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Old 02-10-2004, 15:53   #31
Full Member
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Re: Fire Works Corner

Nothing wrong with Bonfire Night or with fireworks per se, it is just the month either side of the event where, as someone has said, these small incendiary devices are used in a manner to cause as much anti-social mayhem as possible.

I'd rather have kids smoking weed and then falling asleep than drinking far too much alcohol than their brains can cope with and then acting in an aggressive manner on the streets. Alcohol causes as much physical and mental damage than pot (some would say more) and can also cause aggression as the scenes in every town/city on a friday/saturday night prove (if proof were needed). Dont get me wrong - I love a damn good swill as much as the next person - but I find it funny that drinking is promoted commercially, encouraged and seen as acceptable when the majority are up in arms about the use of cannabis. I would wager an extremely large sum of money that more people are killed/injured by fireworks in this country this year than through smoking pot in the entire world since time began. The use of drugs is not to be condoned in any way but I think a bit of perspective is needed when engaging in this particular debate.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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Accrington Web
Old 02-10-2004, 18:19   #32
land of hope and glory

staggeringman's Avatar

Re: Fire Works Corner

sat here and guess what i can hear.... yep fireworks.all the money that goes up insmoke before november 5th could be put to a really good cause,say for instance my beer money and a reeet gooood holiday in the south pacific somewhere!!!!
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Old 03-10-2004, 10:14   #33
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Re: Fire Works Corner

Round where i live you can hear fireworks going off all year round. It's time they put a ban on them to the general public and just had organised displays in the town.
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Old 04-10-2004, 16:47   #34
land of hope and glory

staggeringman's Avatar

Re: Fire Works Corner

Originally Posted by janet
Round where i live you can hear fireworks going off all year round. It's time they put a ban on them to the general public and just had organised displays in the town.
HI JANETwhen you say organiseddisplays in the town do you mean everytime theres a council meeting?
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Old 06-10-2004, 21:43   #35
Accy Goddess

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Re: Fire Works Corner

I do not have smoke Cannabis, revolving round my pretty leaves.
I do not mention Drugs.
This is a firework debate.
If you want to talk about drugs then go way back to the drugs thread.
Has wingy said the kids that didn't know do now thanks to you.
But has a Mother think i would prefare my kids to be sat indoors with a spliff doing no harm to anyone and know they are safe than have them hooning around putting themselves and others in danger.
Anything is addictive and Ceejache has hit the nail on the head with his comments about the demon drink. All drugs are a potential Danger not just the illegal ones.
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