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03-04-2012, 18:40
Resting in Peace
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by Wrighty
Nothing else better to say eh ? , Look if people want to believe the msm so be it , but at end of the day they are government run & will only tell you what the government want you yo know .. why do you think they are after locking down the internet ? because people are waking up to the corruption & the lies they spout!
Well its better being out in the open that being done clandestine like it has been done in the past, I honestly don't see the problem if you've nothing to hide they don't have the personnel to sort through everybody's email, texts, twitter or what ever and why would they want to, people are chasing shadows when there's no shadows to chase, plus the fact is there will be stringent regulations as well
03-04-2012, 18:43
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by jaysay
Well its better being out in the open that being done clandestine like it has been done in the past, I honestly don't see the problem if you've nothing to hide they don't have the personnel to sort through everybody's email, texts, twitter or what ever and why would they want to, people are chasing shadows when there's no shadows to chase, plus the fact is there will be stringent regulations as well
That stringent important personal documents can be dumped in bins as already has happened? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
03-04-2012, 18:46
Resting in Peace
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by cashman
That stringent important personal documents can be dumped in bins as already has happened? 
And has been happening for years, by irresponsible numpties who no politician can legislate for, but electronic mail is a different kettle of fish
03-04-2012, 18:55
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by jaysay
And has been happening for years, by irresponsible numpties who no politician can legislate for, but electronic mail is a different kettle of fish
Thats true the hackers find out much easier. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-04-2012, 08:58
Resting in Peace
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by cashman
That's true the hackers find out much easier. 
Well ya when some kid in his back bedroom can hack into the Pentagon, there's nothing really safe is there 
04-04-2012, 13:20
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
I wouldn't put anything past the Argies.
Or the yanks ... those sob's have tunnel vision when it comes to oil ... and, let's face it, they consider South and Central America to be well and truly in their sphere of influence.
04-04-2012, 13:31
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by jaysay
If you've nout to hide you've nout to bother about 
C'mon ... that's not the point ... it's too much like ditching the presumption of innocence. Sure, there are those out there planning terrorist attacks. But why waste time and resources monitoring the probably innocent, while the bad guys go ahead with their plans. What could be done, in all countries in danger of attacks from Islamic militants, is to target dodgey Islamist organizations. Forget the PC garbage, and monitor likely sources of problems. I don't see many problems emmanating from radical C of E adherents or Conservative riding assosciations.
And, shouldn't that be "nowt"  
04-04-2012, 15:31
Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by Eric
C'mon ... that's not the point ... it's too much like ditching the presumption of innocence. Sure, there are those out there planning terrorist attacks. But why waste time and resources monitoring the probably innocent, while the bad guys go ahead with their plans. What could be done, in all countries in danger of attacks from Islamic militants, is to target dodgey Islamist organizations. Forget the PC garbage, and monitor likely sources of problems. I don't see many problems emmanating from radical C of E adherents or Conservative riding assosciations.
And, shouldn't that be "nowt"  
If they are able to monitor everyone then no individual group could argue they were being targeted.
Those with someone to hide would just find another way to communicate.
I think email encryption would start to become a lot more common as well.
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04-04-2012, 15:41
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Re: Falklands will it happen again
Originally Posted by Neil
If they are able to monitor everyone then no individual group could argue they were being targeted.
Every individual group could argue they were being targeted, as could every individual! Use the wrong 'trigger' word, name or phrase and your details would leap out on a screen as requiring investigation.
They couldn't constantly monitor all of us but they could easily highlight those they thought they should!
Some of the posters on Accyweb would leap out on a few screens!
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