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Old 30-07-2007, 22:04   #1
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foster street accrington

does anyone on here live there ?my son was involved in a accident there saturday afternoon looking for a wittness .he waas crossing from roberts street in a rover car his girlfriend was very luckey to have got out as door was smashed into her ,other car stopped and they changed details police would not come out so they left but looking were the crash was there are 7 and half yard skid marks which indercates this guy was traveling at sum speed just thought it was worth a shot to see if anyone lives there car is a right off poor lad only past is test 10 days ago been liverpool done 120 miles being carefull and this guys speeding and on rong side of roadj
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Old 31-07-2007, 07:26   #2
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Re: foster street accrington

good lord davo, i hope they catch the little git, he shouldnt be on the road(the other person that is)
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Old 31-07-2007, 08:08   #3
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Re: foster street accrington

no he stopped but is trying to blame my son
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Old 31-07-2007, 08:12   #4
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Re: foster street accrington

Have you and your son thought of giving up cars forever? There's obviously some kind of curse attached, as you and him have had so much bad luck recently.
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Old 31-07-2007, 08:47   #5
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Re: foster street accrington

this gets better last night curtesy car turned up we signe for car told it is desil not to forget it is desil and when they pick car back up it has to have quarter of tank left in so off goes deliveryman 10 mins later i went to move car up a couple of yards it was in way of next doors driveway car stalled and engine system error came up so we rings company up they send aa they had only put quater of a tank of petrol then they had to send some other guy out to drain petrol and flush new desil in i agree some curse on us at moment
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
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Old 31-07-2007, 18:01   #6
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Re: foster street accrington

Sorry to hear about your son's accident.

Have you taken pictures of the skid marks.

My son was involved in an accident (about 19 years ago), when he had first past his test. It was on the corner of the street, where we lived, the other driver offered to pay for the damage. But once he had got an estimate chenged her mind, it took me nearly 12 months before her insurance paid out. I was told by his broker's that pictures of where the broken glass (from his headlights) had fallen on the road, would have helped the claim, as it clearly showed that the other driver had come well over the white line in the middle of the road.

I have always found that it is important to be very insistant with insurance companies and not take 'No' for an answer.
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Old 31-07-2007, 18:05   #7
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Re: foster street accrington

Agree with taking photos BUT carry a disposable film camera in the car, digital images are no good if it ends up in court

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Old 31-07-2007, 18:26   #8
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Re: foster street accrington

That has brought back memories Davo .. my son 7 years ago, when he was 18, wrote his Punto off crossing Foster Street from Robert Street, he was doing less than 10 mile an hour (edging out 'cause of parked cars) and the other guy travelling along Foster Street a little faster; although to be fair not much length to gather speed on Foster Street, is there ?

Police decided twas my son's fault as Foster Street does have the right of way does it not ?
He had to do one of those day courses for lack of due care and attention so your son at fault here I am afraid, and would be careful about pursuing the matter any further .. sorry...
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Old 31-07-2007, 19:17   #9
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Re: foster street accrington

davo even if the police had come out unless someone was injured, or one of the drivers had been drinking, they would just have told you to let the insurance companies sort it out, as this is what you pay your premiums for. If anything like this happens, and you really want the police to attend, say you suspect the other driver of being under the influence.
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Old 31-07-2007, 19:18   #10
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Re: foster street accrington

Originally Posted by katex View Post
That has brought back memories Davo .. my son 7 years ago, when he was 18, wrote his Punto off crossing Foster Street from Robert Street, he was doing less than 10 mile an hour (edging out 'cause of parked cars) and the other guy travelling along Foster Street a little faster; although to be fair not much length to gather speed on Foster Street, is there ?

Police decided twas my son's fault as Foster Street does have the right of way does it not ?
He had to do one of those day courses for lack of due care and attention so your son at fault here I am afraid, and would be careful about pursuing the matter any further .. sorry...
no this\ guy is on rong side vof road skid marks are in bertween left and right lane 7 and half yards in length speeding in 30 mile hour road you are rong
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
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Old 31-07-2007, 19:28   #11
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Re: foster street accrington

Originally Posted by davo69 View Post
no this\ guy is on rong side vof road skid marks are in bertween left and right lane 7 and half yards in length speeding in 30 mile hour road you are rong
Well, maybe .. can only go off my experience. The bloke that hit my son was travelling quite fast too and skid marks are heavy even when travelling at 30 m.p.h. Nevertheless, the rule is that you do not cross a right of way road until it is clear no matter whether he was on wrong side of road or levitating 2 feet above the road. Foster Street quite narrow and would be hard to judge whether over his side of road anyway. Still can't see that you have a case here.
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Old 31-07-2007, 19:36   #12
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Re: foster street accrington

explain skid marks explain hitting nsome one full side on not at front edging out this guy come from rong side of road at speed thats why entire side of car as colapsed you dont get seven and a half skid marks at thirty
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Old 31-07-2007, 20:06   #13
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Re: foster street accrington

Originally Posted by davo69 View Post
explain skid marks explain hitting nsome one full side on not at front edging out this guy come from rong side of road at speed thats why entire side of car as colapsed you dont get seven and a half skid marks at thirty
Well, best of luck davo .. but exactly same scenario as my sons .. even 30 seems extremely fast on such a short road. My son's car was a write-off too, but as the adverts go, does plenty of damage even at this speed. My ex and his father had a garage and brought in many wrecked cars .. should have seen some of the damage on them, even at very low speeds.

The police were not impressed by son's and his three mates statement that the other driver was travelling too fast .. just black and white as far as they were concerned,(no room for grey areas) and agreed with them, silly bloody fool should have been more careful. Suspect the insurance company will agree with the 3rd party too.

Pleased that lovely son of yours is Ok though. Best of luck .. xx
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Old 31-07-2007, 20:52   #14
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Re: foster street accrington

tell me how you get skid marks so long?if you no so much .it is imposible
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
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Old 31-07-2007, 21:01   #15
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Re: foster street accrington

so at 30 you can move car side on 10 yards no way
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
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