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Old 03-01-2010, 09:00   #46
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Sadly i can only see 2 possible reasons why some people have not commented about this outrage,(1) they don't give a monkeys. (2) they must agree wi the P.C./ Do-Gooders, n think its fine to go ahead wi this demo. hope i am wrong,
If this is the case then we are in a big pile of cow muck. The bit that gets my goat is that the P.C brigade think they have the right to tell us how to think and behave. It is though they believe we are unable to think about or make choices for ourselves. It is this kind of attitude that makes matters worse and helps inflate the tensions we have. Those that might not give a monkeys are sitting in la la land thinking the world is perfect with no conflicts or war.

If an anti demo demo went ahead (doubt it though) then it would be in the eyes of some that the anti demo demo would be the cause of any trouble that might flare up. It seems to be that they dare not nip actions like this in the bud so that it dosnt flare up. They are rantings and ravings about what this country is doing and that to the thinking of a very small minority we should be punished. Yet these same people like the idea that they can have a demo that is our right when it suits. Stinks of double standards.

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:21   #47
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Re: fanatics

The most galling think is that these people(was searching for a better word, but think it would have been censored) are even thinking of blighting the people of Wootton Bassett with any sort of demo. They turn out in force come rain or shine, to honor our lads who have fallen in battle, nobody as ever asked them to do it, they do it out of respect, and for these cretins to target them is the lowest of the low
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:30   #48
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Re: fanatics

Makes me wonder if they like the idea of Muslim countries having dictators. Yet these are people that have fled tyranny to have a better life. Many do settle and are happy but yet again the very very small minority blight them and the beliefs. It is getting to the stage that it is starting to look like the infamous Spanish Inquisition or is that my imagination?

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Old 03-01-2010, 10:50   #49
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Re: fanatics

Spuggie, please do not jinx Spain with the Inquisition. I have not heard any racism, it is peaceful and idyllic. Oh yes, and sunny
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Old 03-01-2010, 11:11   #50
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by vera View Post
Spuggie, please do not jinx Spain with the Inquisition. I have not heard any racism, it is peaceful and idyllic. Oh yes, and sunny

Sorry Vera I was using it as a point of reference based on what happened in them dark days. At least Spain left all that religious crud behind. There were other countries at it as well in one form and another France and Holland I think but that was several hundred years later and also England under Queen Mary I. Yet it seems we have not learned from the past and are heading down that dark road again.

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Old 03-01-2010, 11:37   #51
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Sadly i can only see 2 possible reasons why some people have not commented about this outrage,(1) they don't give a monkeys. (2) they must agree wi the P.C./ Do-Gooders, n think its fine to go ahead wi this demo. hope i am wrong,
One of the reasons why is that the Guardian-reading, bleeding heart liberal brigade refuse to condemn anyone who is a muslim, even fascist islamists like this. It's considered not quite the done thing.

If this march does go ahead, you won't see any leftwing protests against it or agonised letters in the liberal press, as you would against a rightwing extremist protest.

As for the government standing up to the terrorists, you must be joking. They're even using our money to fund them!

Detroit bomber's mentor continues to influence British mosques and universities - Telegraph
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:22   #52
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Re: fanatics

A friend of mine who is training in the British Army sent me the link to the website that was set up for this 'cause'. Needless to say it knocked us both sick; the language and aggression shown made it clear that the only reason for setting this website up is to spark racial hatred and violence. The only thing that makes it more sad is the fact that they are doing this in the name of the innocent deceased, who they clearly do not care about at all.
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Old 03-01-2010, 14:29   #53
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
A friend of mine who is training in the British Army sent me the link to the website that was set up for this 'cause'. Needless to say it knocked us both sick; the language and aggression shown made it clear that the only reason for setting this website up is to spark racial hatred and violence. The only thing that makes it more sad is the fact that they are doing this in the name of the innocent deceased, who they clearly do not care about at all.
Agree Shaker but the 64.000 dollar question remains, What n When will "ANY" british goverment do anything about this problem?
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Old 03-01-2010, 19:34   #54
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Re: fanatics

Think it's disgusting if this march is allowed to go ahead. Just leave's me speachless that some group are allowed to organize such a thing. If it was the other way round i am sure that we would be prosecuted for stirring up racial hatered, discrimination or such like. (Can't really express how i feel but it is one of disgust and disbelief.)

But for some reason i have a feeling someone will step in and it won't be allowed, after all we are in an election year and the goverment will be after every vote they can get.

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Old 04-01-2010, 14:00   #55
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Re: fanatics

personally i think its a good idea having these extreemist idiots all in one place at a specific time and date.

anyone else seeing teh potential for a wide spread firing weapon here
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Old 04-01-2010, 23:14   #56
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Re: fanatics

Sad sad state of affairs, one of those lads brought home last September was a friend, and the job I do at present working with the families brings you really close to the Heartbreak and upset, these incidents cause. I find it unbelievable that a government who condones the sending of our troops to another mans war, can stand by so passively and let these A***H**** get away with this atrocious behavior. Is it any wonder there is so much hatred ? I suppose living over here prevents me getting into trouble in UK, because I'm damn sure I know what I'd be doing to these people and their protests.
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Old 04-01-2010, 23:44   #57
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Re: fanatics

Funnily enough Gordon Brown condemed this protest on the evening news tonight, Did NOT actually say he was banning it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-01-2010, 00:23   #58
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Funnily enough Gordon Brown condemed this protest on the evening news tonight, Did NOT actually say he was banning it.

I see that Alan Johnson the Home Secretary has said tonight that he would support any request from the Local Authority or the Police to have the march banned.
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Old 05-01-2010, 00:28   #59
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I see that Alan Johnson the Home Secretary has said tonight that he would support any request from the Local Authority or the Police to have the march banned.
Fair enough Bernard, but i would have expected the P.M. to make that statement.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-01-2010, 00:35   #60
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Re: fanatics

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Fair enough Bernard, but i would have expected the P.M. to make that statement.

I think it's the Home Office that deals with demonstrations and public order issues.
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