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Old 15-12-2012, 23:04   #196
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Less View Post
well, if I may, here's a bit more advice, stop acting like a born again atheist, it isn't a religion, it's the God botherers that need to collect souls.
This thread is sad enough without adding religion to it.
You know... When my friend at work accused me of being an atheist; I told him that I was a borderline atheist. Borderline Agnostic/Atheist. That is the problem with atheists on a whole. They turn being atheist into a religion. Me I just get uptight and I get carried way when confronted with such things....
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:18   #197
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, it was different back then.....plastic guns that really bore no resemblance to the real blood, no gore. It was harmless....not like the video games of today. I am sure they blur the lines of reality.
And the mindless violence of the 1920's was not against children in kindergarten.
I agree with your comment on the instancy of the news coverage...and the fact that it is reported over and over again with every bit of the minutiae of the event played out in front of us.
No blood, no gore in video games, just coloured pixels, no different to the commando magazine covers of my youth with Germans screaming 'achtung spitfeuer' with red inked blood coming out of their stomachs.

The image I posted earlier in this thread, I'd estimate the child at 5 or 6 years old, he's firing a real machine gun....I'd argue that he does not know the difference between that and a plastic gun firing plastic bullets...the people that do know the difference are the parents, who are stupid enough to inure a child to the devastation that real weapons cause by using them as a fun day out. (Hey Chuck instead of going to Disneyworld lets go shoot a lethal weapon at a fridge)

If as you say the blood and gore of games are to blame, why aren't these events happening all over Europe?
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:20   #198
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Re: Gun Control

One possible explanation is that the killer was drugged.

There is a drug, scopolamine, which eliminates free will and renders the victim totally controllable whilst concious and compliant, with no memory of what they have done when the effect wears off.

Scopolamine Hallucinogen Mind Control Drug In High Doses Date Rape With Scopolamine
extract -
"Scopolamine has become increasingly popular as a date rape drug, because unlike other date rape drugs that knock the victim out, this drug leaves the victim in a state of compliancy, in an awake zombie state, where their mind is totally controlled so they can participate in the rape, then remember nothing at all. It is that very result that made the drug so appealing to the CIA.
This same mind control technique is being used to get victims to commit crimes, sometimes against themselves such as assisting in a robbery or their own murder. While the crimes may be caught by video tape and look like the person committing the crime is using free will, they are actually being controlled to commit the crime, and will have no memory of it afterward.
Used in this high dose illegal manner, any criminal, corrupt law enforcement or government could use the drug as a means of setting up a person to commit a crime. The victim of the dosage would have no memory at all of having committed the crime, but there would no doubt be plenty of evidence for conviction. We have to wonder how many times victims have been convicted of crimes they can not remember committing.

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Old 15-12-2012, 23:28   #199
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Re: Gun Control

If that were the case Margaret, how come he topped himself?
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:31   #200
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
One possible explanation is that the killer was drugged.

There is a drug, scopolamine, which eliminates free will and renders the victim totally controllable whilst concious and compliant, with no memory of what they have done when the effect wears off.

Scopolamine Hallucinogen Mind Control Drug In High Doses Date Rape With Scopolamine
extract -
"Scopolamine has become increasingly popular as a date rape drug, because unlike other date rape drugs that knock the victim out, this drug leaves the victim in a state of compliancy, in an awake zombie state, where their mind is totally controlled so they can participate in the rape, then remember nothing at all. It is that very result that made the drug so appealing to the CIA.
This same mind control technique is being used to get victims to commit crimes, sometimes against themselves such as assisting in a robbery or their own murder. While the crimes may be caught by video tape and look like the person committing the crime is using free will, they are actually being controlled to commit the crime, and will have no memory of it afterward.
Used in this high dose illegal manner, any criminal, corrupt law enforcement or government could use the drug as a means of setting up a person to commit a crime. The victim of the dosage would have no memory at all of having committed the crime, but there would no doubt be plenty of evidence for conviction. We have to wonder how many times victims have been convicted of crimes they can not remember committing.
Wow! You just exonerated..Hitler, Mussolini, Amin, Saddam, Bin Laden, Stalin, Lenin, Noriega, Karadzic, Mao, Chiang Kai-shek and Pol Pot
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:32   #201
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
If that were the case Margaret, how come he topped himself?
Because he was told to

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Old 15-12-2012, 23:35   #202
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
Wow! You just exonerated..Hitler, Mussolini, Amin, Saddam, Bin Laden, Stalin, Lenin, Noriega, Karadzic, Mao, Chiang Kai-shek and Pol Pot
According to David Icke. Hitler was just an innocent street painter until "they" warped his mind into becoming what he was (dont ask)
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:36   #203
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Because he was told to
Derren Brown did a show where he did his thing and convinced somebody to take a shot at Stephen Fry...
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:37   #204
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Because he was told to
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:39   #205
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Re: Gun Control

No Free Will - do as they are told.

Remember this clip of James Holmes in court - he looks like he is 'coming round' from something.
They say he was sedated


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Old 15-12-2012, 23:44   #206
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
One possible explanation is that the killer was drugged.
Really ? Why does everything calamitous have to be the result of a hidden agenda of some government or other ? Can't it just be as it appears, some delusional, aggrieved or slighted individual decides society in some form has to pay for his issues ?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:47   #207
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Really ? Why does everything calamitous have to be the result of a hidden agenda of some government or other ? Can't it just be as it appears, some delusional, aggrieved or slighted individual decides society in some form has to pay for his issues ?
Entirely possible
I just like you to be aware that other options are available.

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Old 15-12-2012, 23:47   #208
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Really ? Why does everything calamitous have to be the result of a hidden agenda of some government or other ? Can't it just be as it appears, some delusional, aggrieved or slighted individual decides society in some form has to pay for his issues ?
Never,not since yeh can look any owd junk up on tinternet.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:48   #209
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Derren Brown did a show where he did his thing and convinced somebody to take a shot at Stephen Fry...
Don't think that involved any drugs, wasn't it all hypnosis?

From 4OD website:
In The Assassin, the first show in the series, Derren Brown investigates hypnosis and asks if someone could be hypnotised into killing a celebrity. Is this really possible? And which celeb will it be?
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:49   #210
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Re: Gun Control

Incidentally both James Holmes father, and this latest killer's father are both due to give evidence at the Libor rate fixing enquiry

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