03-02-2008, 12:53
Apprentice Geriatric
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Re: Flouride In Fizzy Drinks.
I have used the contact from and sent the following:
On no account should fluoride or any other medication be added to the food that we eat and the fluids that we drink just because a few children have bad teeth.
First of all have you considered that some 90% of the water produced by the water companies doesn’t even go down the throats of the population? It is flushed down the toilet, the sink or bath and used by industry. Not forgetting the trillions of gallons that are wasted in leaks. I do not have access to any figures but I would hazard a guess that barely 5% of the water would be drunk. In fact you are knowingly wasting 95% of public funds in this crackpot idea.
Secondly, for at least half of the population, the added Fluoride will have no effect on their teeth. Mainly because most of them do not have natural teeth. I am nearly 71 years of age and I have 90% of my teeth in good working order. Why? Because as a child and during the whole of my life I have brushed my teeth at least once a day. And today I use a toothpaste that contains Fluoride and have done ever since that type of toothpaste became available. As a child I drank milk and during the war we were given calcium tablets.
Thirdly and equally as important, adding a medication to the water supply establishes a precedence. What next - the addition of some tranquilliser because Joe Public starts to think for himself and creates political waves.
Fourthly, I am one of millions who has to take medication on a daily basis, has anyone done any research on what the effect of Fluoride in the water would have when mixed with other medicines?
If you are so all fired concerned about the nations teeth, then target the children with bad teeth and not the nation as a whole. Or is this yet another labour minister ploy in trying to use the public to gain yourself some political Brownie points?
Targeting children is the answer and this could be done by issuing each family with a “Dental Certificate”. This would entitle them to receive FREE, either from their local chemist or Health Centre, a toothbrush and a tube of Fluoride toothpaste upon production of the certificate. A new toothbrush or tube of toothpaste would be issued on the production of the spent item and of course the certificate. Thus the system would be very difficult to abuse.
Let me make it quite clear:
If your crackpot idea does come to fruition then you can rest assured that Janet Anderson, my MP, WILL NOT get my vote next time round nor will the Labour Councillor in my ward.