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I don't know about anybody else but I find fellows to be really lazy when it comes to cleaning up. They suddenly have loads to do when you need some help. The biggest pain is that as soon as you have tidied one place and go to another, the first one needs tidying again! Arrggghhhhh!!!!!! Anyone share these views?
The biggest pain is that as soon as you have tidied one place and go to another, the first one needs tidying again!
Obviously your just not putting in the effort, try less scolding and more work that way your man will love you more and you will feel more fullfilled with your life.
SHORTEST love story:
ONCE upon a time a guy asked a girl: "Will you marry me?"
She said "No."
And the guy lived happily ever after.
Last edited by Bazf; 03-06-2005 at 00:35.
Reason: spelling
Fully agree that men are lazy. My other half says things like 'sit down have a rest' when he's at home & I'm busy. From that you would think he was going to do whatever for me, no such luck 'do it later when I'm not here! I have been waiting weeks now for him to take some junk to the tip but every time I mention it he always finds an excuse. If I could drive I'd do it myself!!!
Oh dear, are we going to have a load of those miserable souls that call themselves women moaning on about how badly done to they are!
Come on girls give us a break, try using that section of your brain that controls your imagination and then you might just be able to see things from our point of view. We don't do tidying, we are not conditioned for tidying working around the house is what YOU were put here for.
We are the hunters, the society forced on us by the first women to invent sweeping the cave has put us into a false way of living. The nearest we get to our natural instincts is when we get together for a few pints and chuck a few darts at the board (the closest thing we have to a spear these days).
Our fathers and grandfathers were lucky 'the wife' was always too busy donkey-stoning the front doorstep to join him for a drink, what a wonderful world they had in those days!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
lol i like that reasoning but it still doesn't excuse the fact that when something needs doin the fellows decide they have to be somewhere (extremely vague) or they have to do something (meaningless) if the fellows would just do one thing that surprised there partners you would reep the benefits no end ie. tell her sit down when she gets home from work, offer to cook her tea for her and make her a brew she will appreciate it
however to contradict myself, my best friends boyfriend is staying with us for a little while and he is being very helpful and has cooked me a meal for when i came in from work and has looked after my little girl too