke whilst having a drink. how long have people been smoking whilst having a drink? for ever that's the answer.
another tony blair/ europe infringment on the man in the street if you ask me.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:28   #3
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Re: Fags out.

lt's worked in a Dublin suprisingly considering they like the crack over there.

It would never work in France, you can smoke everywhere, food shops, restaurants, maternity wards!

Vive La France!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 10-03-2005, 19:45   #4
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Re: Fags out.

this country needs to adopt the french bullish attitude.....
we'd be better off all round
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:46   #5
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Re: Fags out.

I like to smoke and love nothing better then a ciggie and a drink when i'm out. But as far as it affecting me when the smoking ban comes into force, i'll just go outside. Done it in Califonia and managed, so i'm sure i'll manage here. Already do it in a few restaurants and i manage there. Just hope they let us take our drinks outside as well.

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Old 10-03-2005, 19:50   #6
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Re: Fags out.

it's alright in california where the climates ok but how about standing on church st on a wet friday night. then there's the nightclub factor ie in,out,in,out, refused entry by some ape of a bouncer whilst your coat and girlfriend are still inside.
recipe for disaster.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:51   #7
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Re: Fags out.

Well being a non-smoker myself it wont affect me in the slightest, but to be honest im not really fussed about it all..... By the way it was no-smoking day yesterday, did any of you smokers abstain for the day?
Oh, look at my face, my name is might have been, my name is never was, my name's forgotten.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:51   #8
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Re: Fags out.

This Country would be a darned site better if the Government would get a grip and ban Smoking, Alcohol, and Football.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:54   #9
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Re: Fags out.

[QUOTE]This Country would be a darned site better if the Government would get a grip and ban Smoking, Alcohol, and Football.
well said THOTH, lets ban fun in general and all be machines. let's just give up the will to live.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:55   #10
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Re: Fags out.

I don't go to pubs very much, but that is mainly because when I come back I smell like an ashtray.

If that is how most other non-smokers feel, then the pubs are likely to start booming. All the people that stayed away because of the thick haze that perpetuated every pub will visit in their droves.
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 10-03-2005, 19:58   #11
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Re: Fags out.

i think everyone should give up smoking. and what of the lost billions in revenue?
tax increases? you none smokers would love that. lighter pockets because we all stubbed it out. oh the irony.
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Old 10-03-2005, 19:59   #12
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Re: Fags out.

I trust that is a sarcastic comment Thoth! I personally don't smoke but I do drink and watch football[sometimes I do both at the same time!] I have grown up surrounded by smokers and never had the slightest inclination to smoke.I feel that if people want to spend their money on fags and inevitably shorten their lives it is their choice;though i do hate the way my clothes and hair stink after being a bar! QUOTE=THOTH]This Country would be a darned site better if the Government would get a grip and ban Smoking, Alcohol, and Football.[/QUOTE]
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 10-03-2005, 20:07   #13

Re: Fags out.

I once heard the argument that a smoking ban is like trying to ban driving for fun. Both can be recreational activities that have the potential to harm others, but most of us would never give up one or the other, and don't feel we should be made to.
Driving polutes, and can possibly cause lung cancer, although the science is a bit hazy. Passive smoking is the same. Where is the logic in banning one but not the other?
I argued that roads are for cars, and the public can stay away from roads if they dont want the risk. But then, it was pointed out that could smokers not have a seperate room in a pub and co-exist freely?
It's such a complicated subject, and it was a stalemate argument.
But like you said, it works very well in Dublin. And the Mall in Blackburn, so I've heard. At least they don't have a smoke free shopping centre with a cafe in the middle that permits smoking!!!
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Old 10-03-2005, 20:21   #14
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Re: Fags out.

I hate going to pubs, as a non smoker myself i find it very unpleasent to breath in cigarette smoke.I won't allow smoking in my house.
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Old 10-03-2005, 20:21   #15
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Re: Fags out.

Originally Posted by stanerlee
it's alright in california where the climates ok but how about standing on church st on a wet friday night. then there's the nightclub factor ie in,out,in,out, refused entry by some ape of a bouncer whilst your coat and girlfriend are still inside.
recipe for disaster.
Get your drift about California. Don't go to nightclubs so that doesn't really bother me (selfish i know) As for Church St, well if it's raining tend to stop in the same pub, or not go out at all.

Please don't say it's a sign of age Doug. lol.

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