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Old 01-01-2008, 14:07   #46
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Re: give em ya blood!

i think im going to give blood
if i can i mean .
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 01-01-2008, 20:27   #47
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
He has quite strongly said he'd rather die than have an injection, and I think that would actually include blood. If you know anybody with a phobia you would understand that it's more than just a bit of a worry, its terrifying and they even strongly believe it will do them harm if they let the thing near them.
He chipped a tooth skateboarding and pulled it out himself, because he didn't want to go to the dentist and have a needle. Can you imagine ripping your own tooth out when its not even wobbly? He has bad teeth and I warn him about absesses but he doesn't care, there isn't a chance in hell a needle is going near him. I think you'd only manage to get one in him if he was unconscious, and when he woke up he'd only rip it out again... or faint! When it comes to the point of fearing your girlfriend will have a needle in her arm, I think I believe him when he says he would refuse a needle even if he needed it to live.
So, as Harwood Red has shown, it is possible to overcome phobias about needles. It's not like you're even asking him to give blood. Time for you to exercise a little independence by making enquiries if it's possible to become a donor?
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Old 01-01-2008, 20:54   #48
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So, as Harwood Red has shown, it is possible to overcome phobias about needles. It's not like you're even asking him to give blood. Time for you to exercise a little independence by making enquiries if it's possible to become a donor?
I am possible to be a donor, I'm not saying I've never given blood before, I'm saying that he doesn't like me doing it, so I choose not to now. If I wanted to deserpately give blood I would, but I dont want to do it that badly, there are other good deeds to do than giving blood, and nobody has to do every good deed there is to be done, and this is just one that I am willing to not do to keep him happy.
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Old 02-01-2008, 03:59   #49
Dawn-of-the-Shed's Avatar

Re: give em ya blood!

I would love to give blood ....Saved my life in 1983....but unfortunately I had the tranfusion in 1983 which makes me not valid to help!!...Had a few more health probs that wud me make me not valid but they ok now......just the transfusion thats stands in way !
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Old 02-01-2008, 22:01   #50
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by Dawn-of-the-Shed View Post
I would love to give blood ....Saved my life in 1983....but unfortunately I had the tranfusion in 1983 which makes me not valid to help!!...Had a few more health probs that wud me make me not valid but they ok now......just the transfusion thats stands in way !
Thanks for sharing that It's amazing that people like yourselves know more than anyone how important giving blood is but then you are then in a position not to be able to give back...damn shame and must be frustrating for you.

But luckily I wasn't old enough to give blood in 83 so think yourself lucky you didn't get mine

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 03-01-2008, 18:44   #51
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Re: give em ya blood!

Whilst we're on the topic of blood, how many people think it's right that homosexuals aren't able to give blood?
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Old 03-01-2008, 19:06   #52
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Whilst we're on the topic of blood, how many people think it's right that homosexuals aren't able to give blood?

didnt know they couldnt...why not?
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Old 03-01-2008, 19:22   #53
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by panther View Post
didnt know they couldnt...why not?
Because of the risk of contaminated blood.
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Old 03-01-2008, 20:20   #54
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Re: give em ya blood!

if they tested then whats the problem, straight people can be 'contaminated' too
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Old 03-01-2008, 20:22   #55
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by panther View Post
if they tested then whats the problem, straight people can be 'contaminated' too
This is why I am asking
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Old 03-01-2008, 22:08   #56
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Whilst we're on the topic of blood, how many people think it's right that homosexuals aren't able to give blood?

We've had this conversation before on Accyweb. I have a gay male friend at work who has offered to give blood and bone marrow but has been told that he can't due to the risk of HIV. He was quite mad about this and so was I, as has been said, anyone, straight or gay can have HIV and as long as a HIV test has come back clear, any person should be able to give blood / bone marrow. I didn't think they could afford to be so choosy with their donors.

I mentioned this on here and someone pointed out that, although anyone can potentially be HIV positive, it is much more likely that a homosexual will be, rather than a straight person and it is not feasible to test everybody prior to donation.

Blood can be 'washed' after being donated, prior to being given to someone else and this would clean it of HIV virus but this would be a very time consuming and costly process for the NHS so it is easier all round to just not take blood from homosexuals.
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'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 04-01-2008, 00:53   #57
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Re: give em ya blood!

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
We've had this conversation before on Accyweb. I have a gay male friend at work who has offered to give blood and bone marrow but has been told that he can't due to the risk of HIV. He was quite mad about this and so was I, as has been said, anyone, straight or gay can have HIV and as long as a HIV test has come back clear, any person should be able to give blood / bone marrow. I didn't think they could afford to be so choosy with their donors.

I mentioned this on here and someone pointed out that, although anyone can potentially be HIV positive, it is much more likely that a homosexual will be, rather than a straight person and it is not feasible to test everybody prior to donation.

Blood can be 'washed' after being donated, prior to being given to someone else and this would clean it of HIV virus but this would be a very time consuming and costly process for the NHS so it is easier all round to just not take blood from homosexuals.

Unfortunatly there will be homosexuals who think it is wrong and not declare they are gay. Therefore by trying to restrict them it is if anything more of a threat to the system? Might as well just allow them to give blood if the threat is already there.
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Old 05-01-2008, 15:07   #58
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Re: give em ya blood!

I have given blood before, it's not that bad and if you want to you can have a local aneasthetic on your arm before the needle goes in. So if you dont look then you probably wont even know it's there. It take about ten minutes from start to finish yet it could save anothers life in a split second.
I cant give blood at the moment and feel guilty especially when all the leaflets and letters come through - i have asked to be taken off the mailing register but apparently they only stop post for 6 months then it starts again. I am ARnegative so i know they need it but they cant have it but that makes me sad

but if you even think there might be a chance you can stand it please try and give blood - if you get on the bed and really cant do it then just say so - chances are you will go through with it anyway and it is a great feeling to think you could save a life x
good luck
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Old 14-08-2008, 19:43   #59
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Re: give em ya blood!

Just thought I would let people know that they will be taking blood donations at the Globe Centre on Thursday 21st of August.
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