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Old 01-02-2012, 17:53   #61
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Don't give them any more crazy ideas ... or as soon as they come up with an expensive and unworkable scheme, they will implement it. Am I right in assuming that dog poop on the sidewalks is the most pressing problem facing Hyndburn after what is going on in Kashmir?
Not much on the pavement, we have terror squads of dog owners letting them crap in the woods.
How does the bear warden cope where you are? Does he have this much of a problem?
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Old 01-02-2012, 18:07   #62
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post

I think this is a good idea
Why am i not surprised?
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Old 01-02-2012, 18:57   #63
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Why am i not surprised?
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:24   #64

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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob View Post
No one is suggesting that owners should not clean up after their pets. We are complaining about the ludicrous overreaction, the unecessary expense and making a laughing stock of the borough in the national press into the bargain, luv.

And another thing, no one has yet come up with a reason why the owners of horses and cats should not also be required to clean up after their pets.
So you don't agree with this and think it is unnecessary. What do you suggest they do to sort out the dog dirt issue that will cost less than this?
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:26   #65
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So what would you suggest?

I disagree about more people not picking up during day light. He works shifts anyway so there might not be any extra wages costs. Is double time a guess or a fact for working evenings?

I think this is a good idea but what I want to see is how many people are being caught and fined in the paper each week.

I have noticed a lot more dog mess on our streets and in the parks at the moment. It is always the same at this time of year when it is dark. More people than usual decide not to pick up the mess because they assume they wont be seen by anyone.

Used correctly this equipment could soon be paid for by the extra fines handed out and we could have less mess on the streets.

If anyone has a better idea then why not suggest it instead of just moaning about our council trying to keep our borough clean?
Neil,you want to know how many people are being caught and fined?
50 people have been fined in HBC in 3 years!That's one every 3 weeks, raising £3750 pounds.
This is the result won by a team of dog wardens(number not specified) who as you say work shifts and I assume full time.
If HBC suffers so badly from dog fouling how come that's the best they can do? It's they who should be fined for failure to perform.
Equip them with expensive night vision glasses and cameras? Come on, that's going too far-if they can't catch anyone in daylight what chance have they in the dark?
Cost effective? There's still poo everywhere(as you say) and this team have raised £25/week in fines(less the administration costs!). So perhaps we can agree it's not cost effective and it's not working.
Everyone on this thread has agreed that leaving your dogs poo in a public place is disgraceful- the fuss is about the stupid expensive idea of night vision glasses and fancy cameras.
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:30   #66

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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Neil,you want to know how many people are being caught and fined?
50 people have been fined in HBC in 3 years!That's one every 3 weeks, raising £3750 pounds.
This is the result won by a team of dog wardens(number not specified) who as you say work shifts and I assume full time.
If HBC suffers so badly from dog fouling how come that's the best they can do? It's they who should be fined for failure to perform.
Equip them with expensive night vision glasses and cameras? Come on, that's going too far-if they can't catch anyone in daylight what chance have they in the dark?
Cost effective? There's still poo everywhere(as you say) and this team have raised £25/week in fines(less the administration costs!). So perhaps we can agree it's not cost effective and it's not working.
Everyone on this thread has agreed that leaving your dogs poo in a public place is disgraceful- the fuss is about the stupid expensive idea of night vision glasses and fancy cameras.
There is 1 dog warden in Hyndburn.

You say you all agree its disgraceful but the idea the council has had is stupid but no one has come up with a better idea yet. Everyone on this thread has moaned, like a lot of you like to, but no positive suggestions to sort out the problem.
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:38   #67
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
There is 1 dog warden in Hyndburn.

You say you all agree its disgraceful but the idea the council has had is stupid but no one has come up with a better idea yet. Everyone on this thread has moaned, like a lot of you like to, but no positive suggestions to sort out the problem.
Night goggles sure as hell ain't one
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:43   #68
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by Neil View Post
There is 1 dog warden in Hyndburn.

You say you all agree its disgraceful but the idea the council has had is stupid but no one has come up with a better idea yet. Everyone on this thread has moaned, like a lot of you like to, but no positive suggestions to sort out the problem.
You aren't exactly being inspirational with ideas yourself and I would observe that the above quote is a bit, well no, not a bit but alot of a moan itself.

