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Old 15-07-2009, 16:11   #1
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

good service

Today I witnessed something which gave me great reassurance. Around 2-45pm there was a power cut on Mallard and surrounding areas, I immediately used my lifeline to contact the control centre to see if the fault was just my property or if it was the whole estate. with having my details on file with Three Valleys who run the system, the operator knew that I was on oxygen and that I may be in some difficulty if the power was off long term, what happened after that was very reassuring, not only for me but certainly for people older than myself. She ran a check list to make sure all angles were covered and then told me not to hesitate to press the call button if I had any problems what so ever. I contacted Airproducts (the oxygen company) to ask for an extra backup cylinder and was told they knew about the problem through Three Valleys, backup arrived within 30 minutes. I then rang my daughter to let her know to use my mobile number as she usually contacts me on wednesday night, to my amazement she already knew again through Three Valleys. I was then rang by United Utilities who told me they had been contacted by Three Valleys because I was a vulnerable person on oxygen therapy, and they assured me the power would be back on by five thirty and not to worry. don't think you can get better service than that Well Done Three Valleys and the warden who was round my gaffe within twenty minutes

The power came back on around 4-10pm
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Old 15-07-2009, 18:56   #2
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Re: good service

good to know yer back ups there mate, don't want ya croaking on us.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-07-2009, 18:59   #3
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Re: good service

It's nice to hear about good customer service these days - especially when it's potentially life saving. I'm glad you're ok.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 15-07-2009, 19:14   #4
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Re: good service

Nice to hear that people really care and are there for you if needed.
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Old 15-07-2009, 20:55   #5
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Re: good service

What a nice story for a change, well done everybody involved
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Old 15-07-2009, 21:47   #6
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Re: good service

Glad to hear your OK John and pleased to hear about the services that were on offer to the hell out of that alternative medicine crap that we are subjected to.
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Old 16-07-2009, 07:30   #7

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Re: good service

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I then rang my daughter to let her know to use my mobile number as she usually contacts me on wednesday night, to my amazement she already knew again through Three Valleys.
Great service mate.

The only bit that worried me (apart from when you tried to convince us that some people are actually older than you ) was the bit above about the phone.

Your landline will work in a power cut as the whole phone network is run off battery backed up supplies.

If you have a mains powered phone like a cordless you really should have a corded phone as well as backup. Cordless phones always come with a warning that they are not for emergency calls as they don't work in a power cut. I would not rely on your mobile in a power cut in case the local mobile phone masts go down as well. Many are battery backed up but they wont last several hours.
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Old 16-07-2009, 08:46   #8
Resting in Peace
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Re: good service

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Great service mate.

The only bit that worried me (apart from when you tried to convince us that some people are actually older than you ) was the bit above about the phone.

Your landline will work in a power cut as the whole phone network is run off battery backed up supplies.

If you have a mains powered phone like a cordless you really should have a corded phone as well as backup. Cordless phones always come with a warning that they are not for emergency calls as they don't work in a power cut. I would not rely on your mobile in a power cut in case the local mobile phone masts go down as well. Many are battery backed up but they wont last several hours.
All my phones are cordless Neil and I realise they don't work in a power cut, I found out the hard way last November, when the power was of for ages one Saturday, once bitten twice shy I now have a corded phone ready to plug in for emergencies.

Just to add to my original post United Utilities even rang me again last night about 7-30pm just to check everything was okay
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Old 16-07-2009, 18:56   #9
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Re: good service

Great Jaysay ... Guardian Angels do exist after all, even though they are in human form at Three Valleys.
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Old 16-07-2009, 19:50   #10
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Re: good service

Good to hear that you were well taken care of .... lucky you don't live in the US; you would by now be missing an arm and a leg
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Old 17-07-2009, 09:28   #11
Resting in Peace
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Re: good service

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Great Jaysay ... Guardian Angels do exist after all, even though they are in human form at Three Valleys.
It does actually give you that added confidence, just knowing that if things do go belly up, help is at hand. In fact when I had extra oxygen delivered I just mention to my engineer who looks after my equipment, that the only other problem I had was that I would struggle if the power was off for a long period as I couldn't use my nebulizer, say no more he supplied me with a high pressure oxygen cylinder which nebulized too, sorted
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Old 17-07-2009, 17:21   #12
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Re: good service

Well done three valleys, excellent response to what was a potential problem for you Jay, nice to know these people are there should you need them.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 04-08-2009, 03:11   #13
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Re: good service

I thought I would just drag this tread back up. Last week I received a letter from HH saying that they would be replacing my alarm system with a new up to date model on Monday 3rd Aug. They came and swapped it over in 10 minutes. The main reason for reactivating this tread is that the Criterion for alarm system has recently changed within HH. it used to be confined to people living in 1 bed ground floor flats (people living in other accommodation could have the system but had to pay a quarterly fee) However it has now changed to the system being allocated to the person not the property, so say if you live in a one bed upstairs flat you can now ask for cover. There are a lot of people who are now classed as elderly and with health problems that have lived in their present homes for many years and are now in need of this service, another step forward me thinks
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