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Old 09-10-2008, 17:57   #1

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For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

We have mention Kwh meters on here before.

Here is an affordable one

Plugin KWH Meter
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Old 09-10-2008, 18:15   #2
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
We have mention Kwh meters on here before.

Here is an affordable one

Plugin KWH Meter
It costs nothing to read the meter once a week.
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Old 09-10-2008, 18:31   #3
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Jambutty , seriously you should stop wrecking threads!

Neil suggests something for people , to help them out and you have to come out with comments no-one wants to hear. Maybe people dont have the time like you to keep a record each week and just want to look at that and see how much they have used etc.

Why are most threads on accringtonweb wrecked by people like you , i really dont get it all. I think you should make your own Forum , and all the jambuttys of england can join and entertain each other by there constant negative posts, this tbh would save many people getting anoyed on forums throughout britain.

Oh and btw we have one of these and are extremely helpful! I would recommend people to buy them!

Last edited by fc:stanley; 09-10-2008 at 18:33.
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Old 09-10-2008, 18:32   #4
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
We have mention Kwh meters on here before.

Here is an affordable one

Plugin KWH Meter

Cheers Neil. Been looking for something like that to measure the usage of one particular item in our house. Last time I looked cheapest I found was around the £20 mark.
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Old 09-10-2008, 21:19   #5
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

hey fcstanley be careful, you be be accused of being in the clique.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-10-2008, 21:33   #6
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
We have mention Kwh meters on here before.

Here is an affordable one

Plugin KWH Meter
I have one, they are difficult to set it up accurately, if you look at your last lecy bill, it shows so many units at one price & the remainder at another price.
I averaged them out and set the meter, thought it would be all my electronics, computers and such, it isn't, but when I plug the electronics in, it shows 20 watts, before I even switch any thing on, can't find the source of the 20 watts. Checked the TV, and Sat box they use more than my computers, kettle, wow, its cheaper to boil a mug of water in the microwave than in the kettle, after six weeks my computer corner had only used 12 quids worth of lecy, still don't know where the rest of the last lecy bill is being used. We have low energy bulbs throughout the house, during the night the only thing still plugged in re the fridge, freezer, burglar alarm and the electic alarm clock, every thing else is unplugged.

Last edited by Retlaw; 09-10-2008 at 21:40.
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Old 09-10-2008, 21:41   #7
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

yeah but jambuttys worked out exactly what every elecrical item costs per day to run.....Just in case the electric company try to rip him off
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 09-10-2008, 21:50   #8

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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It costs nothing to read the meter once a week.
A bit of an obvious post that mate.

The idea of the unit is to monitor just one item, not the whole house. You could see how much electricity you use on your washing machine for a month then maybe try and change the way you wash. Wait till you have a full load or whatever. Then see over the next month if it made a difference.

Or Margaret R can see if her energy saving plug works on her fridge or not.

Work out the savings by unplugging you TV instead of using standby - is it really worth doing?
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Old 09-10-2008, 21:57   #9
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Seems like a good piece of kit and affordable, was going to look at the item again but the site is unavailable at the moment.

Will be looking around to get something similar to see if any savings can be made.
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Old 10-10-2008, 16:00   #10
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Cool Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
Jambutty , seriously you should stop wrecking threads!

Neil suggests something for people , to help them out and you have to come out with comments no-one wants to hear. Maybe people dont have the time like you to keep a record each week and just want to look at that and see how much they have used etc.

Why are most threads on accringtonweb wrecked by people like you , i really dont get it all. I think you should make your own Forum , and all the jambuttys of england can join and entertain each other by there constant negative posts, this tbh would save many people getting anoyed on forums throughout britain.

Oh and btw we have one of these and are extremely helpful! I would recommend people to buy them!
My first inclination was to just ignore your childish outburst like I have done on other recent digs and snide remarks by others in other topics.

However I do agree with you that many, if not most, threads are wrecked by someone dragging them off topic and ending up more like the script of a chat room than a discussion. I take it that you will now castigate those offenders as well and not just jump on the “slag off jambutty” bandwagon. I won’t hold my breath.

So as Neil suggests something it is OK but when I suggest something it is not. That does show your jumping on the bandwagon bias. To quote what has been quoted at me a number of times – GET A LIFE!

How do you know that no one wants to read what I write? Since when have you been empowered to speak for the rest of the forum members? If you don’t want to read what I write then don’t read it. It’s not rocket science.

Hmmmm! Let me see! “It costs nothing to read the meter once a week.” Nothing there about keeping a record.

In fact if more people read their meters regularly and understood their energy bills and how they were calculated there would be fewer ‘mistakes’ in favour of the energy companies.

Before anyone has a go at me for dragging this thread off topic I would like to remind them that I didn’t attack myself.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 10-10-2008, 16:14   #11
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Cool Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
yeah but jambuttys worked out exactly what every elecrical item costs per day to run.....Just in case the electric company try to rip him off
You’re darn tooting that I can and practically every quarterly bill that I get I can find some error to my disadvantage.

The most recent one being that the bill was calculated using the date that it was sent and not on the date of the meter reading two days previously. The cost to me would have been a few pounds.

How many other bills were calculated the same way?

How many other people noticed and forced E·ON to re-calculate their bills and put a refund on the next bill? E·ON stood to make an extra few million.
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Old 10-10-2008, 16:21   #12

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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Before anyone has a go at me for dragging this thread off topic I would like to remind them that I didn’t attack myself.
Go on, have an argument with yourself. Its fun you can really go to town with the insults and no one will complain except maybe yourself..
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Old 11-10-2008, 09:33   #13
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

I have found this really useful site which advises you how much each of your appliances cost to run and even differentiates for your particular energy supplier
Saving energy at home, white goods, electrical entertainment

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Old 11-10-2008, 11:19   #14
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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

I am pig sick, after getting both gas and electric down .. just looked at my electric meter, and it has jumped up 90 kWh in 5 days !! Aaah! This roughly means in terms of per month around £100.

Can only be the blow heater (which won't go to top heat anyway .. faulty). Previous to that only used 114 kWh in 26 days. Trying to save energy by not putting my gas central heating on at the moment, and cutting down on the water heating.

Doesn't show blow heaters does it Margaret, know they use a lot, but this is excessive. A gadget as suggested by Neil would show me for sure if it is this.

P.S. May I borrow yer fur coat.

Last edited by katex; 11-10-2008 at 11:24.
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Old 11-10-2008, 11:34   #15

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Re: For those of you who want to monitor you electricity usage

Originally Posted by katex View Post
P.S. May I borrow yer fur coat.
I know you are waiting but I am not saying it

I suspect your fan heater will use a lot of power. Probably rated at between 2Kw to 3Kw thats 2 or 3 units per hour.
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