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Old 15-12-2012, 23:51   #211
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
No Free Will - do as they are told.

Remember this clip of James Holmes in court - he looks like he is 'coming round' from something.
They say he was sedated
You really are as bad as Cmon for posting nonsense links

His legal representative seemed wide awake..oh wait...let me guess..she was an establishment plant, the CIA had stuff on the court recorder, the Judge was a reptilian and the jury were Illuminati
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Old 15-12-2012, 23:54   #212
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Re: Gun Control

'You like this.'

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Old 15-12-2012, 23:59   #213
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
'You like this.'
Yeah I got it when you clicked are so likeably weird
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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Old 16-12-2012, 00:31   #214
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Re: Gun Control

Goodness me mags, you can fill up the servers with some absolute trash.
Don't chastise me for the above, my reptilian leader keeps pumping me full of drugs and told me to say it.
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Old 16-12-2012, 01:40   #215
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Don't think that involved any drugs, wasn't it all hypnosis?

From 4OD website:
In The Assassin, the first show in the series, Derren Brown investigates hypnosis and asks if someone could be hypnotised into killing a celebrity. Is this really possible? And which celeb will it be?
True drugs wasn't involved. I was thinking of the pure mind control part
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Old 16-12-2012, 08:46   #216

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Re: Gun Control

Back on topic, if I may.

There is a calling from those who want freedom to carry arms, for less restrictions, arguing that there should have been more guns in the school so the killer could have been shot first. There is also discussion regarding "safe" rooms for the children and teachers to shelter in until the threat has gone.

From the late 1940's until 1989/1990 the world lived under a shadow, it was the Cold War, both sides, the Good (the West) and the Evil Empire* (the USSR, Warsaw Pact) amassed more and more weapons in an insane attempt of one one-upmanship and to stop the other opening fire. There was even Shelters to shield people.
This situation was referred to as M.A.D (Mutualy Assured Destruction) sounds very similar to the gun advocates view.

*Ronald Reagan, 1983
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Old 16-12-2012, 08:47   #217
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Re: Gun Control

We can all do all the presuming we like....we will never really be sure about what was going on in this lads head when he set off for school with this mission in mind.
And whatever we think, it will not change anything at all about the event.

Out there in the US, there are families who will never see Christmas in the same light again.
And the children who witnessed any part of t his event are going to have to live with this for the rest of their lives too.
Counselling is being offered, but it will not have the answers that will wipe these scenes from their minds.
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Old 16-12-2012, 10:24   #218
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Re: Gun Control

A young man called Tyler Curtis in America is asking people to write to the American Government expressing their concern at the lack of gun control. He has published the following poster to encourage people - I think it says it all.

There will still be some unbalanced people out there who will carry on doing irrational things but if the arms are not so easy to get your hands on that will make their intentions harder to complete.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 522557_10151294338749349_366844852_n.jpg (25.6 KB, 24 views)

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Old 16-12-2012, 11:20   #219
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
One possible explanation is that the killer was drugged.

There is a drug, scopolamine, which eliminates free will and renders the victim totally controllable whilst conscious and compliant, with no memory of what they have done when the effect wears off.

Scopolamine Hallucinogen Mind Control Drug In High Doses Date Rape With Scopolamine
extract -
"Scopolamine has become increasingly popular as a date rape drug, because unlike other date rape drugs that knock the victim out, this drug leaves the victim in a state of compliance, in an awake zombie state, where their mind is totally controlled so they can participate in the rape, then remember nothing at all. It is that very result that made the drug so appealing to the CIA.
This same mind control technique is being used to get victims to commit crimes, sometimes against themselves such as assisting in a robbery or their own murder. While the crimes may be caught by video tape and look like the person committing the crime is using free will, they are actually being controlled to commit the crime, and will have no memory of it afterward.
Used in this high dose illegal manner, any criminal, corrupt law enforcement or government could use the drug as a means of setting up a person to commit a crime. The victim of the dosage would have no memory at all of having committed the crime, but there would no doubt be plenty of evidence for conviction. We have to wonder how many times victims have been convicted of crimes they can not remember committing. "
First choice drug of the Gestapo
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Old 16-12-2012, 11:22   #220
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Derren Brown did a show where he did his thing and convinced somebody to take a shot at Stephen Fry...
he weren't a very good shot
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Old 16-12-2012, 12:23   #221
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
he weren't a very good shot
The gun was loaded with blanks.
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Old 16-12-2012, 15:52   #222

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Re: Gun Control

Nice poster Di, however it has been shown before, according to this,
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence » Gun Violence Statistics
There was 31,706 deaths attributed to guns in the US in 2010.
Says it all really
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

Steve Hogarth, lead singer Marillion
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Old 16-12-2012, 17:12   #223
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Re: Gun Control

So, MargaretR, to sum up the benefits of your research-
This twenty year old veteran(which war? Vietnam?) with a brain implant which turned him into a robot like assassin was drugged up on scopolamine( wasn't the implant working?) and was instructed to kill twenty children and six teachers by the CIA for reasons you haven't uncovered yet.
Can I suggest it was because the CIA didn't have a drone handy?
He killed himself on instruction so he wouldn't be a witness and the CIA thought all this would help in the Libor case his father is involved in.
I can't decide if you're trolling or I should speak to my contact in SMERSH and warn them you're out of control. But I do look forward to your next revelations.
Either way-wrong place, wrong time.
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Old 17-12-2012, 12:42   #224
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So, MargaretR, to sum up the benefits of your research-
This twenty year old veteran(which war? Vietnam?) with a brain implant which turned him into a robot like assassin was drugged up on scopolamine( wasn't the implant working?) and was instructed to kill twenty children and six teachers by the CIA for reasons you haven't uncovered yet.
Can I suggest it was because the CIA didn't have a drone handy?
He killed himself on instruction so he wouldn't be a witness and the CIA thought all this would help in the Libor case his father is involved in.
I can't decide if you're trolling or I should speak to my contact in SMERSH and warn them you're out of control. But I do look forward to your next revelations.
Either way-wrong place, wrong time.
I am saddened by your anger.
It is such a negative emotion which harms you.

I have you on ignore but read your posts.
The 'ignore' prevents you from sending another 'apology PM'.

You need to stop doing things that need apologies.

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Old 17-12-2012, 13:10   #225
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Re: Gun Control

Piers Morgan: 'How Many More Kids Have To Die' Before New Gun Control Laws (VIDEO)

I don't usually agree with Piers Morgan, but on this occasion he is absolutely spot on.
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