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Old 26-11-2010, 19:56   #61
Senior Member+

Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Here's what I saw last Saturday

About 400 people in the town centre that came in specifically for the dancing.

100s of young, deprived locals that have had free dance/exercise classes from a professional.

A town centre alive with people dancing and enjoying themselves and taking away a positive memory of being in somthing that they'll remember for a long time. The young people were buzzing with excitement about being involved.

People spending money in shops whilst waiting - whether it was a pie in Greggs or chocolate. I know that I spent about £15 in town that I wouldn't normally have done on a Saturday and I'm sure I wasn't the only one.

Something that will promote Accrington. The quality of the video isn't brilliant but that's not really important because it shows people enjoying being in the town centre. It is also part of a much wider project called LET which is promoting Burnley, Blackburn and Accrington - in the Arts world, it's made Accrington part of a much bigger whole. Anyone who wants literature on the LET project let me know and I'll send it to them. Otherwise look on

A local, new creative business being supported. As part of the project, Cassandra is also getting business and financial support free from Business Link and Creative Lancashire, including free IT training and free financial training.

Finally, to the accusations that it was not spontaneous I would argue that very few of them actually are. The one in the shopping mall was clearly not spontaneous - there were about 30 camera angles for a start from which they were filming. The song and singers had clearly been rehearsed - as had the ones on the T-Mobile ads and the majority of others. It doesn't matter how you find out or how you learn the dance, the point is that it appears to be random or spontaneous to the crowds who are caught up in it.
Sorry Gayle but your figures are totally misleading - how many people would have been there anyway and from the pictures I cannot get 400.
As for many hundreds of "deprived local teenagers" - how many were there actually there - "deprived local teenagers"
I do like "Art", in fact I love it. From the works of the great artists of days gone by to the "Art" of Mitchell and Brunell and there ilk.
A dirty unmade bed, a sheep in formaldehyde, sorry, but this modern crap does nothing for me - rather a sunflower, a waterlily, a ballet dancer, a wonderful piece of engineering.
But do not force your ideas of "Art" on to others - rather ask them what they would like to see. Most of all do not try and hide the cost of the ideas that you are forcing the public to pay for.
By the way - Congratulations on your award, whatever that signifies.
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Old 26-11-2010, 20:00   #62
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

As far as the ecomomic climate is concerned I would think Gregg's is probably the 'safest' shop in Accrington
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Old 26-11-2010, 20:38   #63

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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
But do not force your ideas of "Art" on to others - rather ask them what they would like to see.
If we still had the yearly awards evening I would nominate that for a stupid post award.

Ask 10 people what they would like to see and you get 10 answers. I am sure the ideas were agreed by someone other than Gayle. Probably the Councillors who we voted in to decide these things for us.

So what would you like to see in the center of Accy and are you going to organise it?
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Old 26-11-2010, 20:56   #64
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
well i think its a great idea, i think what Gayle does for Hyndburn is wonderful, who cares if it wasn't perfect, it's not supposed to be, its supposed to be as if everyone just joined in, it's keeping kids off street corners, giving them something to focus on and helping them have fun, i just wish we had a Gayle in Blackburn...... i think the negative comments about this are awful.... maybe you didn't have the chance to do this sort of thing when you where growing up...things have changed, it makes me so angry when people moan about things that are helping the future generations...GRRRRRR
Not often I agree with you but well said,if you crave negativity and moaning then Accyweb and its resident bunch of whingers is a natural home!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 26-11-2010, 21:07   #65
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If we still had the yearly awards evening I would nominate that for a stupid post award.

Ask 10 people what they would like to see and you get 10 answers. I am sure the ideas were agreed by someone other than Gayle. Probably the Councillors who we voted in to decide these things for us.

So what would you like to see in the center of Accy and are you going to organise it?
Sorry, but sure I would come a ;ong way behind you for that perticular award.
If you were aware of the world around you and not have this apparent fixation on Gayle, you would realise that the majority of contiributors to Accyweb do not agree with you. I happen to live in Brittany which is in France, as I openly declare - observation is a real attribute which is something else you appear to be lacking.

