29-10-2010, 01:47
God Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: Government plan to "sell off" Forests and Woodlands
With a population density of approx. 1k folks per sq. km., how many forests and woodlands are there left in the UK? If this is an issue, is it ideological or ecological?
As an aside, I have a feeling that many will regret the election of a Conservative plurality, and the coalition. I still find it difficult to understand why the British public and the politicians who claim to represent them have this unwillingness to try a minority govt.. I believe that Clegg will regret his formal alliance with the tories. I think he and his party would have been much better off refusing an alliance with either Labour or the Conservatives. Here in Canada ... and let's face it, we ain't doing all that bad over here ... voters seem quite happy with a minority govt. Enough wandering; off to the beer fridge. 