We might not be full of any good ideas for solving the problem, but blatently throwing money we can ill afford at it isn't the correct way either.
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Last edited by Neil; 02-02-2012 at 10:25. Reason: swearing
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Old 01-02-2012, 19:55   #69
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
There is 1 dog warden in Hyndburn.

You say you all agree its disgraceful but the idea the council has had is stupid but no one has come up with a better idea yet. Everyone on this thread has moaned, like a lot of you like to, but no positive suggestions to sort out the problem.
The report we're discussing(MAIL) says there's a team.If it's wrong fair enough, one full time warden catches one person every three weeks-does that sound any better? No, not really.
Solutions-not easy. Fit the night visions to a sniper rifle? One kill every 3 weeks still isn't good.
Give him a target to meet and push him to meet it and increase the fine and publish names-it doesn't look like it will take up much room in the Observer.But £1000? I can join in a riot in London for a lot less than that.
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Old 01-02-2012, 20:06   #70
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
The report we're discussing(MAIL) says there's a team.If it's wrong fair enough, one full time warden catches one person every three weeks-does that sound any better? No, not really.
Solutions-not easy. Fit the night visions to a sniper rifle? One kill every 3 weeks still isn't good.
Give him a target to meet and push him to meet it and increase the fine and publish names-it doesn't look like it will take up much room in the Observer.But £1000? I can join in a riot in London for a lot less than that.
I can't see why they need even one. It's not as if spotting a dog taking a dump needs special skills, or even special equipment. I presume that Hyndburn has by-law enforcement officers who ticket cars and report infractions of property standards by-laws. Can't they be trained to identify offending animals (not the dogs; the irresponsible low lifes who own them) ... a few pics of what a dumping dog looks like and you are off and running.
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Old 01-02-2012, 20:35   #71
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I can't see why they need even one. It's not as if spotting a dog taking a dump needs special skills, or even special equipment. I presume that Hyndburn has by-law enforcement officers who ticket cars and report infractions of property standards by-laws. Can't they be trained to identify offending animals (not the dogs; the irresponsible low lifes who own them) ... a few pics of what a dumping dog looks like and you are off and running.
A national "Canine" DNA bank could solve the problem - samples found in undesignated areas for fouling could then be tested and the perpetrator identified!

I hope Acrylic-Biff is well-behaved and never escapes his owners control -could turn out to be expensive to have pet with a sense of adventure.

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Last edited by Neil; 02-02-2012 at 10:24. Reason: swearing
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Old 01-02-2012, 20:42   #72
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Re: Going far too far!

The Lancs Telegraph website on 29 Jan says that Hyndburn’s team of dog wardens are to use covert techniques to crackdown on the problem including the use of plain clothes officers and surveillance vans after an increase in complaints but a council report on the dog warden service from last November suggests there is only one warden and his duties involve a lot more than looking for dog poo.
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Old 01-02-2012, 20:50   #73
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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
The Lancs Telegraph website on 29 Jan says that Hyndburn’s team of dog wardens are to use covert techniques to crackdown on the problem including the use of plain clothes officers and surveillance vans after an increase in complaints but a council report on the dog warden service from last November suggests there is only one warden and his duties involve a lot more than looking for dog poo.
They are only allowed to look for 4 legged offenders.

Drunks, grafitti artists, vandals and hooligans fouling the streets will presumably carry on undisturbed...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 01-02-2012, 20:55   #74

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Re: Going far too far!

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
They are only allowed to look for 4 legged offenders.

Drunks, grafitti artists, vandals and hooligans fouling the streets will presumably carry on undisturbed...
That's the job of the Police Community Support Officers luv, oh hold on they aren't allowed to, Heath and safety luv's won't let them luv
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Old 01-02-2012, 21:15   #75
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Re: Going far too far!

The two environmental health officers who visited me a few years ago don't sit behind desks all day.

They visit problem sites too.

I supplied them with the car reg no of the woman who visited Heys field with three labradors twice a day, and the usual times she visited - they did follow up that info.

Last edited by MargaretR; 01-02-2012 at 21:19.
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