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Old 16-02-2012, 16:27   #1
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Fly tipping

Has anyone been up Sandy Lane Accy recently. There has been a waggon load of conifer tree cuttings been dumped outside the gates of the gas booster station about 100 yards past the roundabout. They seem to go after dark and dump their rubbish. There is also some household waste dumped at the top of Plantation Road. probably dumped by some unscrupulous landlord clearing out his property.
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Accrington Web
Old 16-02-2012, 21:06   #2
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Re: Fly tipping

It's the same everywhere, the travellers make their money cutting hedges and trees then dump them, I do feel that sometimes the tip make it hard work
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Old 18-02-2012, 15:11   #3

Re: Fly tipping

Last week I found a load of tyres dumped on the track from Plantation St down to the allotments. There's some real nominals about
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Old 18-02-2012, 15:28   #4
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by wadey View Post
It's the same everywhere, the travellers make their money cutting hedges and trees then dump them, I do feel that sometimes the tip make it hard work
Ya they don't help wadey, last week I put a plastic draining board rack out with the recycling, it was plastic it was still there when they returned my bags, yet they took plastic bottles
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Old 18-02-2012, 17:29   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Ya they don't help wadey, last week I put a plastic draining board rack out with the recycling, it was plastic it was still there when they returned my bags, yet they took plastic bottles
Some plastics they won't recycle, too heavy for the three or four year old Indians to lift, (H&S), when we dump container loads of the stuff on their toxic wastelands.
Please don't think we are being good when we attempt to re-cycle!

OMG, I'm, sounding like our Mags.
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Old 19-02-2012, 10:09   #6
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Re: Fly tipping

Opposite my house is a small field. Last October some idiot dumped a pile of rubbish that must have taken a small lorry to carry.Tyres TV sets and general rubbish strewn all over the place.So I ring up the council and they send a refuse wagon and a gang of men to shift it Simple eh?Not on your life!!This is private land. so we cant shift it.It has to stay where it is until we find who owns the land and then the owner will shift it.
That was over 4 months ago, and the rubbish is still there.They cant find the owner of the land, so the rubbish has to stay where it is.I have tried all the varoius health agencies,but no one will accept responsibility for the rubbish.Now the problem is starting to grow as all the fly-tippers in the area think it is OK to dump rubbish next to the original pile.So the problem goes on and on.Where will it end?Who knows? Who cares?
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Old 19-02-2012, 10:23   #7
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Some plastics they won't recycle, too heavy for the three or four year old Indians to lift, (H&S), when we dump container loads of the stuff on their toxic wastelands.
Please don't think we are being good when we attempt to re-cycle!

OMG, I'm, sounding like our Mags.
Well Less when they keep bleating on about recycling and you try to do your bit, maybe they should issue a list of just which plastics we throw in the blue box or in the waste bin, may save a bit of time, na forget that that's too easy for HBC ps na you'll have a long way to go before you become like Mags
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Old 19-02-2012, 12:07   #8
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by Jim Procter View Post
Opposite my house is a small field. Last October some idiot dumped a pile of rubbish that must have taken a small lorry to carry.Tyres TV sets and general rubbish strewn all over the place.So I ring up the council and they send a refuse wagon and a gang of men to shift it Simple eh?Not on your life!!This is private land. so we cant shift it.It has to stay where it is until we find who owns the land and then the owner will shift it.
That was over 4 months ago, and the rubbish is still there.They cant find the owner of the land, so the rubbish has to stay where it is.I have tried all the varoius health agencies,but no one will accept responsibility for the rubbish.Now the problem is starting to grow as all the fly-tippers in the area think it is OK to dump rubbish next to the original pile.So the problem goes on and on.Where will it end?Who knows? Who cares?
I sympathise Jim. We live on a private road with a quiet back lane which is a haven for fly tippers. Because the land is private we have to shift any rubbishh ourselves be it TVs fridges or whatever. Each house owns the bit of the back lane outside their house and some householders ignore their responsibility for this, it's outside the back gate so who cares attitude, so the lane ends uo looking like a shanty town.
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Old 19-02-2012, 12:18   #9
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well Less when they keep bleating on about recycling and you try to do your bit, maybe they should issue a list of just which plastics we throw in the blue box or in the waste bin, may save a bit of time, na forget that that's too easy for HBC ps na you'll have a long way to go before you become like Mags
John different plastics are different chemically so have to recycled by different methods. If all were thrown in the same bin they would have to be sorted by hand before processing. All plastics should be stamped with a numbered symbol and some letters telling you what it's made of. Here in Morecambe we have been told just what plastics we can put out for recycling and it shouldn't be too difficult for HBC to do the same.

Plastics labels

There are seven different plastics labels, all made up of a triangle symbol with a number inside from 1 to 7.
The majority of local authorities recycle symbols 1 and 2. You can find out about all the types of plastics on WRAP's website.

Types of plastic: WRAP

Symbols 1 and 2 cover mainly bottles for milk, toiletries, cleaners etc. That is what most councils collect. Symbol 4 is ordinary polythene like bags and the wrapping off junk mail etc. We collect ours, doesn't take long to fill up a carrier bag, and take it to Morrisons who recycle it. I think other supermarkets may do so as well.
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Old 19-02-2012, 15:51   #10

Re: Fly tipping

I've reported the flytipping at the top of Sandy Lane and the stuff on Plantation Road, should be dealt with this week

Last edited by ClarePritchard; 19-02-2012 at 15:55. Reason: made a mistake
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Old 19-02-2012, 15:56   #11
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Re: Fly tipping

Clare, maybe it is because Jim lives in Hull. He needs to contact the powers that be in his neck of the woods.
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Old 19-02-2012, 15:56   #12
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by ClarePritchard View Post
Hello Mr Procter

If you PM or email me your details I'll see what I can do to help you, I agree that this situation dragging on for this length of time is not right and I'll try and find out why for you. My email address is [email protected], please get in touch
She obviously hasn't noticed that he lives in Hull...

Might be worth a try though Jim!
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Old 19-02-2012, 15:57   #13

Re: Fly tipping

I did notice but too late, I've now edited my post
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Old 19-02-2012, 16:05   #14
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Re: Fly tipping

just be thankful you lot don't live in Blackburn, we have to pay BwD council to remove household items, i'm surprised we don't have more fly tipping around here

is it still free in Hyndburn?
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Old 19-02-2012, 16:08   #15
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Re: Fly tipping

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
just be thankful you lot don't live in Blackburn, we have to pay BwD council to remove household items, i'm surprised we don't have more fly tipping around here

is it still free in Hyndburn?
They have plenty in Blackburn Shaz I've a mate on another website who is always on about it with pictures to match
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