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View Poll Results: are men realy the most foul mouthed of the sexes
yes 5 11.63%
no 19 44.19%
men are but the women are not far behind 19 44.19%
Voters: 43. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-04-2005, 20:35   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: foul language

Vorlon, there is a difference between swearing at the appropriate time........and all the effing and jeffing that goes on.
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Accrington Web
Old 11-04-2005, 20:46   #17
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Re: foul language

Believe me Margaret, there was plenty of 'effing and jeffing' in my crash helmet earlier today!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 11-04-2005, 21:00   #18
Beacon of light

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Re: foul language

Aaah Vorlon......there might have been. But as I said....... that is acceptable.
The stuff that I find offensive is a conversation like this one.......
Man - Go and get me a packet of effing fags.
Woman - I'm not effing well paying for your effing fags.....and anyway what up with your effing legs......are they effing well painted on?????

This couple had a toddler in a pram......who undoubtably will pick up this lovely language.......and maybe teach a few other children when it goes to school.

Your effing and jeffing was a useful safety valve.....letting off steam, but theirs is a way of life. Not good is it?
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Old 11-04-2005, 21:12   #19

fireman's Avatar

Re: foul language

Heard the same Margaret and it makes me cringe. What chance do those kids have and if thats the way the parents speak in front of the child, they must have no pride, what state is the house in.
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Old 11-04-2005, 21:29   #20
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: foul language

Originally Posted by fireman
Heard the same Margaret and it makes me cringe. What chance do those kids have and if thats the way the parents speak in front of the child, they must have no pride, what state is the house in.
I'll bet the effing grill pan doesn't shine like yours!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 12-04-2005, 07:24   #21

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Re: foul language

think that needs a red card definalely a slur on my character.
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Old 12-04-2005, 07:40   #22
Resident Waffler

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Re: foul language

Never heard it called ''effing and jeffing'' before. My Dad used to call it "effing and blinding" which I could never understand.

Even crazier are the ones which stick it in the middle of a word like "abso-effing-lutely". And they are not chavs.

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Old 12-04-2005, 18:56   #23
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Re: foul language

I have been know to use the odd expletive but I try not to in front of the child;she has already developed a bit of a potty mouth but on the odd occasion that it's happened you have to explain to her which is the swear word and why she can't use it!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 12-04-2005, 19:03   #24
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Re: foul language

I have said a couple of things in the past without thinking about it, but realised as soon as I had said it.

If you don't make a big deal out of it, they tend not to notice (as long as you don't do it too often). At least, they have not repeated the word in our earshot!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 12-04-2005, 19:34   #25
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Re: foul language

I say the odd swear word when driving (if I'm on my own), sometimes if angry or telling a joke, but in general I dont like hearing it, my other half doesn't swear in front of me or other women, in general I think men have more respect, sometimes the air is blue inside the ladies lavs, it sounds really cheap!
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Old 12-04-2005, 19:42   #26
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Re: foul language

One of my wife's friends is really quite objectionable, she swears at every given opportunity, and I know chimpanzees with more manners than her; she doesn't bother with please and thank-you, and she ignored me for an entire evening because I refused to make her a drink until she said please.

That was quite enjoyable, actually!!!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 12-04-2005, 20:32   #27
Accrington Web Mascot

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Re: foul language

Unfortunately, I have been voted "the foulest-mouthed woman" ever known by a few people on separate occasions. It's something I'm not at all proud of - but I'm only very bad if I'm drunk, angry, upset, happy, sad, excited..... (you get the picture). Trouble is, I honestly don't even notice I'm doing it half the time, although, I do try to make an extra effort in front of any children.

Anyway, hopefully I can change my ways cos until then there's quite a few of you that won't be speaking to me if you see me at the meetings etc!!!
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Old 12-04-2005, 20:42   #28
Beacon of light

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Re: foul language

Oh least you know your failings........and if you can control them in front of children then you are well on your way to controlling them full stop.
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Old 12-04-2005, 21:17   #29
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Re: foul language

Yep! It's all about re-training myself!!! It's about time I thought before I spoke anyway!
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Old 12-04-2005, 23:15   #30
I am Banned
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Re: foul language

ime not sure if the woman who i am going to mention next still has children who go to saint mary magdalins but maybe anyone who has children there has heard this woman speak to her kids in the school yard when picking up her children in the past

i stood jaw dropped while a woman basicly screamed this to her children

what the fu*k do you want now you whining little cu*t just wait until i get you home you fu**ing wa**er

almost every day i would hear this as she dragged her kids down the street screaming even worse language at the youngest child because he was lagging behind and couldnt keep up with his mother who was storming about

another parent informed me that she did this daily both morning and when collecting them after school but no one dare say anything because the felt she would probably attack them or sothing and no one wants confrontation in front of kids in a school yard

what i find unbelievable is that the school its self didnt / hasnt taken any action is this not a form of child abuse

the youngest child may still be there so the mother in question may still be taking the child to school but if you drop or pick up kids from saint mary magdalins you have no doubt heard these outbursts

can anyone confirm this as the way she acted is so unbelievable i wouldnt believe it unless i heard it for myself lol
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