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Old 06-03-2009, 01:04   #61
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Re: guess what

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
manic depression.
This could explain why you attempt to seek attention here through supporting the Conservatives one minute, and then Labour the next. Same thing with your Hitler then Graham Jones avatar, and posting about your boyfriend at the same time as saying you've joined the lesbian and gay group at your college.

I remember you once posted a reply when I pointed out this anomaly before that we 'shouldn't always believe what you post'. So every thing you post should be taken with a pinch of salt, and sadly for you that also includes when you post something that's actually true to you.

It's sweet you've discovered that there's a big wide world outside of the borough boundary, but this is something most of us all ready know, even the ones who've never left.

I've travelled all over the world and met some interesting people, but he most intelligent person I know happens to have lived here all their life. There are all kinds of people all over the country, interesting, clever, dim, funny, droll, passionate, it's just knowing where to look.

I hope you've got your cycling proficency badge...for when you set off after university seeking a job.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:15   #62
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Re: guess what

I voted for the Conservatives but was never a part of the Conservative Party or Conservative Future, so when I went to Labour it was my first official political affiliation, of which I am still a part of.

I think Graham Jones is good at what he does but I disagree with him. Similar to Hitler, he was great at what he did but it was wrong what he did.

I am bisexual, therefore having a boyfriend and being in the LGBT is not a shock horror thing, particularly as the LGBT society is LGBT 'friendly' which means they recruit straight people who simply want to help defend gay rights and so on and so forth. As an example, a lot of straight people disagree with the fact that gay people can't donate blood.

I have over 2yrs before I have to find a job yet, if not longer depending on whether I choose to do a masters. I'm not concerned about finding a job but then I'm not particularly concerned about a lot of things you bring to my attention.

Last edited by blazey; 06-03-2009 at 05:19.
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Old 06-03-2009, 08:52   #63
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Re: guess what

I would prefer not to know about your sexual orientation, it has no bearing on the subject of the post, though I am sure you will reply that you are just answering another really isn't necessary to answer.

And the two years that you still have left will go by in a flash.....and you will be looking for a job at some point.......probably with hundreds of thousands of other people (this is a depression, not a recession....and it is still going to be hanging round).......I hope you remember your thoughtless comments on here then...but I fear that you won't.
The only good thing is that you won't be encumbered by a baby or young child....will you?....because you know that 20 minutes of pleasure isn't worth a lifetime of slavery to a dependent.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 06-03-2009, 09:06   #64
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Re: guess what

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I would prefer not to know about your sexual orientation, it has no bearing on the subject of the post, though I am sure you will reply that you are just answering another really isn't necessary to answer.

And the two years that you still have left will go by in a flash.....and you will be looking for a job at some point.......probably with hundreds of thousands of other people (this is a depression, not a recession....and it is still going to be hanging round).......I hope you remember your thoughtless comments on here then...but I fear that you won't.
The only good thing is that you won't be encumbered by a baby or young child....will you?....because you know that 20 minutes of pleasure isn't worth a lifetime of slavery to a dependent.
This is a great post, summarises exactly what is wrong with being 'narrow minded' like Blazey.

Blazey your comments about single parents are completely unacceptable. I will give you an example of a very good friend of my daughters, who is a single parent. She has two children, both very much loved and wanted, but when her children were 10 and 1 she was widowed - her husband was killed in an accident at work. she had no choice about over the very terrible situation she found herself in. I just wonder how you would cope in that situation - would you like it if someone told you that you shouldn't have had children because your husband might be killed at work?
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Old 07-03-2009, 08:10   #65
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Re: guess what

I know many single parents and I'm from a single parent family myself.

That situation you outlined can't be helped, just as many people's situations can't be helped. But there are MANY people who have numerous children knowing they can't afford it because they're too righteous to have a termination and they were too careless to take precautions. Obviously mistakes happen, but not THAT many.

Don't twist my words. I never directed anything at Lolly or her personal situation. What I'm saying is that I'm not going to waste time feeling sorry for people.

Sympathy solves nothing.

You find me a situation were saying 'aww what a shame' or words to that effect solved a social problem and I'll apologise. Until then, I'm not going to feel sorry for anyone. I can simply suggest solutions, and people can shoot them down if they wish without trying, that's fine, makes no real difference to me, but don't shoot ME down just because I'm not willing to feel sorry for people.

Falls are part of life and sometimes you have to pick yourself up. I've been made redundant, didn't like it but all I could do was get up and try again. Nobody said it was meant to be easy. Most things in life are a struggle for us in Accrington, it comes with being from a poverty-stricken area and I don't know why anyone expects otherwise.
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Old 07-03-2009, 08:51   #66
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Re: guess what

Posted via Mobile Devicewell Blazey maybe you could try having some empthy. But you do appear to have your head buried in the sand. Just wonder what your opinions will be like in 10 years time.
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Old 07-03-2009, 09:11   #67
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Re: guess what

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Posted via Mobile Devicewell Blazey maybe you could try having some empthy. But you do appear to have your head buried in the sand. Just wonder what your opinions will be like in 10 years time.
She might even see that poverty and wealth exist side by side in many places in the country.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-03-2009, 09:24   #68
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Re: guess what

Blazey you do not have to express emotions that you do not could for once just keep your own that too hard for you?
By heaping derision on those unfortunates you actually increase there low esteem/feeling of worthlessness.......and this is from someone who, while you may be from a single parent background, seems to have little comprehension of the problem.
As for you making suggestions as to solutions for those in a dire financial situation, you cannot see how circumstances make these solutions impractical.

You are still making sweeping generalisations about the fecklessness of those who have children too.
Do you consider your own mother was feckless? No, don't answer that question, I don't really want to know.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-02-2011, 13:17   #69
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Re: guess what

Originally Posted by Lolly View Post
Get Real Blazey!
I happened to see one ex-student's profile on the internet the other day.

They were working in a bar/club in a north Lancashire city, taking photographs, and then trying to sell punters a little momento key-ring.


'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 25-02-2011 at 13:20.
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