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Old 23-12-2010, 19:39   #121
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by RHFOY View Post
is garinda a man a woman or both?? im lost
You are new RHFOY watch listen and observe and all will be revealed in time
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:41   #122
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

As for the dancers on BGT....they were real dancers, and although they were not at the time professional, they were at least polished in their performance...and as such were worth watching, even by someone of my 'mature' years.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:42   #123
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I understood exactly the point Shaz was trying to make.

I respect her point of view even though it is different to mine.

My point was that it didn't enhance the overall opinion of Accrington as a place, and therefore it didn't actually do anything helpful to promote the town. Maybe promoting the town wasn't what it was about....I just thought it was silly stuff, lightweight and of little value.

Are we all supposed to say 'ooh, aah, isn't it grand'(a bit like the emperors new clothes) or can we be allowed to say what we really think?
Well, in common parlance 'whatever'....I did anyway.
freedom off speech is right, freedom off criticism towards tryers should be diluted, all this does is make people lose heart ..
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:45   #124
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
As for the dancers on BGT....they were real dancers, and although they were not at the time professional, they were at least polished in their performance...and as such were worth watching, even by someone of my 'mature' years.
you would have watched them on bgt espec- when you new they were from accy, and supported them imho, if they were on bbc 1 and from accy would you want your licence money back????????????/ humour posting

Last edited by RHFOY; 23-12-2010 at 19:52.
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:48   #125
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by RHFOY View Post
freedom off speech is right, freedom off criticism towards tryers should be diluted, all this does is make people lose heart ..
You don't spend money going to the pictures when you owe the landlord the rent money.
My point is, that there are so many other things that the money could have been put towards, to enhance the environment of the town, lasting things, not a group of young folk(enthusiastic they might have been) shimmying away to pop music....and then gone.....taking with them a chunk of money.

Anyway I have said all this before.(as have others - maybe it is a generational thing)
It wasn't to my taste, and it was a frivolous waste of money in times when we are all being asked to be a little bit more frugal.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:53   #126
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by RHFOY View Post
you would have watched them on bgt espec- when you new they were from accy, and supported them imho, if they were on bbc 1 and from accy would you want your licence money back????????????/

I'm very sorry but this post makes no sense to me.

Who would I have watched on BGT? I am not aware that the dancers who performed on this show were from Accrington.
I might have watched them but I didn't support them......if by that you mean ringing in and voting for them(that is just a scam to make the TV company lots of dosh).......I am wondering if you watched the dancers on Broadway.
I didn't, but I did watch some of the video of the event...prepared to be converted and proved wrong, but I have to say it didn't do it for me.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-12-2010, 19:56   #127
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You don't spend money going to the pictures when you owe the landlord the rent money.
My point is, that there are so many other things that the money could have been put towards, to enhance the environment of the town, lasting things, not a group of young folk(enthusiastic they might have been) shimmying away to pop music....and then gone.....taking with them a chunk of money.

Anyway I have said all this before.(as have others - maybe it is a generational thing)
It wasn't to my taste, and it was a frivolous waste of money in times when we are all being asked to be a little bit more frugal.
now i get it, it was more the savings than the criticism of gayle??? so maybe ones argument should of had a little more explanatory substance init
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:03   #128
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Now listen, RHFOY, there was a whole other thread regarding this went on for pages and pages, I posted extensively to that thread, with my thought and my opinions.(and they are just that, my opinions)
Had you read that thread, it would have been perfectly clear to you what my feelings were, in relation to this event.
That you haven't (read the previous thread) is no fault of mine.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:09   #129
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Now listen, RHFOY, there was a whole other thread regarding this went on for pages and pages, I posted extensively to that thread, with my thought and my opinions.(and they are just that, my opinions)
Had you read that thread, it would have been perfectly clear to you what my feelings were, in relation to this event.
That you haven't (read the previous thread) is no fault of mine.
thats like saying just go on google to find an answer... if i read about everything there would be no debate as i would know all the answers, if you get my drift.. but i will now as advised read your thread..
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:24   #130
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Shaz, I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with your viewpoint.

This activity might have taken some young people off the street corners for a very short while.......and because I think I read somewhwere that the young folk were from The Accross College, I rather think they would not be the ones who hung about on street corners.

The value of this activity is has no lasting effect........and I think the money could have been used to better purpose.
And it loked on the clip like everyone had 'just joined in' rather than some of the youngsters having been taught the routine.......not imppressive at all.

I got to do 'Country Dancing' when I was growing up, but not on Broadway.
I'm not moaning, just commenting with my own opinion.
ive read all off them and come back here.
1, how can you say its transitory(short lived) one letter more :-)
2,they may have been "off form" due to the weather or a bad day at the office?
3, i suppose country dancing wasnt provided by the council?
4, i aint got no more
if they were not from accy? this point is baseless, not all kids play football or cricket these days to take them of the streets or netball, or hopscotch... the arts people have to be diverse in what they suggest today, and although this might not off been the best choice to the more mature folk, it doesnt mean others think it was a good investment..
tm me benny hill dick emery and tommy cooper were the best performing acts ever... well not what my two sons aged 24 and 28 think, they look at me as if ive lost the plot, when i laugh after showing it, hope you now get my drift ??
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:32   #131
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

When I said transitory, that is what it was......are you correcting my english?
Weather, bad day at the office......these were young folk who were supposed to have spent time learning these routines so that they could impress observers.
Country dancing was provided by the school, which was, I suppose, provided by LCC.
And no, I don't get your drift...but then, it seems that you don't really get mine either, so we are quits.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:36   #132
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by RHFOY View Post
thats like saying just go on google to find an answer... if i read about everything there would be no debate as i would know all the answers, if you get my drift.. but i will now as advised read your thread..

I am pretty sure you would think of something we could debate...and it doesn't do any harm to check out previous threads before gives you a frame of reference, and stops me having to chew my cabbage twice.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:44   #133
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am pretty sure you would think of something we could debate...and it doesn't do any harm to check out previous threads before gives you a frame of reference, and stops me having to chew my cabbage twice.
thats abelter had a mirage...... flashed across me, are you a little wound up???
i would never ever call your grammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11......... It was me saying what the word meant and it makes easier reading for some, one extra letter meant it wouldnt have taken much longer to add.... i like to be candid and not change my argument midway through, unlike others who ajust accordingly to always win or be right.. i prefer to ADMIT. when im wrong and humble enough to ask if i dont know.. happy days :-) :-)

Last edited by RHFOY; 23-12-2010 at 20:46.
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Old 23-12-2010, 20:49   #134
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Re: Flash mob in Accy

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
When I said transitory, that is what it was......are you correcting my english?
Weather, bad day at the office......these were young folk who were supposed to have spent time learning these routines so that they could impress observers.
Country dancing was provided by the school, which was, I suppose, provided by LCC.
And no, I don't get your drift...but then, it seems that you don't really get mine either, so we are quits.
interpretation is 9/10ths of the law :-):-)
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Old 23-12-2010, 21:35   #135
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Originally Posted by RHFOY View Post
is garinda a man a woman or both?? im lost
Whatever he/she is,
talks more sense than you.
We can see you are lost, plenty of posts over the past few days but very little worthwhile content.
Why not put a bit of quality into the marathon posting you seem to be doing?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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