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23-02-2007, 12:50
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finally 18 months of fighting is over.
about 18 months ago we had a young lass with a young baby move in next door but one.
and it all went downhill from there.
since then we have had partys going on untill the small hours (normally ending up in drunken brawls and arguments in the street
ive had four cars vandalised which i have had to pay for
not to mention the loss of sleep and stress that this has caused
now finally after 18 months of fighting with the police and the asbo unit she has been given a 2 month eviction notice (as they had already given her an asbo and that was about as much use as a chocolate fireguard)
and the delay in doing something? because the landlord wasn't aware of his complete responsibilities and had to be bullied into serving the notice
along with full police escort and asbo team!
peace and quiet at last.
well untill the next peasant moves in so the landlord can get his rent paid from the dss.
23-02-2007, 13:08
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
I think it must be one of the relatives that lives next door to me. They don't seem to realise that some people actually work during the day and try to sleep at night. Suppose it's my fault for trying to be normal in this day and age 
23-02-2007, 13:11
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
Just hope they don't move near me now
23-02-2007, 13:14
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
How she have partys with a baby in the house?
some people get me so mad, dont deserve kids!!!!!!!!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
23-02-2007, 13:56
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
We have had 3 lots thrown out up here but the council always put in more.  They think that if they disperse these people instead of keeping them in one area everything will be tickity boo. I work shifts and do some weekends and its a pain if you are early start on a Sat/Sun and these inconsiderate people are at it until 4 or 5 in the morning.
23-02-2007, 13:58
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
thanks god I dont have any like that on my street, luckly ours is peaceful
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
23-02-2007, 14:21
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
My dreadful neighbours moved out about 12 months ago and I have never been so glad to see anyone go. I vowed that the next people to move in and have wild parties every weekend with small kids in the house, I would report to Social Services. Thankfully the house has been taken over by a new landlord who my neighbours and I managed to collar and have a little word with. He has moved an Eastern European couple in who have a small baby. They work hard and the best thing of all is....... they are quiet.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
23-02-2007, 14:23
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
i have only 1 neighbour as i live in a semi, he's horrible, always arguing with me, never lets me play loud music, always shouts at me if i tell my son off, god anyone would think he was my dad  (he is)
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
23-02-2007, 14:52
I am Banned
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
my old neighbour was a disabled man and played music until 5am day in and day out and no matter how many times i rang the land lord and council they simply didnt want to know mainly because he had a do gooder carer and the understanig ,sympathy etc that he got because he was disabled , the fact that i worked shifts 6 -2 , 2-10 and my partner worked full time was irrelivant , it was even irrelivant that after i came home after surgery for cancer and my partner had to work while pregnant and even after the baby was born the music , screaming and fighting still was by all counts acceptable because the poor neighbour of mine was DISABLED
now i know we should all be understanding to people less fortunate but to me been an ALCHOLIC is not a disability 
23-02-2007, 15:06
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
So pleased for you Jedi, hope your next neighbour is better behaved, I cant think of anything worse than a noisy neighbour.
23-02-2007, 16:17
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Re: finally 18 months of fighting is over.
Back in the days when I rented a flat, I had a young neighbor who played heavy metal music until the wee hours. Not I said changed his behavior. Nothing, that is, until I decided to start getting up at 6 AM and playing opera at highly "appropriate" levels. When the young man protested that it was waking him, I simply explained that I was only doing as he did - playing any music I wanted to hear, at the volume and hour I wanted. He quickly figured out that his sleep was more important than his lack of manners. Problem solved!
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