08-04-2008, 17:10
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Re: Food additives
Originally Posted by polly
I too have food allergies - lots of them!! Some are to so called natural foods like oranges, mushrooms and potatoes. Trouble is these foods are no longer natural, they are full of pesticides. Manufactured foods are a nightmare, I am allergic to some of the preservatives in wine, but the manufactures don't have to declare them as they use thes substances in small quantities.
Most of my allergies have developed over the last 10 years as preservatives have become more common.
With food labeling as it is at the moment it is almost imp0ossible for me to know exactly what I am eating, therefore I can not make a choice.
I have spent many years working (both voluntarily and in a paid capacity) with children and have seen ADD, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Alspergers and other learning/behavioural problems rocket, particularly in the last 10 years.
The parents who feed their children exclusively on junk food are the very ones who demand the right to eat what they want, but do they have the right to inflict problems of the type mentioned above on to their offspring?
You are talking here of two entirely different issues: Food labelling and responsible parenting. It is the responsilbility of the government to ensure that manufacturers and food processors let the consumer know what is in their products, and to do this in such a way as to make it easy for all consumers, not just the ones with advanced degrees in chemistry, to know what they are eating. The second isssue, responsible parenting, is not something that the govt. can do much about. Sure they can legislate that youngsters in vehicles should be in car seats etc.; but this is the limit. They can not ensure that parents are good and responsible. Nor do I think that a govt. is elected to define what responsible parenting is. The exception, or course, is obvious child abuse. And I don't buy the argument that giving kids foods loaded with additives is abuse ... might be careless parenting but it might come from good motives: let the kids eat at Rotten Ronnie's as a treat.
Some parents are excellent. Some are good. Some average, and some downright bad. But unless the govt. vets prospective parents and then issues a breeding licence to parents who seem qualified to be good and responsible, there is not much they, or we can do about it.