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Old 31-10-2004, 23:02   #1
Senior Member+
mani's Avatar

feel sorry for london kids...

my nephew from london came to stay with us for the week and he was hangin with my other neph from accy...

the london one always acts as if he's cool, the rudeboy/gangsta type whilst the accy one is alot more down to earth or common as muck as they say

one day the accy one was takin his bike out for a ride and the london one asked him oh u taking your bike out?? who do u cycle with or go out with?

my accy neph answered no one i go alone...

my london neph hearing this was aghast. really?! no way!! man i can never do that even if i was riding my bike infront of my house someone would rob me!

poor kids...

accy 1 - 0 london
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Accrington Web
Old 31-10-2004, 23:35   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: feel sorry for london kids...

Originally Posted by mani
accy 1 - 0 london
It's when you hear things like that it makes you realise how lucky we are in comparison. I hope Accy never gets that bad.

Sadly it seems that everywhere is becoming worse. When my parents were younger they said no-one ever locked their doors and neighbours would just pop in and out.

When I was in Ireland they didn't even have locks on the doors and one day as we were leaving the house I said something about locking the door and the reply was "sure and if we did that how would anybody ever get in when we weren't there?" It was quite normal for neighbours to pop in and leave a casserole or a cake!

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Old 01-11-2004, 15:33   #3
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Re: feel sorry for london kids...

its like in the docu-film bowling for colombine - when micheal moore goes to canada and finds that the rumours that canadians dont lock their front doors is true

i still, in the summer leave my door wide open despite being on a main rd... simply cuz ppl i know wud keep an eye out. a few times when we've had to go away for the weekend and our neightbours realise that we're not home they'll send their sons to check up thru the windows and the back garden - makin sure the doors are locked etc..
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 01-11-2004, 22:37   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: feel sorry for london kids...

It's good to have neighbours like that. We've had a mixed assortment of neighbours next door, some of whom I wouldn't be surprised if they took advantage of knowing someone was away on holiday.

One lot was a bunch of students who played music at all hours (about the same volume you'd need in the Albert Hall judging by the way it vibrated the walls) keeping us awake all night. In the summer they would sit outside in the (very small) front garden getting drunk and progressivly more aggressive.

Mind you some of the neighbours have been very nice too and I have been sorry to see them go. Hopefully we'll get some nice ones next time.

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Old 08-11-2004, 18:18   #5

Re: feel sorry for london kids...

poor london guy
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