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Old 24-07-2012, 00:04   #61

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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well they tried a total ban on handguns in this country over 12 years ago, what good it did I don't know, certainly wouldn't have deterred the criminal, but it did stop genuine shooting enthusiasts from carrying on with the sport, so much so that the British Pistol Shooting Team had to practice in France, while the gangs still carried on shooting each other on the street with great regularity
Its laughable that the government have allowed pistol shooting to go ahead at the London 2012 Olympic when the handguns they will be using are illegal in the UK.

If hand guns are so bad they have been made illegal we should not be holding shooting competitions in this country.
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Old 24-07-2012, 00:26   #62
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
1987 Hungerford 16 deaths
1996 Dunblane 17 deaths, 16 of them children, making this a more emotional subject
2010 Cumbria 12 deaths

In all three cases the gunman committed suicide. These crimes span a period of 25 years. Dr Harold Shipman killed over 200 people over his working life of 20 odd years and killed himself in prison. Has anyone any good ideas as to how we could prevent or legislate for such occurrences??

Breivik in Norway shot and killed 69 people where gun laws appear to be very stringent.

Sensible article here about gun laws, especially the part about teaching children to shoot.
Shotguns aren't the problem – criminals are - Telegraph
The Hungerford guy had guns for hunting and was also a gun club member. I think after he went beserk they changed the law and no longer allowed pump action shotguns that shot more than 2 cartridges - well they reduced the amount of cartridges to be allowed in a shotgun. Dunblane guy had them for what purpose - what purpose does a man in Scotland have 4 handguns for legal use? They reckon he was a paedophile who was about to be rumbled for indecent activities. Breivik was also a farmer who had guns for hunting, held legally as he was seen to be a sound guy before he "flipped!" Derek Bird the Cumbrian killer also had his guns legally for hunting. Then there was Raol Moat???

So all these people had guns legally for legit use and blew a fuse and turned them on people. The GP Harold Shipman was an exception to the rule, he didn't use guns he used medicine - there has only been one of them in the time there have been 4 using guns!

Last edited by kestrelx; 24-07-2012 at 00:31.
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Old 24-07-2012, 01:08   #63

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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
The Hungerford guy had guns for hunting and was also a gun club member. I think after he went beserk they changed the law and no longer allowed pump action shotguns that shot more than 2 cartridges - well they reduced the amount of cartridges to be allowed in a shotgun. Dunblane guy had them for what purpose - what purpose does a man in Scotland have 4 handguns for legal use? They reckon he was a paedophile who was about to be rumbled for indecent activities. Breivik was also a farmer who had guns for hunting, held legally as he was seen to be a sound guy before he "flipped!" Derek Bird the Cumbrian killer also had his guns legally for hunting. Then there was Raol Moat???

So all these people had guns legally for legit use and blew a fuse and turned them on people. The GP Harold Shipman was an exception to the rule, he didn't use guns he used medicine - there has only been one of them in the time there have been 4 using guns!
If I was not a moderator I would tell you that you talk out of your backside.
I am so I wont
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Old 24-07-2012, 01:29   #64
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If I was not a moderator I would tell you that you talk out of your backside.
I am so I wont
Don't come that pal - I summerised the facts about these folks.

Since 1987 4 mad men killed with legally owned guns! Only 1 GP killed patients as the post I replied to mentioned Shipmen. There have also been several killings with illegal weapons by criminals - namely Rauol Moat who shot a policeman and two thugs in a shop in London who shot and maimed a school girl.

In 1988 after Hungerford law was changed banning semi auto handguns and pump action shotguns holding more than 3 rounds ( I said 2) bla Bla!

So why the insults? You talk at your backside sir!
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:13   #65
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Don't come that pal - I summerised the facts about these folks.

