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Old 11-05-2012, 22:21   #121
God Member

Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
He's got too much on his mind tweeting about your football club. Anybody'd think he was the MP for Blackburn the way he's going on.
You maybe right ther Wyn.. from what I've heard the main topic at half time in the Blackburn end this season has been one of a referendum on leaving the EU ..
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Old 12-05-2012, 08:26   #122
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
He isn't going to show any concern about that because, just like your Tory mates, he supports the rip-off that is the EU.

As for the chicken farmers, his "concern" is well out of order. He even brought it up in parliament the other month. He's the MP for HYNDBURN not BLACKBURN. If Blackburn shopping centre was having problems, would you expect him to be "showing concern" about that?

Better shut up before I get my knuckles rapped for thread-hijacking!
Ya sod of back into the Stanley Section
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Old 13-05-2012, 00:24   #123
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

So there's talk of Greece being kicked out of the Euro because they can't elect a government that can agree terms with 'the bankers'.

Now perhaps i'm thick, but....

A bank is somewhere I put my money so that thieves can't steal it. 'The bankers' look after it, give me a little bit of interest, lend it to others more needy and make that interest back plus a little bit for their trouble, and thats just peachy, everyone's a winner.

Then I lose the plot...why can 'the bankers' dictate government (or European) policy? They produce nothing for the community, they don't defend the community, they don't provide for the community.

They take risks to make more money and when they fail they make the community bail them out, they pay themselves massive bonuses (even when they screw up) at the expense of the community, and they wine and dine world leaders to influence government policy at the expense of the community.

So maybe, just maybe, the Greeks who are arguably the founding fathers of democracy, philosophy and modern civilisation, are leading the pack once again.

But then again, maybe I'm just thick!
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 13-05-2012, 00:45   #124
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
So there's talk of Greece being kicked out of the Euro because they can't elect a government that can agree terms with 'the bankers'.

Now perhaps i'm thick, but....

A bank is somewhere I put my money so that thieves can't steal it. 'The bankers' look after it, give me a little bit of interest, lend it to others more needy and make that interest back plus a little bit for their trouble, and thats just peachy, everyone's a winner.

Then I lose the plot...why can 'the bankers' dictate government (or European) policy? They produce nothing for the community, they don't defend the community, they don't provide for the community.

They take risks to make more money and when they fail they make the community bail them out, they pay themselves massive bonuses (even when they screw up) at the expense of the community, and they wine and dine world leaders to influence government policy at the expense of the community.

So maybe, just maybe, the Greeks who are arguably the founding fathers of democracy, philosophy and modern civilisation, are leading the pack once again.

But then again, maybe I'm just thick!
This is something only a banker or the EU parliament could disagree with.
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Old 13-05-2012, 08:10   #125
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Right on the money, Guinness! Karma sent.
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Old 13-05-2012, 08:15   #126
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

somebody said(James Garfield the American president, I think) that 'whoever controls the money(supply) controls the whole nation'.

Much in the way of politics and political favours seems to be bought and sold...there isn't much done in politics(these days) because it is morally or ethically right.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 13-05-2012, 09:36   #127
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
So there's talk of Greece being kicked out of the Euro because they can't elect a government that can agree terms with 'the bankers'.

Now perhaps i'm thick, but....

A bank is somewhere I put my money so that thieves can't steal it. 'The bankers' look after it, give me a little bit of interest, lend it to others more needy and make that interest back plus a little bit for their trouble, and that's just peachy, everyone's a winner.

Then I lose the plot...why can 'the bankers' dictate government (or European) policy? They produce nothing for the community, they don't defend the community, they don't provide for the community.

They take risks to make more money and when they fail they make the community bail them out, they pay themselves massive bonuses (even when they screw up) at the expense of the community, and they wine and dine world leaders to influence government policy at the expense of the community.

So maybe, just maybe, the Greeks who are arguably the founding fathers of democracy, philosophy and modern civilisation, are leading the pack once again.

But then again, maybe I'm just thick!
No Gremlin your not thick, you've just grasped whats been going on for hundreds of years and will carry on until some one comes up with something better, but with politicians world wide have their noses embedded deeply in the trough don't expect it anytime soon
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Old 13-05-2012, 10:48   #128
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
somebody said(James Garfield the American president, I think) that 'whoever controls the money(supply) controls the whole nation'.

Much in the way of politics and political favours seems to be bought and sold...there isn't much done in politics(these days) because it is morally or ethically right.

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply."
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild

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Old 13-05-2012, 11:33   #129
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Yes Margaret, after I had posted my quote, I remembered that Rothschild had said something similar...but it was too late to edit my post.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-08-2012, 12:09   #130
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Rothschild has placed a bet that the Euro will 'cease to be'.

Since he is the power behind all Europe's money supply, it will happen.

Lord Rothschild in $200 Million Bet Against Euro: Report - Business News - CNBC

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Old 20-08-2012, 13:43   #131
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Rothschild has placed a bet that the Euro will 'cease to be'.

Since he is the power behind all Europe's money supply, it will happen.

Lord Rothschild in $200 Million Bet Against Euro: Report - Business News - CNBC
Some of us remember when George Soros bet against the pound and then made a financial killing on the UK's exit from the ERM on Black Wednesday. Except it wasn't so Black; it was not even fifty shades of gray. It was the best thing that happened to the UK economy for many years. So well done, George. And if Rothy succeeds in ridding the world of the Euro, then well done too! I'll buy the man a pint.
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Old 20-08-2012, 17:51   #132
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

Ya he can have a chaser to go with it off me Tealeaf
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Old 26-08-2012, 17:57   #133
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Re: Greece........................Sink or Swim?

The can has been kicked down the road as far as it can go. The Eurozone will be downsized. Greece cannot be saved. It's a toss-up as to who will be next in line.
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