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Old 10-01-2010, 18:38   #136
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
By the liberal elite are you talking about the Guardian and Independent readers Wyn
Oi, don't tar us all with the same brush, fascist!

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Old 11-01-2010, 00:38   #137
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
The Guardian and Indie readers amongst others, along with the heirarchy of both major parties.

They're totally out of touch with the vast majority of ordinary people in this country. When you get someone like Garinda, who doesn't have a racist bone in his body and is probably one of the most open-minded people I know, saying something like this...

...then you know that folk are really getting fed up.

What the idiots don't want to understand is that the situation plays right into the hands of those with a racist agenda and makes things considerably more difficult for law-abiding, hardworking immigrants who just want to get on with their lives.

Yes I, like many, am totally fed up.

My anger isn't really aimed at the fanatics themselves. It's the wishy-washy, mealy-mouthed, bend-over backwards, lily-livered, translate every damn form into numerous languages, establishment, that are too afraid to curb their excesses.

Too afraid that they might be deemed 'racist', or 'intolerant' of any religion, other than Christianity.

People, people of all backgrounds, who are totally sick and fed up.

Fed up of this patronising guff from our so called leaders.

Guff that doesn't breed tolerance and harmony, but isolation, fear, and hate.

Nevermind that some of the people they care most about are actually breaking the law in what they 'preach', or that some are seeking an end to freedom and democracy, and an end to equality for women, and the freedom of expression of various minorities, they'd happily watch hanged in football stadiums.

Three times Jack Straw was asked on Question Time, whether the government of the last twelve years had any responsibility for the rise in support for the B.N.P.

Three times the weak little coward refused to answer.

Three more nails knocked into the coffin of the main political parties who ignore these very real worries at their peril.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-01-2010, 01:01   #138
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Yes I, like many, am totally fed up.

My anger isn't really aimed at the fanatics themselves. It's the wishy-washy, mealy-mouthed, bend-over backwards, lily-livered, translate every damn form into numerous languages, establishment, that are too afraid to curb their excesses.

Too afraid that they might be deemed 'racist', or 'intolerant' of any religion, other than Christianity.

People, people of all backgrounds, who are totally sick and fed up.

Fed up of this patronising guff from our so called leaders.

Guff that doesn't breed tolerance and harmony, but isolation, fear, and hate.

Nevermind that some of the people they care most about are actually breaking the law in what they 'preach', or that some are seeking an end to freedom and democracy, and an end to equality for women, and the freedom of expression of various minorities, they'd happily watch hanged in football stadiums.

Three times Jack Straw was asked on Question Time, whether the government of the last twelve years had any responsibility for the rise in support for the B.N.P.

Three times the weak little coward refused to answer.

Three more nails knocked into the coffin of the main political parties who ignore these very real worries at their peril.
I will and do agree with Garinda but so often watch programmes like UK Border Control and wonder (no know why there are so many fighting to get into the UK?). Is it not time that things changed? I am not talking about people that want to enter the UK legally but the people who are going out of their way to get here illegally? Is it not time that our border agencies knew which colleges/universities were/are recognized in this country of ours? It seems nobody wants to take a count of who is entering our country, is it not time we asked for an honest answer?????
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:12   #139
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
I will and do agree with Garinda but so often watch programmes like UK Border Control and wonder (no know why there are so many fighting to get into the UK?). Is it not time that things changed? I am not talking about people that want to enter the UK legally but the people who are going out of their way to get here illegally? Is it not time that our border agencies knew which colleges/universities were/are recognized in this country of ours? It seems nobody wants to take a count of who is entering our country, is it not time we asked for an honest answer?????
The totally lax security we have is another bug bear.

Nevermind the open borders across Europe policy, with people who've never paid a penny, now able to move here and claim social benefits.

An illegal immigrant and failed asylum seeeker, kills a child in Blackburn, in a hit and run 'accident', and is still here, and now has the right to remain here?

What a total load of Jackson Pollocks!

Sometime last year I wrote about a film about the Morecambe Bay cockle pickers tragedy. The very few survivors rescued, all illegal immigrants, were held in an unsecured detention centre....and all ran off. Meaning there were no witnesses to help prosecute the people traffickers who'd brought them here.

If it wasn't so saddeningly real, it'd be almost funny.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-01-2010, 01:19   #140
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
It seems nobody wants to take a count of who is entering our country, is it not time we asked for an honest answer?????
If a former Home Secretary like Jack Straw, can sit there and not tell the truth, when it's patently obvious to any fool that the system is majorly flawed, I think it's highly unlikely any mainstream politicans are capable of being honest.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-01-2010, 01:22   #141
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Re: fanatics

i to watch the border progs, also the customs etc in britain, they catch n illegal n then cannot deport em, if they just say "I Lost My Passport" so then the good ole british public pays to keep em. if that aint rubbin us noses in it, i don't know what is? but then these people aint fanatics, just another reason folk are so pished off.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 11-01-2010 at 01:24.
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:26   #142
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
The totally lax security we have is another bug bear.

Nevermind the open borders across Europe policy, with people who've never paid a penny, now able to move here and claim social benefits.

An illegal immigrant and failed asylum seeeker, kills a child in Blackburn, in a hit and run 'accident', and is still here, and now has the right to remain here?

What a total load of Jackson Pollocks!

Sometime last year I wrote about a film about the Morecambe Bay cockle pickers tragedy. The very few survivors rescued, all illegal immigrants, were held in an unsecured detention centre....and all ran off. Meaning there were no witnesses to help prosecute the people traffickers who'd brought them here.

