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15-02-2012, 03:12
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
i still reakon more folk are killed by people driving ill maintained cars and dangerous driving than TB in hyndburn
i rang up lancashire country council and was told that cameras that catch red light jumpers had been removed from where they had been because they were causing accidents.Apparently when somone jumped a red light they slammed on when flashed by the camera and the car behind was hitting them causing an accident.
now im no mathamatical genius but if a car jumps a red light and the car behind it hits it when it slams on i can only assume that the second car jumped the red light even later than the first car.If either of them get seriously hurt they have no one to blame but themselves but instead the cameras are removed so thay can jump red lights safely ?
im no way defending gobbing i just dont think its that big an issue its not as though were wading through rivers of phlem.
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 15-02-2012 at 03:19.
15-02-2012, 09:42
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by katex
Which part of TB do you not understand, Cayman ?
This is not about increasing the Council's purse, but the Nation's Health.
We are now all aware, that due to Immigration, this once eradicated disease, is again threating us. Do you put a price on this against people keeping their fog lights on ? I know I don't.
Only last year my granddaughter was sought out urgently by medical authorities because she had been in close contact with a sufferer. Fortunately, tests proved she was O.K., but another contact wasn't.
She had been out of the time for the BCG vaccination, but daughter contacted the Ministry of Health previously to insist she had it and won .. good job,eh ?
The worst case of spitting I have come across is when certain customers of mine (of another culture), would spit in the waste paper bin in front of me .... nearly joined them to vomit ... dirty sods.
Anyway, don't misread the signs ... LOL. x
Attachment 19077
I was once in ICU for 24hrs Kate, I was then moved to an ordinary chest ward, the day after disease control were at my bedside taking swabs from my skin and nose, because somebody was in the ICU as the same time as me with virulent strain of TB, its a bit airy for a few days waiting to see if your clear, lets face it TB was something I didn't really need. Seeing TB was once nearly eradicated in the country, my consultant is a leading figure into the treatment prevention of TB, what next Smallpox
15-02-2012, 14:16
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
I think we all know why TB is showing its face again and it isnt just because of spitting its because immigration has become so relaxed and people are coming in from places rife with dissease with no attempt by their governments to stop it like ours did.
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
15-02-2012, 18:34
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by accyman
I think we all know why TB is showing its face again and it isnt just because of spitting its because immigration has become so relaxed and people are coming in from places rife with dissease with no attempt by their governments to stop it like ours did.
Think your quite right Accyman, when I've been in hospital and there have been cases of TB it is usually Asians or people with Asian connections at have it
15-02-2012, 22:33
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
From contacts over recent years with British farmers, they put the rise in cases of TB down to new wildlife conservation policies which protect badgers. TB has a serious effect economically on Dairy farmers.
In Italy any rise in cases has been put down to uncontrolled immigration -in particular from the Indian sub-continent where TB is still rife...here most of the men working as milkers in the dairy industry are from India.
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16-02-2012, 09:31
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by mobertol
From contacts over recent years with British farmers, they put the rise in cases of TB down to new wildlife conservation policies which protect badgers. TB has a serious effect economically on Dairy farmers.
In Italy any rise in cases has been put down to uncontrolled immigration -in particular from the Indian sub-continent where TB is still rife...here most of the men working as milkers in the dairy industry are from India.
Mobertol, there were badgers running around our country side when TB was all but eradicated, so I don't subscribe to this theory about badgers being responsible, as you've said its still rife in the Indian subcontinent, and we've had an open border policy for years, I know what I blame for the rise and it ain't Mr badger running down county lanes 
16-02-2012, 16:30
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
I totally agree with Jaysay. Leave our badgers alone. And tackle the true problem.
16-02-2012, 16:53
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Some people claim that badgers spread bovine TB to cows, but it has not been proven.
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Q&A: Bovine tuberculosis
"Bovine TB can be passed on to humans but instances of this happening are very rare, mainly due to the introduction of pasteurised milk"
Bovine TB can only be spread to humans by drinking unpasteurised, infected milk.
So clearly human TB is different from bovine TB.
Various forms of TB infect humans, One affects neck glands and is called Scrofula. My brother had it as a child in the 1940s.
16-02-2012, 17:43
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by jaysay
I agree with you if it's on pavement, but if your caught out and have no tissues I think spitting on a patch of soil behind vegetation is OK! It's those that spit in public on the public highway that should be fined!
16-02-2012, 17:46
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by mobertol
From contacts over recent years with British farmers, they put the rise in cases of TB down to new wildlife conservation policies which protect badgers. TB has a serious effect economically on Dairy farmers.
In Italy any rise in cases has been put down to uncontrolled immigration -in particular from the Indian sub-continent where TB is still rife...here most of the men working as milkers in the dairy industry are from India.
Can't say I've seen any spitting badgers down the high-street of late? 
16-02-2012, 18:42
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by kestrelx
I agree with you if it's on pavement, but if your caught out and have no tissues I think spitting on a patch of soil behind vegetation is OK! It's those that spit in public on the public highway that should be fined!
Well as one who has quite a few problems chest wise, I don't really go out without tissues in my pocket for that reason, surely its not rocket science to know that if your producing phlegm because, your having chest problems that tissues are a must when venturing out of your door
16-02-2012, 18:44
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Can't say I've seen any spitting badgers down the high-street of late? 
Once saw a spitting cobra in a zoo, but it wasn't phlegm it was spitting 
16-02-2012, 19:52
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
I personally don't think there's ever an excuse for spitting in public it's just not an acceptable thing to do under any circumstances.
16-02-2012, 20:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Originally Posted by annesingleton
I personally don't think there's ever an excuse for spitting in public it's just not an acceptable thing to do under any circumstances.
You are beginning to repeat yourself, which is also an illmannered thing to do in public.
Originally Posted by annesingleton
Quite right Jaysay, no excuse for spitting in the street, it's disgusting to other people and I think degrading to the person doing it.
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16-02-2012, 22:19
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Re: Fine for spitting in the street
I was at the dentist a few years ago and had a few teeth pulled. Driving home, I could tell my mouth was filling up with blood, so I had to pull over, get out quick, and then spit out a lot of blood and saliva on the side of the road (no tissues to hand). I don't think a passing couple were too impressed, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Sorry if I've been a bit graphic, but it's after the watershed.
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