You ask what I would like to see in the centre of Accrington - what is needed? do Bury, and Blackburn, and Burnley and Doncaster need to have these entertainments to attract shoppers? No, they need a vibrant market with lots of shops around them - widen your horizons, look how succesful they are.
I realised almost 50 years ago that there was a wider world out there, so I went and experienced it, Eastabouts to Hong Kong and Westabouts to LA - but still consider Accrington my home town and will soon return to the area. I will also continue to voice my opinion as to the waste of public money, be it local or national purse.
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Old 26-11-2010, 21:10   #66
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If we still had the yearly awards evening I would nominate that for a stupid post award.

Ask 10 people what they would like to see and you get 10 answers. I am sure the ideas were agreed by someone other than Gayle. Probably the Councillors who we voted in to decide these things for us.

So what would you like to see in the center of Accy and are you going to organise it?
Suggest you look at:
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Old 26-11-2010, 21:26   #67

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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post

Please explain why I am being a little simple tonight.
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Old 26-11-2010, 21:40   #68
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
Sorry, but sure I would come a ;ong way behind you for that perticular award.
If you were aware of the world around you and not have this apparent fixation on Gayle, you would realise that the majority of contiributors to Accyweb do not agree with you. I happen to live in Brittany which is in France, as I openly declare - observation is a real attribute which is something else you appear to be lacking.

You ask what I would like to see in the centre of Accrington - what is needed? do Bury, and Blackburn, and Burnley and Doncaster need to have these entertainments to attract shoppers? No, they need a vibrant market with lots of shops around them - widen your horizons, look how succesful they are.
I realised almost 50 years ago that there was a wider world out there, so I went and experienced it, Eastabouts to Hong Kong and Westabouts to LA - but still consider Accrington my home town and will soon return to the area. I will also continue to voice my opinion as to the waste of public money, be it local or national purse.

so accy is that great that you had to get out of it
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 26-11-2010, 22:12   #69
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
If you were aware of the world around you and not have this apparent fixation on Gayle
I think the only reason my name comes up so often is because I am the public face of the ARTS in Hyndburn. You have no idea how much I hate being 'named' all the time. I don't do any of it for my own name to be broadcast around, I do it because I firmly believe in the arts as a way of encouraging regeneration, community and of getting young people out of a spiral of depression by encouraging and inspiring them. I am involved in COMMUNITY ARTS. That is, trying to get people of all ages engaged with different art forms.

btw, ARTS encompasses drama, music, photography, dance and so much more than ART, and should not be limited to just visual arts i.e. painting and drawing.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 26-11-2010, 23:08   #70
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think the only reason my name comes up so often is because I am the public face of the ARTS in Hyndburn. You have no idea how much I hate being 'named' all the time. I don't do any of it for my own name to be broadcast around, I do it because I firmly believe in the arts as a way of encouraging regeneration, community and of getting young people out of a spiral of depression by encouraging and inspiring them. I am involved in COMMUNITY ARTS. That is, trying to get people of all ages engaged with different art forms.

btw, ARTS encompasses drama, music, photography, dance and so much more than ART, and should not be limited to just visual arts i.e. painting and drawing.
Way to go, hon. Keep up the great work, and illigitimi non carborundum
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Old 27-11-2010, 08:22   #71
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
so accy is that great that you had to get out of it
I left to join the R.A.F. - discovered electronics and wanted more of it. Not a great deal of that to be had in Accrington.
As I pointed out, I still consider Accrington as my home town, and will soon be home to roost and "enjoy" the shambles that people such as you who have never ventured away have managed to create. Thankfully Bury, Blackburn and Burnley are now even easier to reach.
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Old 27-11-2010, 08:31   #72
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Please explain why I am being a little simple tonight.
Thought it was a simple example - over 76% of Accyweb members who voted are against the public funding of "art".
Please forgive me for being too obscure for you.
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Old 27-11-2010, 09:47   #73
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Not often I agree with you but well said,if you crave negativity and moaning then Accyweb and its resident bunch of whingers is a natural home!
Nice of you to contribute lindsay
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Old 27-11-2010, 09:49   #74
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Way to go, hon. Keep up the great work, and illigitimi non carborundum
Quite right Eric don't let um gride you down Gayle
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Old 27-11-2010, 10:05   #75
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
people such as you who have never ventured away have managed to create. Thankfully Bury, Blackburn and Burnley are now even easier to reach.

you really know nothing about the people of accyweb do you Barrie, if you knew anything you would know that i don't live in Accrington, if you took notice of posts other than to slag them off then you would know more about not venturing thats the funniest thing i've heard this year
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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