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Old 14-03-2006, 02:06   #61
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by Gayle
All I can do is ask you to read the following link. This explains how the suppliers are allowed to become suppliers.

If you have any proof that this is not being adhered to then I would be interested to know it.
I HAVE ONLY READ 2 PAGES OF this gayle! sorry about the capitals,fair trade? where does it come into the equasion pubs used to make a living out of selling beer !they then let every tom dick and harry sell it so what happens?they monopalise things and they buy in so much bulk you cant afford to keep up! soooooooooo you go bust look around you and see how many community pubs have shut......WHY?
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Old 14-03-2006, 02:13   #62
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

religion - let it be. no one knows what's out there so don't criticise something you don't understand. shakermaker.

You don't know whats out there either so what gives you the right to criticise me. Also where have I criticised religion, read it again properly and you'll see I've only criticised people, nowhere have I criticised a religion, and nowhere have I criticised anyone for believing in a religion or not believing for that matter. The only thing I've said is people don't look to religion for guidance, they do see what a council and councillors are doing though if they're telling you to do one thing and doing something opposite themselves. I have yet to recieve negative feed back where the person has actually bothered to read the posts that they're judging me on.
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Old 14-03-2006, 02:28   #63
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Religion? Let it be. You do not know better than anyone else what's out there so don't criticise something you don't understand.
Let people have their mystery - whatever way they want to go about it.

Sorry for going off thread - I don't know anything about local politics and to be honest I have given up trying to show any enthusiasm for it.
I'll be going now...
you don't know anything about religion either do you. no, because if you did you'd know that each criticises each other, and definately doesn't have the opinion of let it be. That is why I do not get involved and I do actually let it be. but what i won't do is keep quiet when I'm told people look to religion for guidence when the majority clearly do not, the facts that prove this are out there in society, vandalism, rape, murder, selfishness, or are you saying these people looked for moral guidence from religion. wake up and smell the free trade coffee, most people do not look to religion for moral guidance anymore. If anything they look to parents, friends and others in society, and the law not forgeting authorities.
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Old 14-03-2006, 03:57   #64
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by Madhatter
but what i won't do is keep quiet when I'm told people look to religion for guidence when the majority clearly do not
Try looking at the millions and millions of Catholics who look to the Pope for moral guidance, and instruction about how to live their lives.

Not forgetting Muslims, Methodists, Jews.....the list is endless.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 14-03-2006, 08:46   #65
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Hehehe, good thread. What I find a bit odd is the suggestion that it is taxpayer's money paying for the councillor's coffee....... None of our money should be spent on coffee. They should be doing the same as we do in the NHS. The nurses all contribute £1 per month to their own ward coffee fund. None of our coffee comes from taxpayer's money, neither should the council's..
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Old 14-03-2006, 09:42   #66
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by Gayle
Hyndburn is currently trying to achieve Fairtrade status and residents of Hyndburn are being asked to buy at least one item of Fairtrade goods each week to support this.
Originally Posted by Gayle
So, I've told you a few times that it's not Hyndburn Borough Council that's suggesting you buy Fairtrade stuff
Make your mind up. Are they or aren't they? Is it any wonder people get disillusioned with politics when this wannabe councillor cannot even be consistent in a thread on Accyweb.
Just a thought. If Garinda was a councillor would it be policy to use Camp coffee when on official HBC business?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 14-03-2006, 11:21   #67
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by yerself
Just a thought. If Garinda was a councillor would it be policy to use Camp coffee when on official HBC business?

No I'd serve something much more bitter, I'm sure you'd love it.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-03-2006, 11:47   #68
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by garinda
No I'd serve something much more bitter, I'm sure you'd love it.
I wasnt goingto ask but go on what would be served?

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Old 14-03-2006, 12:21   #69
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by yerself
Make your mind up. Are they or aren't they? Is it any wonder people get disillusioned with politics when this wannabe councillor cannot even be consistent in a thread on Accyweb.
Just a thought. If Garinda was a councillor would it be policy to use Camp coffee when on official HBC business?
Hyndburn as an area isn't all about the council. I have not been inconsistent whatsoever. Hyndburn - the area - is going for Fair trade status (this is not a council thing as I have said many times, it is Prospects Foundation that is going for it for Hyndburn the area).

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 14-03-2006, 12:31   #70
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by Gayle
Hyndburn as an area isn't all about the council. I have not been inconsistent whatsoever. Hyndburn - the area - is going for Fair trade status (this is not a council thing as I have said many times, it is Prospects Foundation that is going for it for Hyndburn the area).
If that's the case how does the Prospects Foundation know Hyndburn the area wants to become a fairtrade borough? Someone must have told them or do they just pick a borough from a hat and decide to go for it on their behalf?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 14-03-2006, 12:46   #71
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by lettie
The nurses all contribute £1 per month to their own ward coffee fund. None of our coffee comes from taxpayer's money, neither should the council's..
bloody disgusting , ime not kissing ass here but as a frequent visitor of hospitals i can say with certainty that nurses deserve a FREE brew at the very least

exept 1 particulay sister who shall remain nameless as i am about to go back in soon lol
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Old 14-03-2006, 13:34   #72
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight


A farce by the Prospect Foundation
throughout 2006
all day, every day
All over Hyndburn
Tickets - Who cares about the price? The ratepayer stumps up!
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Old 14-03-2006, 14:40   #73
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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by lettie
Hehehe, good thread. What I find a bit odd is the suggestion that it is taxpayer's money paying for the councillor's coffee....... None of our money should be spent on coffee. They should be doing the same as we do in the NHS. The nurses all contribute £1 per month to their own ward coffee fund. None of our coffee comes from taxpayer's money, neither should the council's..
Ok done that in the past but what about the bikkies??????

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Old 14-03-2006, 14:48   #74
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

We have to bring our own biccies...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 14-03-2006, 14:51   #75
God Member

Re: Fairtrade Fortnight

Originally Posted by garinda
Try looking at the millions and millions of Catholics who look to the Pope for moral guidance, and instruction about how to live their lives.

Not forgetting Muslims, Methodists, Jews.....the list is endless.
That is not the majority of this country. If the majority of this country look to religion for moral guidance then they must be givining out some pretty crap guidance thats very contradictive. As far as I know the catholic religion says your supposed to be married before sex, so how do you account for all the so called catholics that are single parents. Thats the complete opposite of the moral guidence the catholic church gives. Same with other religions. People pretend to be all religious and say im a catholic, etc, they never go to church, never pray, never do anything that the church says yet still say they look to the church for moral guidence. perhaps the mothers that tell the kids to fkin pack it in you little .. bet they say they're religious too. Perhaps the care workers that tortured the old dear in the news looked to the church for moral guidence, the must be religious, as they're carers. People say it but don't do it. people don't like the truth.
AND you missed off ronald mc donald off your list, and the head of the prospects foundation, he's a god, people are looking to him for moral guidence, and he says buy fair trade coffee.
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