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03-11-2007, 18:32
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Whilst shopping in Asda this afternoon i couldn't help but notice the length of the queue for fireworks, or the price of them. Got me wondering what the average price each household pays out for letting these potential dangerous bombs off each year. I also realised that i have never bought my children any fireworks in their entire lifes, they are now 16 and 19yrs. Don't know if that makes me neglectful, misserable or a sensible mother, i'd like to think sensible. On a lighter note sounds like Beirut out there this evening.
03-11-2007, 18:47
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Re: Fireworks
Originally Posted by Sara
Whilst shopping in Asda this afternoon i couldn't help but notice the length of the queue for fireworks, or the price of them. Got me wondering what the average price each household pays out for letting these potential dangerous bombs off each year. I also realised that i have never bought my children any fireworks in their entire lifes, they are now 16 and 19yrs. Don't know if that makes me neglectful, misserable or a sensible mother, i'd like to think sensible. On a lighter note sounds like Beirut out there this evening.
Totally agree,
In brightest day, in blackest night No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
03-11-2007, 19:03
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Re: Fireworks
I don't like them! and if it was up to me we wouldn't have them. It's usually my kids dad that buys some.
Some of the BANGERS this year are very very loud!!
Roll on next week. Where the hell do they get their money from to go up in smoke in 5 seconds?? SILLY if you ask me.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
03-11-2007, 19:06
Beacon of light
Re: Fireworks
As a family we spend absolutely nothing on fireworks......I hate them, and I also hate the way that bonfire night has evolved into something that can take place on any night up to a week either side of the fifth of November.
It makes looking after pets very difficult.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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03-11-2007, 19:24
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Re: Fireworks
I have never spent money on fireworks, think they are a total waste of money!!
why pay a few quid for 1 firework just to go *poof*, seems totaly stuuuupid!
and sara ya not miserable or neglectful, just sane  
why pay good money when you could watch everybody elses 
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03-11-2007, 21:15
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Re: Fireworks
Only old people will remember them but the Standard ha’penny and penny demons back the fifties were powerful enough to lift the lid on one of the old fashioned metal dustbins. Or as one unfortunate kid found out they could blow your fingers off.
On a much more serious note, how many fireworks would it need to make an appreciable bomb?
Some people have mentioned banning them except for bona fide displays. But all that would do is put the industry underground where there would be no control of the power of the things.
Like it or not we are stuck with them.
Actually fireworks don’t bother me except possibly the first bang of the evening. It might make me jump. After that it is just background noise.
03-11-2007, 21:26
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Re: Fireworks
yes sars its the same round here were i live ive just been out with the dog for the last to night and the sound of them is bad they should not be allowed and till november the 5th but it must be me thats time,s have changed but now they are going off at any time of the year.
03-11-2007, 21:29
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Re: Fireworks
Used to buy a few when mine were little, never spent a lot. The best display I ever saw was whilst travelling on the motorway, they were being lit in all the towns and villages so we saw loads. Must have seen quite a few bob going up in smoke that night!!!
03-11-2007, 21:30
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Re: Fireworks
When my children were small my husband always bought fireworks and we would have a bonfire in the garden, as my dad used to do when I was a child. It was roman candles, fountains, chrysanthemums, catherine wheels and little rockets. The nearest we came to dangerous was when a rocket shot through our neighbour's open bathroom window and landed in her toilet. She was at our bonfire anyway so she was fine about it.
You couldn't buy the huge explosives that are on sale these days and we used to get the £5 box of Standard fireworks that had no bangers. They were pretty and fun to watch. The huge things they sell now should be banned, they are dangerous and downright annoying for those who have to listen to them all evening.
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03-11-2007, 22:17
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Re: Fireworks
03-11-2007, 22:20
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Re: Fireworks
as a kid my dad would buy a box of them spend about 30 pounds on them we all loved them but now as imolder i would rather watch every body elses rather than waste money for a secong of light and a bang lol i agree with you
yummy mummy !!!!!!
03-11-2007, 23:08
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Re: Fireworks
When our girls were younger we used to buy a box of the pretty ones and some sparklers but never any of these massive great banging efforts.
04-11-2007, 01:39
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Re: Fireworks
When i was a kid i got a box of standard fireworks 2 packets of sparklers and 3 rockets. My dad would set them off in the back garden - shut the dog in the front room with the curtains closed and light on and the telly going loud enough to hide the bangs. If dad had any wood we'd have a bonfire - mum would wrap spuds in tinfoil and stick em in the bonfire. Then we'd try to get them out. One year mum had just got a new mop and sis used that to poke the spuds out!!! lol mum went doolally!!! The fireworks started about 6.15 round here the last ones went off about 11pm. Thing is though everyone was happy with the box of standard that they used to get. Now with all the organised displays they want that kind in their back garden. Its called going one up on the neighbours!!!
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
04-11-2007, 01:42
Accy Goddess
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Re: Fireworks
When the children were young Bonfire night was a big thing in our house. we had a Bonfire in the back Garden with a few fireworks, Hot pototatoes in the fire and I would make parkin and treacle toffee. One year the girls ended up inviting half the street so we had to put up the trestle tble to put food on. I hated it and would watch through the window.
Cringing at all the mud on the kitchen floor.
When I was young we would watch next doors fireworks through the bedroom widow.
04-11-2007, 11:12
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Re: Fireworks
Remind me again mummy, why did we rip Guy Fawkes into four pieces?
Never mind that dear, just look at the pretty colours.
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