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Old 28-11-2011, 18:53   #1
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Give me a child until he is seven-

and I will give you the man!
The father of a seven year old was telling me yesterday that his child came home from school and told them the class had a talk/lecture from their teacher about Wednesdays strike. The teacher told them it was not the teachers fault, the Government was trying to take their money off them so it was the governments fault. The father suggested it might be more complicated than that, his child said 'Oh no,daddy, the teacher said that so it must be true'.
Whatever your politics, is it right that this sort of indoctrination of seven year olds(or any other age) at school should be permitted? I certainly don't think so.
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:02   #2

Boeing Guy's Avatar

Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Sadly i I am not surprised.
Many years ago, I had quite a bit of problems at college. Mainly because I did not agree with a Marxist lecturer.
He took a dislike to anyone who questioned his ideals and would do his best to demoralise you.

Politics and ideology should be left at the door.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:18   #3
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

calm down's all over the news, my son has been encouraged to watch the news since he was about 5, it's called LIFE, every child can turn on the tv and hear about it so stop chatting bubbles about schools and grow up
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:41   #4
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Don't children get influenced politically, by something akin to osmosis, of all they see and hear around them, which primarily will come from the leanings of their parents?

I know I was.

By my parents, on the planet we lived on.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2011, 19:41   #5
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
calm down's all over the news, my son has been encouraged to watch the news since he was about 5, it's called LIFE, every child can turn on the tv and hear about it so stop chatting bubbles about schools and grow up
Maybe so flashy but when you have the person who is trying to guide your child during the most important years of their lives, I certainly wouldn't want my child being brain washed and that's what it is, if a kid watches this on the news (which 7 year old sits now glued to the TV when the news comes on) the see the overall picture which they won't understand anyway at that age, but being ear bashed by "teacher" well it must be right mustn't it
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:43   #6
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Don't children get influenced politically, by something akin to osmosis, of all they see and hear around them, which primarily will come from the leanings of their parents?

I know I was.

By my parents, on the planet we lived on.

To be honest I didn't have a clue which way my parents voted until I got involved in politics when I was 16, my Father just said I'm glad you made the right choice
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:48   #7
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

RIGHT John, it was Reece who told me when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers on September 11th was his 5th birthday, we where at my friends house and he was watching something on tv in the other room, THAT news blocked out all other news that day and stopped most other programmes, he shouted from the lounge 'mummy some planes have crashed on the telly' from then on he has always taken an interest in the news when it's been on in the house.....if you think kids are getting brainwashed at school then you're thinking utter i said, it's called LIFE!!!
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:49   #8
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
Sadly i I am not surprised.
Many years ago, I had quite a bit of problems at college. Mainly because I did not agree with a Marxist lecturer.
He took a dislike to anyone who questioned his ideals and would do his best to demoralise you.

Politics and ideology should be left at the door.
I had an art history lecturer who politicised all her lectures with extremist feminist clap-trap.

Giotto, like all men, was a rapist, school of thought, etc.

I can't even remember the number of her lectures that I disrupted, and brought to the edge of chaos, before they had to be abandoned.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2011, 19:54   #9
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
RIGHT John, it was Reece who told me when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers on September 11th was his 5th birthday, we where at my friends house and he was watching something on tv in the other room, THAT news blocked out all other news that day and stopped most other programmes, he shouted from the lounge 'mummy some planes have crashed on the telly' from then on he has always taken an interest in the news when it's been on in the house.....if you think kids are getting brainwashed at school then you're thinking utter i said, it's called LIFE!!!
Maybe if the teach had said well the government is taking money of us, that money which is funded from your parents taxes, who's own private pensions were slashed by that nice Mr Brown, then that would have been a balanced opinion, not brainwashing like he/she did, now that is life as we know it
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:55   #10
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
To be honest I didn't have a clue which way my parents voted until I got involved in politics when I was 16, my Father just said I'm glad you made the right choice
Politics were often discussed in our home.

Though unlike my Dad, I've no idea who my equally politicised Mum voted for, and still don't, to this day.

They, amongst other people I knew as a child, helped shape my own politics.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2011, 19:57   #11
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

I remember questioning everything I was told from the age of 6 on at school.

I have never voted the way my parents voted and my political opinions were only influenced by my Grand-mother who was the biggest anti-Thatcherite the planet has ever seen. I have letters from my Grandad in which he writes to me about her latest laments about that lady in the 1980's...

There was a wonderful documentary called Seven which took a group of youngsters of that age in the early 70's and followed their lives , filming them every 7 years. Fascinating stuff -the 7 yr old child was nearly always recogniseabe in the adult they became...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 28-11-2011, 19:58   #12
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
and I will give you the man!
The father of a seven year old was telling me yesterday that his child came home from school and told them the class had a talk/lecture from their teacher about Wednesdays strike. The teacher told them it was not the teachers fault, the Government was trying to take their money off them so it was the governments fault
John, read it again....the teacher wasn't telling lies or trying to brainwash the kids, IT IS the governments fault...the teacher put it in laymans the kids
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Old 28-11-2011, 20:01   #13
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
and I will give you the man!
The father of a seven year old was telling me yesterday that his child came home from school and told them the class had a talk/lecture from their teacher about Wednesdays strike. The teacher told them it was not the teachers fault, the Government was trying to take their money off them so it was the governments fault. The father suggested it might be more complicated than that, his child said 'Oh no,daddy, the teacher said that so it must be true'.
Whatever your politics, is it right that this sort of indoctrination of seven year olds(or any other age) at school should be permitted? I certainly don't think so.
At my own primary school I had some wonderful teachers, who I learned later were socialists.

Though this influence was counterbalanced by also having Peter Britcliffe on the teaching staff.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2011, 20:07   #14
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
John, read it again....the teacher wasn't telling lies or trying to brainwash the kids, IT IS the governments fault...the teacher put it in laymans the kids
Teachers are supposed to give a balance view not one side, the idea would have been to give the reasons why, that would have been balanced
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Old 28-11-2011, 20:07   #15
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Re: Give me a child until he is seven-

I don't remember politics ever being discussed at junior school.

My political discussions at home as a teenager were always with my dad who had Liberal leanings -mum was a great admirer of Thatcher -mainly because she was a woman and the first of her kind.

I was completely the opposite and remember having some ding-dong rows while watching Question Time mainly but they always listened to what I had to say...they didn't agree as I saw things in a very clear cut way back then -no half-measures, but they always allowed me my say...
I said some terrible things to dad who was a design engineer and just before the time of the Falklands war had actually worked on anti-personel devices - his defence was that if he didn't do it someone else would have...he also worked for a long time in nuclear power...which I loathed... They never told me to shut up and I probably (definitely)exagerated

It has never been mentioned since and we never talk about politics now...

I don't think that a teacher should talk about their own views at a junior school level in any case.

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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