Since 1987 4 mad men killed with legally owned guns! Only 1 GP killed patients as the post I replied to mentioned Shipmen.
My only point Kes in mentioning Shipman was that he alone killed far more people than those gunmen put together.
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:17   #66
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I just think it could lead someone to mental illness to keep believing that everything on the news is lies and made up of actors put there by some "secret organisation" who are doing this.
Oh yes indeed. Leading to more nutters who might pick up a gun and start massacring. That is truly scary.
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:41   #67
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Its laughable that the government have allowed pistol shooting to go ahead at the London 2012 Olympic when the handguns they will be using are illegal in the UK.

If hand guns are so bad they have been made illegal we should not be holding shooting competitions in this country.
Well you have a point, seeing that the pistol shooting team at the 2000 Olympics had to practice in France, think it must be bending the rules just to suit the occasion
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:45   #68
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If I was not a moderator I would tell you that you talk out of your backside.
I am so I wont
One thing I've always noticed about moderators they have a way with words, well some of um do
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:47   #69
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well you have a point, seeing that the pistol shooting team at the 2000 Olympics had to practice in France, think it must be bending the rules just to suit the occasion
Funny that I was just looking at replying to this post but didn't then you did - so we was both looking at it at the same time!

Course they have to bend the rules and the chances of something going wrong are virtually nil!
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Old 24-07-2012, 09:03   #70
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Funny that I was just looking at replying to this post but didn't then you did - so we was both looking at it at the same time!

Course they have to bend the rules and the chances of something going wrong are virtually nil!
Na they tend to be pretty good shots these people, no spare rounds flying about
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Old 24-07-2012, 21:21   #71
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Re: Gun Control

And this is how Americans respond to Aurora:

Gun control losing support in U.S. despite mass shootings - World - CBC News

I think there are more than a few yanks who think killing people is ok, and a great way to solve problems (and get access to oil). It's not only the nutbars, it's much of Middle America and lotsa places south of the Mason-Dixon line. There's definitely a gun culture down there. Guns are great for solving problems. Even personal and mental problems. Get fired? No problem. Grab a gun. If you don't have one call in at the local gun store (usually next to the liquor store), buy one and drop into your old workplace. Waste a bunch of people. Then you can either kill yourself, or get arrested and watch yourself on tv for a week or two.
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Old 24-07-2012, 21:32   #72
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
And this is how Americans respond to Aurora:

Gun control losing support in U.S. despite mass shootings - World - CBC News

I think there are more than a few yanks who think killing people is ok, and a great way to solve problems (and get access to oil). It's not only the nutbars, it's much of Middle America and lotsa places south of the Mason-Dixon line. There's definitely a gun culture down there. Guns are great for solving problems. Even personal and mental problems. Get fired? No problem. Grab a gun. If you don't have one call in at the local gun store (usually next to the liquor store), buy one and drop into your old workplace. Waste a bunch of people. Then you can either kill yourself, or get arrested and watch yourself on tv for a week or two.
Well said Eric agree with what you are saying. America is a country of contradictions - most Christian country in the Western Hemisphere yet simultaneously love their guns which are designed to kill people.

Also since the Aurora shooting gun sales in Colorado have gone up - 25%!

Texoma Gun Sales Up After Colorado Shootings - - No One Gets You Closer

Last edited by kestrelx; 24-07-2012 at 21:36.
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Old 24-07-2012, 21:44   #73
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Re: Gun Control

I suppose they may well be thinking "If a person in that audience had been armed, he would have been 'downed' after the first shot".

When people feel threatened and are placed in fear mode, they decide to provide themselves with some sort of defence.

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Old 24-07-2012, 21:46   #74
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I suppose they may well be thinking "If a person in that audience had been armed, he would have been 'downed' after the first shot".

When people feel threatened and are placed in fear mode, they decide to provide themselves with some sort of defence.
Yes but even in the States I'm not sure most people would take their guns to the cinema.
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Old 24-07-2012, 21:52   #75
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Yes but even in the States I'm not sure most people would take their guns to the cinema.
They may do now

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