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05-04-2005, 16:42
Resident Waffler
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
There's no answer to that.
05-04-2005, 16:49
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Originally Posted by Less
My back passage should be left alone unless I give some-one permission to actually make a contribution!

 enough said!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
05-04-2005, 16:50
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Originally Posted by slinky
Is that what they call a bum joke................. 
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
05-04-2005, 16:52
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Originally Posted by Doug
Is that what they call a bum joke................. 
LMAO oh it gets worse 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
05-04-2005, 21:15
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Think of all the paper that's going to be wasted writing letters back & forth (and also the warnings they post through the door) just trying to prove yourself innocent. I'm sure they will have have lost a fair bit of recycleable material everytime they deny receiving anything from you!
Also why should you have to go through the trouble of proving your neighbours guilty by photos etc, that could make you even more popular round the neighbourhood!!! It might not just be your back passage you have to worry about!
05-04-2005, 21:21
Resident Waffler
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Considering HBC can fine you up to £1,000 I think it's worth the risk of upsetting a few people who don't seem to care that they are upsetting you.
05-04-2005, 22:48
I am Banned
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
i assume a few of your neigbours are doing this tipping at the top of the street
if that is the case exactly how much crap does the council think you buy to throw out each week
ask them if they think your house is the tardis and has infintae space for you to store large amounts of crap to throw away each week
05-04-2005, 22:59
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
I'm sorry this is so blunt and not more helpful Less but to me this has the makings of a neighbourly dispute. No your neighbours shouldn't be dumping their rubbish at the side of your property but the bin men must pass this refuse at the side of your house to collect the bins so why can't the lazy gits just shift it, they are paid to remove rubbish so remove it!!
05-04-2005, 23:10
Resident Waffler
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Unfortunately Tinkerbelle the "lazy gits" have been instructed by HBC not to remove black bags, only to empty wheelie bins as each household is only supposed to produce one wheelie bin worth of rubbish per fortnight. Any excess black baggage placed by wheelie bins will result in the householder being fined for creating too much rubbish.
The fact that they have been taking a lot of bags up to now when according to HBC they shouldn't have has only complicated the issue.
The problem is that some families can't help creating more than a wheelie bin full per week and there doesn't seem to be a solution to that. For instance a family of four is going to produce more than one person living alone. This letter that went out today says we can be fined up to £1,000 for generating too much rubbish.
They even stipulate that the wheelie bin lid must close!
Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 05-04-2005 at 23:13.
05-04-2005, 23:17
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
I know Willow but I just wouldn't feel like I'd done my job if I was to leave rubbish in the street. That bit about the lid having to be down I saw it come into effect last week when the neighbours bin was overloaded the bin man pushed the offending bin bags off the top of the bin into the middle of the street and yes he left them there!!
05-04-2005, 23:19
Resident Waffler
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
And this is supposed to be more environmentally friendly? Somehow I think Hyndborg BC have lost the plot somewhere along the way.
Is it any wonder people fly tip?
06-04-2005, 00:17
I am Banned
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
the wheelie bin issue is all down to one stubborn woman who works at hyndburn council who wont admit shes wrong about the wheelie bin policy
gregg pope agreed with me on how stupid 1 pick up every 2 weeks was but is power =less to do anything about it
i have sice lost the womans name but if you ring greg pope he will give you the number of the woman whos idea this all was
the beutiful thing is teh number gregg pope gave me was her home number i guess they dont realise that at the labour office or either dont care coz she deserves to be harrassed at home the same way we get harrassed about rubbish
06-04-2005, 03:42
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
Councillor Anne Scaife is the council's cabinet member responsible for environment and cleansing. To judge from a couple of articles in the Observer over the past few weeks it may be well worth giving her some earache. Her contact details are available on the HBC website, if you have the patience to wait for it.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
06-04-2005, 07:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Guilty of fly tipping
This is the content of the e-mail I sent yesterday concerning this topic:-
Please forward this e-mail to:-
Mr S. Riley
Waste Services Manager.
Dear Sir I have just received a warning for something
of which I am not guilty.
The house I live in is a gable end property with the
back entrance running along the side of the house.
When I put out my rubbish it is ALWAYS in black bin
bags contained inside my wheelie bin, if I have any
other type of houshold waste I take it at personal
expense to Whinney Hill for correct disposal.
The back entrance is often overloaded by rubbish that
has been place there by irrisponsible neighbours and
fly tippers. Often this illegally placed rubbish is
deposited against the gable end of my property, this
however does not make me guilty of this crime so I
would be grateful if in future, rather than your
operatives just assuming that because I have to live
with the effects of this mess that I am guilty of
causing it I am not!
Therefore I would be grateful if you could cross me
off your list of suspects thus freeing your resources
just a little so that you can concentrate a real
effort into catching the guilty parties,
I look forward to hearing from you in the very near
I'm happy to also show the reply that I received this morning, it was certainly prompt:-
I refer to your email and I apologies if the letter caused offence.
The letter you received is being delivered to all properties throughout
the Borough and all I am asking is that residents become more aware and
responsible for the refuse they produce, including the way it is
presented for collection. Although the letter was targeted at specific
residents who cause the majority of the problems, I decided to 'blanket
drop' the whole Borough to show others who have a responsible attitude,
that the Council is serious about tackling the problem of dumpings.
This 'final warning' is a direct response to the many residents who
continually complain to my department that they want to see some action.
Indeed, the majority of people talk about imposing no-nonsense fines
against any resident who dumps rubbish in the streets.
In the past, letters politely asking residents for their co-operation
did not work, so the tone of this letter was worded much more strongly.
This decision seems to be having the desired affect i.e. people are
actually reading the letter and this is the most important factor in any
information sent out by the Council.
I make no apologies for the tone of the letter, as it is the residents
of Hyndburn who dump the rubbish in the first place. With the current
facilities in place, households can now recycle all their glass, cans,
paper, and plastic bottles. Even cardboard can be removed from the grey
wheeled bin and placed at the side if space is a problem. This amount
of recycling equates to over 60% (by volume) of a normal households
waste and therefore leaves sufficient space in the wheeled bin for all the
remaining residual waste.
Any resident who has a responsible attitude and are fully recycling
will have nothing to worry about. Although, those households who do not
recycle and do not co-operate, will receive heavy fines which I hope
will encourage them to keep our streets clean and show the other residents
that the Council is trying to improve the cleanliness of the Borough.
Yours sincerely
Steve Riley
Waste Services Manager
Hyndburn Borough Council
Willows Lane
Tel: 01254 356220
Fax: 01254 872250
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06-04-2005, 08:31
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Re: Guilty of fly tipping
I make no apologies for the tone of the letter, as it is the residents
of Hyndburn who dump the rubbish in the first place.
I am shocked at this sentence!!! He is blaming everyone! It appears to me to be the council changing policies that is causing more and more rubbish to be dumped. One day I think heads will roll due to current ridiculous council policies and decisions regarding waste management.
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