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Old 27-03-2010, 21:56   #61
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

Re: General Election

I wonder how any country can expect to operate when 1/5 of all able bodied adults in employment are public employees (non producers and non taxpayers) .note ...... Taxes paid by public employees are just recycled £s paid into the system previously by private emplyees and compaies and as such cannot be counted as 'new wealth')

National Statistics Online

and 1/3 of all homes are in reciept of Govt. benefits for at least 1/2 of its income, and therefore are non contributors to the system

One third of homes dependent on benefits - Telegraph

simple math shows that a majority of the population 1/5 +1/3 = 8/15 (20% +33.3% = 53%) is being financially supported by a lesser number of legitimate taxpayers , hardly conducive to a competive economy
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Accrington Web
Old 27-03-2010, 22:53   #62
Resting in Peace
Benipete's Avatar

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
I wonder how any country can expect to operate when 1/5 of all able bodied adults in employment are public employees (non producers and non taxpayers) .note ...... Taxes paid by public employees are just recycled £s paid into the system previously by private emplyees and compaies and as such cannot be counted as 'new wealth')

National Statistics Online

and 1/3 of all homes are in reciept of Govt. benefits for at least 1/2 of its income, and therefore are non contributors to the system

One third of homes dependent on benefits - Telegraph

simple math shows that a majority of the population 1/5 +1/3 = 8/15 (20% +33.3% = 53%) is being financially supported by a lesser number of legitimate taxpayers , hardly conducive to a competive economy
Very easy - You employ another couple of million civil servants and then you screw everyone else to pay the bill.

It does get the unemployment figures down for a while.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really

Last edited by Benipete; 27-03-2010 at 22:56.
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Old 28-03-2010, 00:21   #63
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Re: General Election

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
simple math shows that a majority of the population 1/5 +1/3 = 8/15 (20% +33.3% = 53%) is being financially supported by a lesser number of legitimate taxpayers , hardly conducive to a competive economy
Never mind 'simple'.

With those skills, if you were back over here, you'd be a Professor of Mathematics, teaching at Oxford.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-03-2010, 02:09   #64
God Member

Re: General Election

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
I wonder how any country can expect to operate when 1/5 of all able bodied adults in employment are public employees (non producers and non taxpayers) .note ...... Taxes paid by public employees are just recycled £s paid into the system previously by private emplyees and compaies and as such cannot be counted as 'new wealth')

National Statistics Online

and 1/3 of all homes are in reciept of Govt. benefits for at least 1/2 of its income, and therefore are non contributors to the system

One third of homes dependent on benefits - Telegraph

simple math shows that a majority of the population 1/5 +1/3 = 8/15 (20% +33.3% = 53%) is being financially supported by a lesser number of legitimate taxpayers , hardly conducive to a competive economy
the link shows that government employees has decreased 5% in the last ten years.. not a good thing.. wether it be within strong economies such as Britian and the so called G8 ...high unemployment is the main factor in any western economy.. even if as you say some of these government jobs are non-productive.. I'd rather have some in work than pay them to sit at home.. that is more productive.
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