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Old 14-04-2005, 22:24   #31
Resident Waffler

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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Having looked at the one in full working glory and then gone and looked at Broadway I can't see it fitting there either. Those "gondolas" fling right out and up in the air! I wonder if PB has actually seen the thing in action.

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Old 14-04-2005, 22:32   #32
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

I was at the hair stylist today in Broadway and mentioned to the hair dresser what she had to look forward to outside the shop in May ......and her face was a picture! that is until anger kicked in!She was NOT a happy bunny...
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
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Old 14-04-2005, 22:40   #33
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

When is the actual date of this Mayor Making Ceremony?

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Old 15-04-2005, 18:17   #34
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
A-B I wonder if the £35,000 that Cllr Jones mentioned in another thread was something to do with hiring this ride and any other money to be wasted on the ceremony for swearing in the mayor?
No. It will show on the budget as 'Management Consultancy Fee's'
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Old 15-04-2005, 18:37   #35
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

how the hell is a fairground ride classed as management consultancy

if that is the case wouldnt there be a case of mismanagement of funds or fiddleing the books or whatever they call it
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Old 15-04-2005, 18:52   #36
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

The only worry I have [apart from people being decapitated,the cost,and customers not being able to get into my store!] is that fairs of any kind attract what I will call "undesirables" you know,the ones who wear lots of gold and offer to tarmac your drive way.....
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Old 15-04-2005, 19:42   #37
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Just done some rough calculations
20 (carriages) x 2 (people per carriage) x £2 (per person) = £80 per turn
£80 x 12 (turns per hour) x 5 hours per day x 3 days = £14,400

Even if they have it running for 8 hours a day it's still not going to make £35,000. So surely that's not the cost of bringing it over - no one would be that mad!

It would be interesting to know who's footing the bill and who's getting the profit.
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Old 15-04-2005, 19:48   #38
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

It's the most bonkers idea since the panopticon;hope it helps influence people's votes at the forthcoming election though,a vote for Britcliffe's bunch means an unprofitable fairground ride occupying the main street in our once proud town!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 15-04-2005, 20:06   #39
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Ultimately, even though I'm unsure about the costs I have to support this as an idea. If it attracts people into the town centre there is always chance that takings in the shops will increase whilst it's there. We're so quick to knock things because they're different but we should embrace anything that is an opportunity for something new, colourful and fun in the town - even if it is only for a few days.
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Old 15-04-2005, 20:19   #40
Accy Red

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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
Just done some rough calculations
20 (carriages) x 2 (people per carriage) x £2 (per person) = £80 per turn
£80 x 12 (turns per hour) x 5 hours per day x 3 days = £14,400

Even if they have it running for 8 hours a day it's still not going to make £35,000. So surely that's not the cost of bringing it over - no one would be that mad!
I was being sarcastic, I doubt even Britcliffe would be stupid enough to spend £35,000 on a ride but using your figures and Lindsey's observations I'm sure Britcliffe and the others who go to the "Mayors party" could easily get through the remaining £20,000 in free meals and drinks.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-04-2005, 20:20   #41
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
No. It will show on the budget as 'Management Consultancy Fee's'
So it's nothing to do the Mayor making weekend?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-04-2005, 20:47   #42
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
If it attracts people into the town centre there is always chance that takings in the shops will increase whilst it's there. .
yes takings will probaly increase

taking of even more stuff from the shops without paying for it

all i can say is ime not looking forward to shopping while it is on broadway having to push my way through even more gangs of teenage kids and chavs sipping on their bottles of WKD


i am not knocking this because it is different i quite like fairground rides

i am knocking it because it is yet another pathetic waste of OUR money which could be spent on better things like an extra policeman maybe or a few extra books for schools

anyway most of the people who pay their council tax will be at work so unable to use it so the majority of users will be the unemployed so in some strange way we are not only paying for it to be there but also paying the buggers ride fair to get on it via income support

boy am i in a grumpy mood tonight


when i have a go about the unemployed i do mean the ones who have no intention of ever working and see benefits as a career

those who have read my previous posts probably know what i mean by this but reading it for the first time could appear that i mean everyone who is unemployed which is not the case so sorry if anyone was offended by it but i assure you i mean only those who simply refuse to earn a living and have no intention to do nothing with their lives but scrounge of the rest of society

Last edited by chav1; 15-04-2005 at 22:09.
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Old 15-04-2005, 22:48   #43
I am Banned

Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
So it's nothing to do the Mayor making weekend?
The £35,000 spent by HBC with no return has nothing to do with the ride. The ride is just an election gimmick for the stupid. PB makes out this is part of the great Accrington revival. Here's me thinking its a fairground ride. Will it make bull***t go faster?

