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18-10-2007, 08:04
Resting in Peace
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Get that Broth on
Get that Broth on
its flipping cold, ice on the car this morning ( first time this year) and my lawn's got a nice white dusting of frost... winter is on the way: time to get the broth on and the thermals out... I reckon we are in for a hard winter this year ( hey I say that every year so I am going to get it right soon)
18-10-2007, 08:06
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Get that Broth on
I'm seriously miffed that I have just had to scrape the car after a 12 hour night shift  I just wanted to crawl into the car and sleep.
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
18-10-2007, 08:20
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Re: Get that Broth on
ya soft sods its only a bit of ice 
mind you, wouldnt mind the broth though, its thursday is it on the market today?...thought it was flea market?
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
18-10-2007, 08:48
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Re: Get that Broth on
I feel genuinely sorry for you folks who have to struggle to get to work in all weathers. I did the same for 35 years.
As a retired person I have the option of hibernation. Well semi- hibernation, but I found this
One hundred years ago: Human hibernation -- 320 (7244): 1245 -- BMJ
One hundred years ago
Human hibernation
A Practice closely akin to hibernation is said to be general among Russian peasants in the Pskov Government, where food is scanty to a degree almost equivalent to chronic famine. Not having provisions enough to carry them through the whole year, they adopt the economical expedient of spending one half of it in sleep. This custom has existed among them from time immemorial. At the first fall of snow the whole family gathers round the stove, lies down, ceases to wrestle with the problems of human existence, and quietly goes to sleep. Once a day every one wakes up to eat a piece of hard bread, of which an amount sufficient to last six months has providently been baked in the previous autumn. When the bread has been washed down with a draught of water, everyone goes to sleep again. The members of the family take it in turn to watch and keep the fire alight. After six months of this reposeful existence the family wakes up, shakes itself, goes out to see if the grass is growing, and by-and-by sets to work at summer tasks. The country remains comparatively lively till the following winter, when again all signs of life disappear and all is silent, except we presume for the snores of the sleepers. This winter sleep is called lotska. These simple folk evidently come within the terms of Touchstone's definition of a natural philosopher; and many whose lot is cast in places where men are breathless with the fierce race for power or glory or wealth would doubtless be disposed to say of them, 0 fortunatos nimium sua si bona norint! In addition to the economic advantages of hibernation, the mere thought of a sleep which knits up the ravelled sleeve of care for half a year on end is calculated to fill our harassed souls with envy. We, doomed to dwell here where men sit and hear each other groan, can scarce imagine what it must be for six whole months out of the twelve to be in the state of Nirvana longed for by Eastern sages, free from the stress of life, from the need to labour, from the multitudinous burdens, anxieties, and vexations of existence.
What an extreme way to survive in a harsh environment!! At least it demonstrates that survival is possible and gives hope that severe climate change will not neccessarily lead to our extinction.
18-10-2007, 09:56
Resident Waffler
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Re: Get that Broth on
It does sound incredible at first, but they must have become accustomed to it over generations and their bodies would not use up much energy so need very little in the way of sustenance it keep them alive.
As that was 100 years ago though, I wonder what happens there now? Have they got all mod cons and live normally throughout the winter months? How did they cope with the change I wonder. How would their bodies adjust?
I must admit that the thought of snuggling down all warm and cozy in the freezing cold does have a certain appeal.
18-10-2007, 10:18
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Re: Get that Broth on
Looking round teh desks at work I reckon the process is alive and well in Cheshire! 
18-10-2007, 10:22
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Re: Get that Broth on
I find it very easy to stay in alone for days on end in severe weather.
Grocery deliveries ensure I dont starve.
Webcam phone calls and Accy Web provide some sort of social contact which lessens the sense of isolation.
What I probably go short of is excercise - but I convince myself that housework and a Tai Chi DVD will give me enough of that (never have been a sporty type)
I used to 'escape' into PC ancient history/city building sim type games but have no plans to buy one this winter because I think Accy Web will be a better, healthier way(mentally) to while away the winter
PS having pleasant views from my windows helps
Last edited by MargaretR; 18-10-2007 at 10:32.
18-10-2007, 14:52
Resting in Peace
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Re: Get that Broth on
I cant see what your all moning about its been a really nice day walking round town .
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