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Old 01-03-2012, 10:04   #91
Resting in Peace
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
You wouldn't have unless you have a google account - which I didn't want but because I have a few You Tube accounts they kept hassling me to open a google account. But if you are just using it for searching, maybe they won't have much on you?
I have a google account and have never signed in, which according to the rep on TV this morning means their new rules won't affect me one little bit, scaremongering over
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Old 01-03-2012, 10:06   #92
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Yes Less I read a lot of his books - 1984, Animal Farm, Down and out in Paris and London etc... his real name was Eric Blair! Thanks for the bio...

I have found a site with 1984 in it's entirety - enjoy

George Orwell - 1984 - Part 1, Chapter 1

Ya slavery to heroin is obviously very debilitating and takes its tole even years after
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Old 03-03-2012, 18:04   #93
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Ya slavery to heroin is obviously very debilitating and takes its tole even years after
You seem out of touch with reality mate!

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Old 03-03-2012, 18:54   #94

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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

You have a choice, if you don't like what Google do simply choose a different Search Engine, there are lots and lots of them. Of course you could just accept that google will be collecting data and using it across their services.
If you really don't want to be tracked, get rid of your car, mobile phone, bank account and all plastic cards, sell your house and go live in a cave.
Living off the grid is the only way to protect your privacy these days.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 03-03-2012, 20:47   #95
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

As far as I know using google search engine will not be subject to the collection of personal data.
My understanding of the situation(and it could be I have got hold of the wrong end of the stick) is that if you have a google account and log in......or a Gmail account or a youtube account,google maps...or anyother google affiliated program, then that is when your preferences will be tracked, and data collected.

I use google as a search engine....and dogpile I believe that nothing much will change(I don't have any google accounts that I log into).

To be honest, we are all subjected to so much scrutiny anyway CCTV camera's everywhere......if you have shoppers loyalty cards then you are already being scrutinised for your shopping habits.
We like to think we have privacy, but in reality, we don't have much.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 03-03-2012, 20:54   #96
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
You have a choice, if you don't like what Google do simply choose a different Search Engine, there are lots and lots of them. Of course you could just accept that google will be collecting data and using it across their services.
If you really don't want to be tracked, get rid of your car, mobile phone, bank account and all plastic cards, sell your house and go live in a cave.
Living off the grid is the only way to protect your privacy these days.
That's one way of looking at it - I am using Dogpile search engine a lot now instead of Google!
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Old 03-03-2012, 22:12   #97

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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Ah yes,, but your movements can and are still tracked.
Still if you feel better
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 04-03-2012, 06:40   #98
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

The one thing that really makes me laugh about all this data tracking malarky is the feeble excuse that is usually put forward in justification; namely that it will allow advertisers to offer the consumer who is data tracked, advertising that is more closely tailored to their preferences. I have, as yet, seen not one jot of evidence to support this claim.

Data Tracking and information gathering in general is part of the psychopathy of beurocracy. There is no reasonable justification for most of it. It just, is.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 04-03-2012, 10:32   #99
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
You seem out of touch with reality mate!

There's only one person out of touch with reality probably done by previous trips to the silver clouds
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Old 04-03-2012, 14:21   #100
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

well like i said google got in trouble for snooping around in peoples wi-fi networks when they map streets for google earth so with scruples like that its best to take anything that company says as a lie.

i have a gmail account which i set up when gmail was in tirals and i only use it as an address to type into websites when asked for an email address so the spam as a result of it goes to an account i dont care for.Thats about all google are fit for to be used as a diversion for spam lol
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 16-03-2012, 09:48   #101
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
well like i said google got in trouble for snooping around in peoples wi-fi networks when they map streets for google earth so with scruples like that its best to take anything that company says as a lie.

i have a gmail account which i set up when gmail was in tirals and i only use it as an address to type into websites when asked for an email address so the spam as a result of it goes to an account i dont care for.Thats about all google are fit for to be used as a diversion for spam lol
Not just them, the Con-Dem's are liars too - before the election they said they would stop New Labours surveilance society and stand up for peoples right to privacy - but now they are planning exactly the same thing!

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Old 16-03-2012, 10:17   #102
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Not just them, the Con-Dem's are liars too - before the election they said they would stop New Labours surveilance society and stand up for peoples right to privacy - but now they are planning exactly the same thing!

Can you not do better than YouTube
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Old 28-03-2012, 07:53   #103
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by Boeing Guy View Post
You have a choice, if you don't like what Google do simply choose a different Search Engine, there are lots and lots of them. Of course you could just accept that google will be collecting data and using it across their services.
If you really don't want to be tracked, get rid of your car, mobile phone, bank account and all plastic cards, sell your house and go live in a cave.
Living off the grid is the only way to protect your privacy these days.
Soon all TV's will be Internet - you won't be able to get one without! I say this because can you buy a computer that does not rely on the Internet? As soon as you switch one on when you buy it, it has to go on line to function in the first place! No I don't think you can! Even virus software needs the Internet for updates So soon everything will rely on the Internet and thus everything will be open for intrusion from other agencies! This is fact! This news article is out of the Daily Mail...

CIA want to spy on you through you TV!

When people download a film from Netflix to a flatscreen, or turn on web radio, they could be alerting unwanted watchers to exactly what they are doing and where they are.

Spies will no longer have to plant bugs in your home - the rise of 'connected' gadgets controlled by apps will mean that people 'bug' their own homes, says CIA director David Petraeus.

The CIA claims it will be able to 'read' these devices via the internet - and perhaps even via radio waves from outside the home.

Read more: The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV: Agency director says net-connected gadgets will 'transform' surveillance | Mail Online

Last edited by kestrelx; 28-03-2012 at 08:03.
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Old 28-03-2012, 08:05   #104
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

You do not have to use the internet....and if you do not use the internet then you are not at risk from viruses in the same way that you are if you connect to the web.
Ok so you may still get a virus if you connect a storage device which has been conncted to a computer which has been used for the internet.

I have a laptop which is not internet ready and has never been connected to the internet.

I have photo's and documents on it and have used it to produce educational stuff .......slide shows and the like.

I will not be buying a TV that is purely internet.....I am not interested in Netflix or such products........I cannot see the CIA having the personnel to monitor everyone on the planet who watches TV............I am sure they will be directing their surveillance to those people who they feel are the ones they need to watch.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-03-2012, 08:09   #105
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Re: Government Spy Program will Monitor you!

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You do not have to use the internet....and if you do not use the internet then you are not at risk from viruses in the same way that you are if you connect to the web.
Ok so you may still get a virus if you connect a storage device which has been conncted to a computer which has been used for the internet.

I have a laptop which is not internet ready and has never been connected to the internet.

I have photo's and documents on it and have used it to produce educational stuff .......slide shows and the like.

I will not be buying a TV that is purely internet.....I am not interested in Netflix or such products........I cannot see the CIA having the personnel to monitor everyone on the planet who watches TV............I am sure they will be directing their surveillance to those people who they feel are the ones they need to watch.
Be kestrelx is high on their list Margaret
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