Here's this weeks news. £600,000 NM project still down the toilet. Todays meeting the 469th in 18 months and we are still in position A. Even Kasparov had more moves this side of the Great Plague.

I dispise quangos. Elevate must have the biggest bank of answering machines, probably so some invisible people can claim their wheelbarrow wages [with expenses of course] at the taxpayers expense only appearing on odd occasions to give a powerpoint presentation on how well things are going through their kaleidoscope.

Demolition in Phoenix. No not a clipping from the Daily Sport [or Daily Mail or Daily Express!], it actually happened. The demolition in Pearl Street was because a great HBC officer put his foot down and kicked arse.

Oh and there's a little proposal, accepted in principle by PB for a 20 classroom school, community centre, sports comples and mosque on Blackburn Rd. Well he has to accept it with Central Ward having two Asian Conservative Councillors. Where would we be with two Labour Councillors in Central, oh thats right the Tories would be out and we could start running Hyndburn properly. An event that should merit an entry in the Doomsday Book.

Anyway back to vote rigging... in Hyndburn.... Shirley not [THINK about it you Labour critics!!!!!!] Its basic maths...

There's a lot of funny business going on but its proving it.

Had to laugh. Even PB is voting for Colgate Tony, says he's [PB] doing his bit to keep the Conservatives in control in Hyndburn. Tony being the biggest vote winner for PB and Tory cronies having a Labour Govt. [Obviously doesnt think much of the electorate's intelligence or his own policies?]. Mind you there are some Conservatives [Thats with a big C or BNP] on AccyWeb who would struggle to work out what comes first, the cart or the horse.

And the biggest laugh of all... He explanied "After listening to the Labour Party Cllr Britcliffe Wardens are to be expanded throughout the borough [Labour has funding for 24], espcially good news for Rishton" he emphasised [ouch!!! did it hurt that much Peter!!].

Great News!!!

er... not so great..... It transpires...The 6 wardens funded till next year [6 have been given redundancy] will still work the 4 poor wards. 2 more have been saved making 8. well no, the poor wards still have 6, they have been misled. The other 2 are for the rest of the Borough, 11 wards. So good news, you might meet your new warden in your area sometime before 2012.

But fear not. They are moving Area Council funding to fund Wardens. [Background Info: Labour is to withdraw all funding from Area Councils to fund wardens]. Yes your right. One of the 2 officers who carries a mike during the meeting is to put on a flourescent jacket and patrol around the buidling for an hour.

Last edited by Graham Jones; 15-04-2005 at 23:03.
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Old 15-04-2005, 23:11   #44
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

Lets hope they put Britcliffe & his cohorts in for the first ride, set it on full speed & trust they havent tethered it down so it will take off & hopefully we will never see the lot of them again. Best thing that could happen to regenerate Accy. With them out of theway maybe we could restore some sense & pride back into the town.
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Old 15-04-2005, 23:13   #45
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Re: Fairground ride imported for Mayor making weekend in May

if the are building a mosque on blackburn road would i be correct in assuming they will be bulding it where the church once stood..?

if so what a clever move to destroy such an old piece of heritage for the sake of a mosque

why on earth should we pay for a mosque anyway people should be responsible for getting their own places of worship regarless of faith

didnt they already try opening a small all muslim school at the end of blackburn road that used to be the stag pub i think it was called and that as far as i can tell by looking at the outside looks unused

as for traffic wardens i can see the need for them in accrington town center ( as long as they do their job propperly) but rishton and the likes of great harwood etc cant justify the need for them except to create revenue
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