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Old 15-11-2005, 19:46   #46
Senior Member

Re: First fairy grotto.

Just think in six weeks time Christmas will be all over with, and hopefully we will all be looking forward to the new year.

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Old 15-11-2005, 20:42   #47
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trafford centre festooned including santas grotto- but dont worry its easter eggs next week

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Old 15-11-2005, 20:50   #48
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Re: First fairy grotto.

Ahh, yes. Lest we forget, there is those arch offenders against taste and decency; HBC. Who have managed to embarass the borough for the second year in a row by leaving the Christmas illuminations up outside Accrington Town Hall. They have a very odd interpetation of "Thirty years of service to the people of Hyndburn". Very odd indeed. One quite often wonders whether they speak the same language; they certainly do not seem to inhabit the same planet as the rest of us miserable mortals.
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Old 15-11-2005, 21:11   #49


Re: First fairy grotto.

I was having a look at them last night in fact. I was wondering what they’re going to look like in a week or two when they switch on. I love going to Ambleside or Lancaster at Christmas where the lights tend to be beautifully simple single and plan white bulbs drawn across the streets or festooned in and around the bared branches of trees. I noted that Broadway is slipping further into ill planned and dismal blandness, what a great pity that such an opportunity was wasted, my opinion. I like the area around and in front of the town all and for the life of me I can’t see what HBC thought they were going to achieve. Going back to the Accy Christmas lights, I would have thought that the costs of on site servicing, repair and or replacement and the health and safety implications of the lads working on them would be greater than the cost of taking them down, servicing and storing them safely over the winter and summer month. They might well end up replacing them altogether.

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Old 15-11-2005, 21:16   #50
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Re: First fairy grotto.

There has to be brains and commen sense for the council;

"I would have thought that the costs of on site servicing, repair and or replacement and the health and safety implications of the lads working on them would be greater than the cost of taking them down, servicing and storing them safely over the winter and summer month. They might well end up replacing them altogether."

Unfortunately HBC has still to find the back of the que to get a bit of these atributes.

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Old 15-11-2005, 21:28   #51


Re: First fairy grotto.

But the level of argument for and against HBC over the past twelve months suggests that someone somewhere must have an inkling of common sense? Not all of them are elected individuals, what are the civil servant types doing, surly at least one of them can workout the economics of the problem. It’s not going to be that expensive to deploy two lads, a hydraulic lifting platform and a big box to put them in is it. Once a sparks as turned the juice off anyone with a Health and Safety certificate, driving licence and a screw driver could get on with the job.

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Old 15-11-2005, 21:31   #52
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Re: First fairy grotto.

Wonder if thesecontracts the council has for services are part of the problem? If they wont take them down now what are they going to do if a scallywag with a good catty lets rip.

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Old 15-11-2005, 21:35   #53


Re: First fairy grotto.

Has anyone got any recent photos of the said Christmas lights, I intrigued as to what they look like now……….

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Old 15-11-2005, 21:38   #54
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Re: First fairy grotto.

No but it doesnt take much imagination.

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Old 15-11-2005, 22:48   #55
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Re: First fairy grotto.

There again, Blackpool puts miles of the blessed things up every year and has no problems with them. As Doug suggests, it is hardly rocket science!

If I were a cynic. "What? No. Never!" I hear you shout. And I must agree with you, but let us, for the sake of argument, pretend that I was. As a cynic I would say that if anyone were looking for a reason why there was not enough money to remove the Christmas Illuminations one need look no futher than the recent increase in councillors remuneration. What was it, a twenty six percent increase in allowances? Coming at a time when our glorious leader-ette is wailing and gnashing his teeth over how strapped for cash the borough is, it stikes me as somehow slightly less than convincing.
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Old 16-11-2005, 00:16   #56
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Re: First fairy grotto.

Originally Posted by Doug
Now what's that word I'm not allowed to say......
Sorry Rindy. I love you really, but struggle showing my emotions?
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Old 16-11-2005, 07:48   #57
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Re: First fairy grotto.

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
There again, Blackpool puts miles of the blessed things up every year and has no problems with them. As Doug suggests, it is hardly rocket science!

If I were a cynic. "What? No. Never!" I hear you shout. And I must agree with you, but let us, for the sake of argument, pretend that I was. As a cynic I would say that if anyone were looking for a reason why there was not enough money to remove the Christmas Illuminations one need look no futher than the recent increase in councillors remuneration. What was it, a twenty six percent increase in allowances? Coming at a time when our glorious leader-ette is wailing and gnashing his teeth over how strapped for cash the borough is, it stikes me as somehow slightly less than convincing.
Its me me me with the council and sod the rest of the public. Pity they cant put the same effort into the bourgh as they do in themselves. End result lights still about unfilled shops a dying market etc etc etc.

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Old 29-11-2005, 19:20   #58
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Re: First fairy grotto.

It's still November and lots of you are already decorating my screen with bloody Christmasy avatars.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 29-11-2005, 20:30   #59


Re: First fairy grotto.

Originally Posted by garinda
It's still November and lots of you are already decorating my screen with bloody Christmasy avatars.
Like this one?

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Old 29-11-2005, 21:56   #60
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Re: First fairy grotto.

Never mind my daughter will find a use for them if you dont want them.

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