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Old 24-04-2005, 12:57   #1
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Greg Pope

I asked this question earlier but it was tucked away in another thread, so I thought I'd ask it again but as a subject in itself.

We're told that we shouldn't vote in the general election for the party but instead we should vote for the person who will do the most for the borough. In that case I think it's important that we know exactly what Greg Pope has done for Hyndburn since being elected. It will help some of us make up our minds if we can understand how effective he has been. I'm not talking about his views on the war or other national stuff, and I don't want it to be a slagging off session against him or other candidates, I just want to know - what has Greg Pope done for us? Can anyone enlighten us?
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Old 24-04-2005, 18:00   #2
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Re: Greg Pope

I'm a bit alarmed that after five hours no one has managed to answer my question.
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Old 24-04-2005, 18:04   #3
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Re: Greg Pope

Originally Posted by PurpleLass
I'm a bit alarmed that after five hours no one has managed to answer my question.
Well you've narrowed it down you said you don't want it to be slagging him off so now we are all in deep thought about WHAT he has done for the area.
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Old 24-04-2005, 18:04   #4
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Re: Greg Pope

he rang up HBC and gave them a kick up the ass when they said they wouldnt clear my street for upto 4 days

after he spoke to them after i emailed him pictures they did it the next day

i suppose the other way of looking at this is that most know who gregg pope is yet like me i bet many others dont know who represents the lib dems or concervatives and the bnp


i dont see how a local mp can do anything for the area as gregg pope himself told me that he had no control over the council what so ever and 9 out of 10 times its the councils doing when somthing bad is happening to our area

Last edited by chav1; 24-04-2005 at 18:13.
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Old 24-04-2005, 18:08   #5
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Re: Greg Pope

He was very helpful to myself and my staff when we were made redundant;he's a thoroughly nice bloke and genuine too,not a quality too common in MP's!
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Old 25-04-2005, 11:49   #6
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Re: Greg Pope

So, still no answer to my question - and I know our friendly local councillor Graham Jones has been on the forum recently.

Someone must have something positive to say about Greg Pope other than he was really nice. It doesn't bode well.
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Old 25-04-2005, 18:12   #7
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Re: Greg Pope

What more do you want me to say? He was pleasant,polite,attentive and informative. I know he took our problem seriously and would not hesitate in approaching him again.You could put another slant on it and ask"What has P Britcliffe done for us?"The answer to that would be quite entertaining.
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Old 25-04-2005, 18:18   #8
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Re: Greg Pope

It's a difficult question because as said earlier MPs do tend to be involved in national issues rather than simply local ones.

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Old 25-04-2005, 19:04   #9
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Re: Greg Pope

But surely the prime function of an MP is to represent the views of his constituents. I do not recall Mr Pope, or any of his predecessors for that matter, asking my opinion on anything.
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Old 25-04-2005, 20:19   #10
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Re: Greg Pope

I believe he`s a panopticon supporter..Ooops sorry, Gayle said that thats on the back burner until after the election
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Old 25-04-2005, 21:19   #11
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Re: Greg Pope

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
"What has P Britcliffe done for us?"The answer to that would be quite entertaining.
Only it isn't PB that is our Conservative candidate. It would be very unfair to judge James Mawdsley on PBs past record.
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Old 26-04-2005, 06:02   #12
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Re: Greg Pope

I came across this article in the Times this morning and it made me smile and so I thought I would share it with you all. Can you imagine Mr Pope or Mr Mawdsley doing anything similar? Say what you like about Doris Karloff, and many have, but one thing you could never accuse her of is being BORING!,00.html
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Old 26-04-2005, 08:04   #13
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Re: Greg Pope

I've had no dealings with Greg Pope so can't really comment on how good he is as a local MP.

The only dealings l had with a local MP was Ken Hargreaves. Even though he knew l wasn't a Conservative supporter, he helped get back some money l was owed by Liverpool Council. lt meant a great deal to me at the time, and my respect went up for him went up.
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Old 26-04-2005, 11:16   #14
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Re: Greg Pope

I got my Conservative propaganda sheets through the postbox last night. Unfortunately, I was out when they called round so they posted them through the front door - it's a shame because I would have liked to chat to them.

Anyway, once again in this election the Conservative going for the County job has focused on what the other party is not doing and not on what they're planning to do. At least Mawdsley talks about his specific interests, if he wasn't affiliated to PB I'd possibly be tempted to vote for him - he sounds a nice chap with some sound ideas.
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Old 15-05-2005, 11:33   #15
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Re: Greg Pope

When purplelass started this thread I was expecting loads of examples of Mr Pope's tireless efforts and sterling work done on our behalf. And considering that 18,136 of our fellow electors thought him worth re-electing I have to say that reports of his efficacy as an MP appear to be worryingly thin on the ground.

One would imagine that in reporting the count on election night The Accrington Observer and Times would have had more to convey than this:

" Mr Pope said that the main issue for the Labour Party was to keep the economy on track and investement rolling into schools, hospitals and other public services. He added 'This massive investment will make a difference to people's quality of life in Hyndburn. initiatives like SureStart could only have happened under Labour. That is the difference between us and our opposition."

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Nigel Rix claiming credit for SureStart, shortly before he resigned his £75,000 p.a. position with Hyndburn First?

Oh! Here is a bit of something he has been up to; apparently he has added his signature to a letter to the Ruth Kelly, the Education Secretary asking for urgent consideration to be given to undertaking a feasibility study into creating a a University of East Lancashire. The other signataries are mp's for Blackburn, Rossendale, Pendle, and Burnley.
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Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 15-05-2005 at 11:58.
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