If it wasn't so saddeningly real, it'd be almost funny.
Yep but it just about sums up our "security levels" in this country where security is "tight". Calais and any other borders are laughable to me(although the resources do their best). Perhaps the powers that be be they Tory,Labour, Liberal or any other party might look into why getting into the UK is preferable to staying in any of the other EU countries they have passed through on their way here??? The way the benefits system works would not be anything to do with it would it????
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:33   #143
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i to watch the border progs, also the customs etc in britain, they catch n illegal n then cannot deport em, if they just say "I Lost My Passport" so then the good ole british public pays to keep em. if that aint rubbin us noses in it, i don't know what is? but then these people aint fanatics, just another reason folk are so pished off.
Sorry Cashy but you always say "say it as you see it", well watching these programmes I see far to many trying to get entry into the UK without honest reasons, and yes I do wonder about all the colleges and universities that our passport controls don't know about. Time we all opened our eyes to the threats around us IMHO
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:35   #144
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Re: fanatics

cancelled !!

Islamist Group Islam4UK Cancels Plans To Hold March Through Town Of Wootton Bassett | UK News | Sky News
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 11-01-2010, 01:35   #145
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Re: fanatics

Not wanting to get party political, but after criticising the last three governments, the major opposition party seems just as scared of not being politically correct, and afraid of being seen as intolerant.

'Five months ago, a Tory candidate in Birmingham, Nigel Hastilow, was forced to step down by David Cameron for saying Powell was right that uncontrolled immigration would change Britain irrevocably.'
BBC NEWS | UK | Britons fear race violence - poll

So any dissent is to be quashed, even if true, and not in itself racist, yet preachers of hate are allowed to carry on saying whatever vile things they like?

No wonder so many people apparently fear for the future.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:11   #146
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Not wanting to get party political, but after criticising the last three governments, the major opposition party seems just as scared of not being politically correct, and afraid of being seen as intolerant.

'Five months ago, a Tory candidate in Birmingham, Nigel Hastilow, was forced to step down by David Cameron for saying Powell was right that uncontrolled immigration would change Britain irrevocably.'
BBC NEWS | UK | Britons fear race violence - poll

So any dissent is to be quashed, even if true, and not in itself racist, yet preachers of hate are allowed to carry on saying whatever vile things they like?

No wonder so many people apparently fear for the future.
If Nigel Hastilow was forced to step down for only that quote, then that is interesting. It's interesting because yesterday Cameron announced a new policy to limit immigration to 'the tens of thousands rather than hundreds of thousands' which is a significant drop. Combined with the point system, controlled immigration you might say.
formerly cyfr
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:13   #147
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
I will and do agree with Garinda but so often watch programmes like UK Border Control and wonder (no know why there are so many fighting to get into the UK?). Is it not time that things changed? I am not talking about people that want to enter the UK legally but the people who are going out of their way to get here illegally? Is it not time that our border agencies knew which colleges/universities were/are recognized in this country of ours? It seems nobody wants to take a count of who is entering our country, is it not time we asked for an honest answer?????
It too often watch that program Bernie, it points out bogus colleges, usually of some takeaway, then there are the bogus marriages, an example of which we've been told about on this very web site only very recently, I wonder what is so very popular about this country which makes asylum seekers travel through numerous other counties but only want asylum in this country
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:16   #148
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Oi, don't tar us all with the same brush, fascist!

it's not me that's the fascist, shaker, its the Guardian reading fascist left where the problem lies
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Old 11-01-2010, 11:18   #149
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Re: fanatics

'54% of Britons polled resenting the legal right of EU citizens to work in Britain.'

'Most (MPs) say "it's complicated" and lower their voices. Migration has crept back up the list of hot-button issues since Labour opened the door to an unexpectedly large wave of eastern Europeans who joined the EU in 2004. Just 6% thought it a major issue in 1998, 42% last year, says Ipsos/Mori.'
Michael White: Labour still running into trouble over immigration | Comment is free | The Guardian

With such obvious fears, I'm honestly suprised that no major political party sees this as a massive potential vote winner, rather than fannying about with policies that the majority of the electorate couldn't give a fig for, leaving the extremist parties to continue gathering support.

Sadly they prefer to continue blindly following their politically corect doctrine, blissful in the knowledge they aren't 'racist' or culturally intolerant.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-01-2010, 11:26   #150
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
'54% of Britons polled resenting the legal right of EU citizens to work in Britain.'

'Most (MPs) say "it's complicated" and lower their voices. Migration has crept back up the list of hot-button issues since Labour opened the door to an unexpectedly large wave of eastern Europeans who joined the EU in 2004. Just 6% thought it a major issue in 1998, 42% last year, says Ipsos/Mori.'
Michael White: Labour still running into trouble over immigration | Comment is free | The Guardian

With such obvious fears, I'm honestly suprised that no major political party sees this as a massive potential vote winner, rather than fannying about with policies that the majority of the electorate couldn't give a fig for, leaving the extremist parties to continue gathering support.

Sadly they prefer to continue blindly following their politically corect doctrine, blissful in the knowledge they aren't 'racist' or culturally intolerant.
if that don't just sum em up, they are racist, but are to stupid to see it, the fact ya said in last paragraph, causes resentment, n bad karma to ALL immigrants in the minds of those who aint so bright, these cretins are near as bad as the "Real Racists" IMHO
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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