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We are heading for the George Orwell - 1984 society ...
"Details about text messages, phone calls, emails and every website visited by members of the public will be kept on record in a bid to combat terrorism.
The Government will order broadband providers, landline and mobile phone companies to save the information for up to a year under a new security scheme.
What is said in the texts, emails or phone calls will not be kept but information on the senders, recipients and their geographical whereabouts will be saved.
Direct messages to users of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter will also be saved and so will information exchanged between players in online video games.
The information will be stored by individual companies rather than the government.
The news has sparked huge concerns about the risk of hacking and fears that the sensitive information could be used to send spam emails and texts."
Funny how before the 2010 election the Tories and the Lib Dems were selling us the spin they were going to cancel these measures which were being put in by New Labour! Now the turn coat hypocrites are doing exactly the same thing!
mandelson was trying to push something similar through when labour were in power.I think it was called the Media Bill which seemed to be on teh face of it to combat piracey and terrorism but when looked at closer gave government the power to read your private emails etc
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
mandelson was trying to push something similar through when labour were in power.I think it was called the Media Bill which seemed to be on teh face of it to combat piracey and terrorism but when looked at closer gave government the power to read your private emails etc
Yes and the Tories were saying they wouldn't do it before the election now they are doing the same thing! Even though MP David Davies claims to be against it!
well its quite often you will find an MP say they do or think one thing only to do the exact opposite
look at our local MP for example
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
if yer aint doing owt wrong, you've nowt to be bothered about, we're kept tabs on already with Echelon -you mention certain words in phone calls, internet etc & it apparantly triggers the alarm bells.
and it has took you to now to realise this?
we are all caught on CCTV when ever we go out, our cars have ANPR cameras looking at them, if you use your credit/debit card you are traceable as are all your bank transactions. Cellphones note your whereabouts and even Tesco are at it with their clubcard.
If you really believe that your emails/phone calls/texts have not been intercepted and monitored by now, you must be very naive.
However if you think of the sheer number of telephone calls, texts and the vast number of emails made per day then you would realise that storing them all, let alone filtering though and reading/listening to them would be a near impossible task. Still it gives the Daily Mail something to write about.
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"
and it has took you to now to realise this?
we are all caught on CCTV when ever we go out, our cars have ANPR cameras looking at them, if you use your credit/debit card you are traceable as are all your bank transactions. Cellphones note your whereabouts and even Tesco are at it with their clubcard.
If you really believe that your emails/phone calls/texts have not been intercepted and monitored by now, you must be very naive.
However if you think of the sheer number of telephone calls, texts and the vast number of emails made per day then you would realise that storing them all, let alone filtering though and reading/listening to them would be a near impossible task. Still it gives the Daily Mail something to write about.
and it has took you to now to realise this?
we are all caught on CCTV when ever we go out, our cars have ANPR cameras looking at them, if you use your credit/debit card you are traceable as are all your bank transactions. Cellphones note your whereabouts and even Tesco are at it with their clubcard.
If you really believe that your emails/phone calls/texts have not been intercepted and monitored by now, you must be very naive.
However if you think of the sheer number of telephone calls, texts and the vast number of emails made per day then you would realise that storing them all, let alone filtering though and reading/listening to them would be a near impossible task. Still it gives the Daily Mail something to write about.
Spot on BG, if I'd have put a link on from the Mail I'd have got some real pain, seems its okay for anybody else to do so, as we've seen over the last few years intercepting texts and emails is easy, when you have people who can hack into the pentagon from a back bedroom, nothings impossible, mind you if your doing nout wrong you've nout to bother about, people who usually shout have something to hide
We are heading for the George Orwell - 1984 society ...
Oh ye of little brain, let's sort out a few facts:-
We can't be heading for 1984, this, is 2012, (even using your mind bending tools we can't go back in time).
1984 AND George Orwell are fictional,
When the guy put his idea to his publisher's, he called it 1948, they didn't like it being so close to their future, therefore a name change. (guess what to?).
His name well, if you can't google it why should I tell you?
Try reading some of his other books, he was actually a man that lived what he wrote about, so much so, he contracted and died from T.B., (a disease of the real world, not your brain rotting synthetics).
Now, please, don't ever use any of his material in any of your trash posts ever again!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Oh ye of little brain, let's sort out a few facts:-
We can't be heading for 1984, this, is 2012, (even using your mind bending tools we can't go back in time).
1984 AND George Orwell are fictional,
When the guy put his idea to his publisher's, he called it 1948, they didn't like it being so close to their future, therefore a name change. (guess what to?).
His name well, if you can't google it why should I tell you?
Try reading some of his other books, he was actually a man that lived what he wrote about, so much so, he contracted and died from T.B., (a disease of the real world, not your brain rotting synthetics).
Now, please, don't ever use any of his material in any of your trash posts ever again!
Yeah have little brain pal! I can't even be bothered talking to you about it! You have little brain! I used the reference to Orwell as a rough comparison! FACT IS THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ALLOWING SOME "SECURITY OFFICER" TO KEEP YOUR E--MAILS AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA! Not that yours is worth looking at!
30 years ago if I told you the Post Office were opening your letters and photo copying the contents people would be outraged! Now people seem to take this issue for granted - all in the name of stopping those nasty little bogey men! sneaky little terrorists!
A bit of Newspeak for you - just a bit of Friendly fire! Don't worry...
Yeah have little brain pal! I can't even be bothered talking to you about it! You have little brain! I used the reference to Orwell as a rough comparison! FACT IS THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE ALLOWING SOME "SECURITY OFFICER" TO KEEP YOUR E--MAILS AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA! Not that yours is worth looking at!
30 years ago if I told you the Post Office were opening your letters and photo copying the contents people would be outraged! Now people seem to take this issue for granted - all in the name of stopping those nasty little bogey men!