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View Poll Results: are men realy the most foul mouthed of the sexes
yes 5 11.63%
no 19 44.19%
men are but the women are not far behind 19 44.19%
Voters: 43. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 13-04-2005, 06:14   #31
Full Member

Re: foul language

Well I guess I have have been hearing obscene and foul language all my life. I have become almost immune to it. The only time I cringe is when I hear a female using the 'c' word. But what hope have we got. The films they churn out these days include that word in some of them. Both my wife and myself roll our eyes at each other when we hear it. Quite frankly I can't see the point of using foul language at any time. I find it totally pointless. Unless you're of the moronic type and it does something for you. (you work out your own psychology if the cap fits. Don't blame me) Men are definitely the worst offenders but it sounds worse coming from a female. But that's life as they say. (Who are They?)
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Old 13-04-2005, 16:04   #32
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Re: foul language

I work in an enviroment that you hear most people talking and the woman talks with the foulest of tongues,dont get me wrong men swear nearly as bad,but when you ask a man to curb his language he usually does but ask a woman and you might as well hit your head on a wall.
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Old 13-04-2005, 17:19   #33
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Re: foul language

I must admit I do use bad language a lot - it is something of a culture in the office I work in. I have to say that when I first came to London, I was shocked by the amount of bad language from all sorts of unexpected people - it does seem to be more common down here (take that how you will!).

That said, I do know other adjectives than f*****g - and use them rather more.

One experience - when I was a school governor, I was in the Head's office one morning, when a mum came in to see our Head. She had been asked to call in because of the child's foul language in class. Her response? - "I don't know where the little bl**der gets it from, I'll effing kill him."
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Old 13-04-2005, 17:27   #34
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Re: foul language

Originally Posted by pendy
I must admit I do use bad language a lot - it is something of a culture in the office I work in. I have to say that when I first came to London, I was shocked by the amount of bad language from all sorts of unexpected people - it does seem to be more common down here (take that how you will!).

That said, I do know other adjectives than f*****g - and use them rather more.

One experience - when I was a school governor, I was in the Head's office one morning, when a mum came in to see our Head. She had been asked to call in because of the child's foul language in class. Her response? - "I don't know where the little bl**der gets it from, I'll effing kill him."
pendy i used to mate around with a lad whose parents where dad cockney....mother scottish and when them two had a argument they had one you should have heard them at it, i think that is why i perssonally dont like foul language anymore especially spoke out loud so all the other people within 20 ft can also hear it.
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Old 13-04-2005, 17:29   #35
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Re: foul language

when i lived in wales it is normal language there as it is in ireland , no one seems to bother , it is up to the individual, if they want to use it ....well then ..but if they choose not to no one notices.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 13-04-2005, 19:03   #36
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Re: foul language

I never came across it in Ireland at all, where were you Mez?

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Old 13-04-2005, 20:21   #37
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Re: foul language

Willow - they do tend to swear a lot in Ireland, but to be honest they speak so softly & quickly you often miss it! Oh feck it!
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Old 13-04-2005, 20:25   #38
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Re: foul language

Originally Posted by chav1
what i find unbelievable is that the school its self didnt / hasnt taken any action is this not a form of child abuse

can anyone confirm this as the way she acted is so unbelievable i wouldnt believe it unless i heard it for myself lol
chav1 - isn't it everybodys duty to report any form of child abuse if they are witness to it? If you felt that these children were being abused why didn't you try to report the mother - why should it be the schools responsibility?
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Old 13-04-2005, 21:49   #39
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Re: foul language

Originally Posted by chav1
i stood jaw dropped while a woman basicly screamed this to her children

She isn't Scottish by any chance is she?

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Old 13-04-2005, 21:50   #40
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Re: foul language

Originally Posted by ShortStuff
Willow - they do tend to swear a lot in Ireland, but to be honest they speak so softly & quickly you often miss it! Oh feck it!
I've spent a lot of time in Ireland and none of the people I mixed with swore at all.

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Old 13-04-2005, 22:47   #41
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Re: foul language

Originally Posted by ShortStuff
chav1 - isn't it everybodys duty to report any form of child abuse if they are witness to it? If you felt that these children were being abused why didn't you try to report the mother - why should it be the schools responsibility?
its kind of a tough call realy as it was happening on school property for starters and there are a lot of other children about and the last thing anyone would want to see is two adults kicking off infront of children especialy those under 10 years old

i dont think you could find any man who would walk into a school yard full of kids and start correcting an obviously disturbed woman

before you know it the screaming and swearing at the kids and swearing infront of other kids wouldnt be the issue in hand but would soon turn into more of a matter of a man approaching a defenceless woman picking her children up and starting a confrontation

before you know it the mans in the wrong and hes the one in trouble with the police

i do not know if this woman still goes to this school to pick up her kids , somthing may well have been done about it i realy dont know as i havnt been up there for a long while at the time kids are finishing school

as for laying the responsability on the school i personaly would like to think that if an adult was acting in that way in front of the schools pupils on school property the head teacher would have the power to ban that person from coming onto school property and make them find other means of getting their children to school

all i can say is that although i have strong reservations about bad language infront of children it is not my place to correct parents who swear at their kids but if anyone swore at my kids like that they would then most definatly find themselves going head to toe with somone who although may know just as many nasty words as them would easily beat them down in any argument without having to use one of them

i realy dont want to come off as some snotty nosed git but i kind of felt that things had been turned around by your remark to make me look the bad guy for not reporting it, but in the real world things arnt that simple and to be quite honest i dont think anything i could have said or done would have made things any better but more than likely made things worse

Last edited by chav1; 13-04-2005 at 22:55.
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Old 12-09-2005, 18:14   #42
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Unhappy Re: foul language

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
She isn't Scottish by any chance is she?
A scottish women with here back up will match any guy in a swearing match and enjoy it. Even the kids think it is normal to swear to the extent a sailor would blush. It is a sign of the times that leting rip with swear words and derogotory comments is second nature and who is to blame, well I think we all are. I am pulled up on a regular basis by my daughter for it even when it is under my breath.

We as a nation seem to have lost that little bit that says it is impolite to swear and just carry on as if it is normal. If we are to rid ourselves of this polite society needs to be ingrained from an early age. The worst swearing is people are drunk and with women it is even worse as they have a habit of screaming swear words just for effect. A lovers tiff in the middle of the street after anight on the tiles is the most common place.

Kids at school from an early age seem to swear in every sentence so what chance do we have.

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Old 12-09-2005, 20:06   #43
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Re: foul language

Men swear most, but it sounds worse coming from a woman.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 12-09-2005, 20:12   #44
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Re: foul language

i think there is a time and a a lass i try my best to keep my swearing to a minimum!!! maybe uttering the odd expletive when i stub my toes!!! lol
don't hate me because im perfect...i was born this way!!
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Old 12-09-2005, 21:06   #45
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Re: foul language

I swore a lot when I was younger exept when an elder was about.
But now I only tend to use bad language when I'm very angry.
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