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Old 27-10-2013, 07:58   #16
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Re: Grangemouth

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
the union actually called off the strike . the management done the shutdown this was political as we will find out. the government scottish or uk gave the company an incentive to stay open. no union can shut down a factory now , only its members can if they dont turn up on the day.
In this case though media sources emphasised that due to the technicalities of running the plant, a projected strike; and don't forget you aren't allowed as management to actually asks potential strikers if they are going to strike or not, meant that they had to take the steps to close down safely some time before the actual strike date.

On the other hand, I'd still like the company to produce some figures on the profitability of the plant. Share holder gluttony dictates too much company policy and encourages some to "renegotiate" long held contract conditions. Such tactics are always top-down from corporations to individuals. I propose a UK version of the Arab Spring, perhaps a Britsh Winter where millions abandon major power suppliers and go to smaller independents as an alternative. Unfortunately apathy, mine included will see that this doesn't happen. First world problems aren't motivational enough.

Now where's my soapbox?
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Old 27-10-2013, 09:09   #17
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Re: Grangemouth

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
How do you guys see this?

I really don't know what to think here. So many variables.

A scandal ridden union in disarray with unreasonable demands?

An intransigent boss determined to have his way?

Cheap imports undercutting the company forcing it to come up with a rescue plan setting worker rights back 20 years?

Alex Salmond soundbites claiming a victory for Scotland?

The UK promising to underwrite a £125 million investment even if Scotland gets home rule?

Personally I'm kinda falling into the boss camp, which sticks in my craw somewhat.

My current view on it...Muppet union jobsworth reps, with ridiculous expectations pushing their members into an untenable position. Union bosses have become exactly the same as their political counterparts....

i.e. in it for themselves
Good old Arthur Scagille, would never have don't that would he Guinness
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Old 27-10-2013, 09:30   #18
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Re: Grangemouth

Thing is though wi pensions having to be reduced,is in the 80s/90s Greedy barstward firms took "Pension Holidays" the reason given was there was too much money in the kitty n it would "NEVER" all be needed,I myself was one who argued wi em, about the Boom @ Bust cycle, But no they took a few years holiday,putting sod all in the pension pot,whilst workers still contributed their share weekly. Many are not aware of this fact,or choose to ignore it, THat is the reason firms cannot now afford Final Pensions, Funny the pay offs n the like fer those that took this mad decision aint been affected as i can see,
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Old 27-10-2013, 09:55   #19
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Re: Grangemouth

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Good old Arthur Scagille, would never have don't that would he Guinness
they knew the end game .but if you think destroying whole communities and towns and not replacing industries and leaving full towns on the scrapheap that's alright then
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Old 27-10-2013, 09:58   #20
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Re: Grangemouth

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Thing is though wi pensions having to be reduced,is in the 80s/90s Greedy barstward firms took "Pension Holidays" the reason given was there was too much money in the kitty n it would "NEVER" all be needed,I myself was one who argued wi em, about the Boom @ Bust cycle, But no they took a few years holiday,putting sod all in the pension pot,whilst workers still contributed their share weekly. Many are not aware of this fact,or choose to ignore it, THat is the reason firms cannot now afford Final Pensions, Funny the pay offs n the like fer those that took this mad decision aint been affected as i can see,
Robert Maxwell was lambasted for stealing pensions, now its just the norm I wish we could get a decent press who would query this robbery. .ohh no I forgot these papers are funded by the very people who do these things.
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Old 27-10-2013, 20:30   #21
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Re: Grangemouth

and the truth about grangemouth just as i suspected. The Grangemouth dispute makes it clear who really runs the country - Comment - Voices - The Independent the tories are connected to these the tories for britain i dont think so.
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