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Old 24-08-2013, 15:27   #61
Beacon of light

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Re: Go Home signs

Facts are facts, but it always good to realise that sometimes how they are presented can be skewed, biased...political parties call this 'spin'....and they use it to bamboozle and confuse issues...believing that most of the electorate is thick...or should that be 95% of the electorate?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 25-08-2013, 04:29   #62
Junior Member+

Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
My point was that people were actually against the signs because we shouldn't be asking people to sod of home when they have no right to be here, which to me is worse than the signs themselves
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
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Old 25-08-2013, 07:07   #63
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by StoneRoses View Post
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
Yeh n you have just proved its far from ideal,Its not about the right to be here, its about the circumstances, One day when yeh develop n I.Q. yeh will see the fact.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-08-2013, 08:15   #64
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by StoneRoses View Post
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
You are a good reason, maybe you should be housed in a lunatic asylum, with your attitude, if we allowed every Tom Dick and Ali to come here set up a tent and go to the nearest DHSS office and draw on a system to which they have contributed nothing may suit you. I have the right to complain because I HAVE paid into that system, maybe your haven't and are benevolent sort of a person I'm not. I would have no problem if people come here and receive exactly the same payments they would receive back home, but then we wouldn't have a problem in the first place, they wouldn't bother at all
DAV007, pallyman and maxthecollie like this.

Last edited by jaysay; 25-08-2013 at 08:18.
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Old 25-08-2013, 09:17   #65
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by StoneRoses View Post
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
You miss the point entirely.
Well, except that the world is not ideal...and that is a bit of an understatement.

Being born here gives you the right to reside here, unless of course, you choose somewhere else....but then you have to seek permission of the country you wish to move to.

You have to satisfy this country that you are a worthy resident by having a job, a home or at least somewhere to reside...that you have the finances to support yourself and will not be a drain on the community that you want to become part of.
You have to show some sort of committment to this community,perhaps by learning the language and the customs of the community that you want to join. do NOT have to abandon your own culture, but you do have to accept that it might not be the main culture of the area to which you are moving, and be graceful about that fact.

If you do not apply for permission, but move to your chosen country anyway disregarding all of those issues, then you have done so illegally.

You are in disrespect of the law of this land and you should not be afforded any of the privileges of that land......since you treat it, and its inhabitants with such disrespect.
You are expecting these people to support you, feed you home you and protect you, yet you do not respect them, or their values.

That is the reality of life on this globe.
We are a small island, and have for many years accepted all comers without question.

We have been tolerant of other races and creeds....but the people who have come have not always been tolerant of us...they want to turn our island into something like where they came from.
If they want something like the place that is their homeland, then my suggestion is that they return there.
cashman, jaysay, joaner3 and 3 others like this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-08-2013, 12:02   #66
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by StoneRoses View Post
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
I see the manure scattered on the flowerbed has brought forth our perennial again, he whose last major contribution was this:-

My, you certainly are a thorny one aren't you? Careful of the prick folks, Roses are notorious for them.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 26-08-2013, 01:53   #67
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by StoneRoses View Post
what gives you the right to be here? the fact that you, by no choice of your own and by complete luck that you was born in this particular place in contrast to other places in the world, what gives you the right to deny other people the right to live on this bit of land? I personally do not view any human as 'illegal' and in an ideal world would remove all borders completely. Alas this world is far from ideal.
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Old 26-08-2013, 08:08   #68
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
I see the manure scattered on the flowerbed has brought forth our perennial again, he whose last major contribution was this:-

My, you certainly are a thorny one aren't you? Careful of the prick folks, Roses are notorious for them.
Maybe he's made his yearly post now Dave
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Old 14-09-2013, 20:32   #69
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Re: Go Home signs

ha ha the irony BBC News - Font designer could sue over 'go home' vans
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Old 15-09-2013, 08:06   #70
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Re: Go Home signs

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
Funny that, I find you so ironic ever day
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