12-02-2016, 15:54
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Re: Getting rid of Tories ...
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It doesn't matter how long you try to 'train' a woman....she will grow the way she wants...and men can either like it or lump it.
I know all about this; I have cats ... all female; and Emma is a tory.  Seems like our beautiful English Language has become a minefield. One can no longer say, getting back on topic, that tories are cruel, grasping, mean-spirited, ignorant over-privileged assholes, whose world-view begins and ends with their tax-sheltered wealth ... spice this up with your own expletives. Come to think of it, it was a tory who started all this horse manure. Back in the early 1900s ... maybe '05 or '06 ... Churchill, that master of English, came up with "terminological inexactitude"; and it's been downhill ever since. Chaucer could play cleverly on the meanings of "queynte" (careful when you say "quaint", you don't know where it comes from  ), and Swift could write his clever satire, "The Lady's Dressing Room", and Rochester could pen "A Ramble in St. James' Park", all to popular applause from a less than politically correct public. But times have changed. Now we have to censor our every utterance lest we offend. No more coons on my porch, I guess.  Some want to make our National Anthem gender neutral.  What next: "Land of My Fathers."?