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Old 22-02-2005, 15:15   #16
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Re: Fat police?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I agree with much of what has already been said. The chap himself and his mother were interviewed on the radio at lunchtime and they both said that before he was carted away they had been working it out together and with a tremendous effort of will and by keeping food away from him he was fighting to control the urge to eat despite constantly feeling hungry. If he went out he didn't take any money so that he couldn't nip into shops to buy food. He was and is active and trying very hard to take control of his own life when suddenly he was whipped away like a criminal.

He had weighed 31 stone. He was put into a hospital with people who have mental illnesses despite the fact that Prader-Willi is not a mental illness but the most ludicrous part of the thing is that they didn't prevent him eating whilst he was there (about a week) and now he weights 33 stone!
What a shame the authorities really do have a lot to answer for!!

Last edited by Tinkerbelle; 22-02-2005 at 15:46.
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Accrington Web
Old 22-02-2005, 18:21   #17
Resting in peace
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Re: Fat police?

We are back to where we were about 50 years ago - if you don't like what they are doing, lock 'em up.

It is only about 50 years ago that a woman could be sent to a mental institution for life for having an illegitimate child. By doing so, she was classed as a "moral defective" and could be sectioned without release. There are probably still a few women left in institutions, or now being shoved out into the community to cope as best they can, for just that reason. Funnily enough, the man who got her pregnant was never classed as a moral defective. Strange, that, isn't it.

On this occasion Chris's family made a lot of noise, assisted by many other people. What if this happens to someone who has no close family to raise a stink? Quis custodiet?

I am becoming increasingly worried by the nanny state - too much is being taken away from us, and handed over to social workers who are the very last people who should be allowed to meddle in other people's lives - half of them have little or no training, just a deep desire to interfere and to compensate for their own inadequacies by bossing other people about!
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Old 22-02-2005, 18:35   #18
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Re: Fat police?

Originally Posted by pendy
I am becoming increasingly worried by the nanny state - too much is being taken away from us, and handed over to social workers who are the very last people who should be allowed to meddle in other people's lives - half of them have little or no training, just a deep desire to interfere and to compensate for their own inadequacies by bossing other people about!
No, I think they have the "paper qualifications" cause a lot are straight from Uni, what they are lacking is experience in life, which is something you can't be taught in a classroom.

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Old 22-02-2005, 19:33   #19
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Re: Fat police?

Hehehehe, I once remember an old psychiatric nurse acquaintance of mine telling me that there were no such thing as social problems in this country until they invented social workers....
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 22-02-2005, 19:38   #20
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Re: Fat police?

Originally Posted by lettie
Hehehehe, I once remember an old psychiatric nurse acquaintance of mine telling me that there were no such thing as social problems in this country until they invented social workers....
TRUE...............VERY TRUE

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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