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Old 28-07-2012, 10:13   #106

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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
There have been 1,000's of incidents with young teenagers in which they have shot pets, people, children, shot at children from distance in schoolgrounds and play parks and shot animals and birds - this is why they needed new laws to stop this. Before this Airguns were often bought for minors as a present with no guidelines for making them use them responsibly!
All that was covered before the more recent law change on air weapons but with our Police force being useless at enforcing current laws MP's like to make new ones that the Police wont bother to enforce.
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Old 28-07-2012, 10:21   #107
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Re: Gun Control

Lets hope nobody produces a gun at the Olymp*cs or we'll have to discuss it in General Sport.
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Old 28-07-2012, 10:24   #108
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
You really do talk rubbish, try checking up on the drivel you read before repeating it.

It is illegal to fire an airgun closer than 50 feet (15 metres) from the centre of a public highway, bridleway or footpath, if your shooting causes upset or inconvenience to those using the highway and the fine is £1000

Also your pellets can not travel outside the boundary of the land you have permission to shoot on.
Balonney you talk drivel pal! OK the distance may be wrong but I am sure I read 100 metres was the distance.
How ever you claim that fine is 1,000 pound is DRIVEL... don't talk drivel mate this clearly stated 6months in prison and / or £5,000 fine for having a loaded air gun in public place.

Offence Penalties
The Penalties for breaking current UK firearms laws with Airguns are as follows:-
Carrying a loaded Air-weapon in a public place 6 months imprisonment and / or £5,000 fine.
Trespassing with an air weapon 3 months imprisonment and / or £2,500 fine.
Trespassing on private land with an air weapon 3 months imprisonment and / or £2,500 fine.
Possessing or using an air weapon if sentenced to 3 months or more in custody 3 months imprisonment and / or £2,500 fine.
In addition if original sentence up to 3 years 5 year ban on use of firearms.
Or if for 3 years or more Life ban on use of firearms.
Killing or injuring any bird or protected animal unless authorised £5,000 fine.
Firing an air weapon within 15m / 50ft of a public highway £1,000 fine.
Selling or hiring air weapon or ammunition to person under 17 6 months imprisonment and / or £5,000 fine.
Making a gift of air weapon or ammunition to person under 14 £1,000 fine.
Having air weapon or ammunition with intent to damage property 10 years imprisonment.
Having air weapon with intent to endanger life Life imprisonment and / or appropriate fine.
Using air weapon to resist or prevent arrest Life imprisonment and / or appropriate fine.
Threatening others with an air weapon (even if unloaded) to cause them to fear unlawful violence 10 years imprisonment and / or appropriate fine.
Not forgetting the chance of being shot and killed by the police should you not obey instructions when challenged by them, they cannot tell if you have just an airgun or a more lethal firearm so will treat all arms as lethal and respond accordingly.
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Old 28-07-2012, 10:27   #109

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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Balonney you talk drivel pal! OK the distance may be wrong but I am sure I read 100 metres was the distance.
How ever you claim that fine is 1,000 pound is DRIVEL... don't talk drivel mate this clearly stated 6months in prison and / or £5,000 fine for having a loaded air gun in public place.

Offence Penalties
The Penalties for breaking current UK firearms laws with Airguns are as follows:-
Firing an air weapon within 15m / 50ft of a public highway £1,000 fine.

Read your own quote
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Old 06-08-2012, 16:04   #110
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Re: Gun Control

Six more people killed by a crazed gunman in the US. This time in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

No point discussing how such atrocities can be prevented. The consensus of opinion seems to be that tightening the gun laws will do nothing.

So let's just put it down as six more martyrs to the US Constitution's obscene Second Amendment granting everyone the right to bear arms.

God Help America!
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Old 06-08-2012, 17:18   #111
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Six more people killed by a crazed gunman in the US. This time in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

No point discussing how such atrocities can be prevented. The consensus of opinion seems to be that tightening the gun laws will do nothing.

So let's just put it down as six more martyrs to the US Constitution's obscene Second Amendment granting everyone the right to bear arms.

God Help America!
Another White Supremacist nut job, why don't they just learn to live and let live
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Old 06-08-2012, 18:28   #112
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Six more people killed by a crazed gunman in the US. This time in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

No point discussing how such atrocities can be prevented. The consensus of opinion seems to be that tightening the gun laws will do nothing.

So let's just put it down as six more martyrs to the US Constitution's obscene Second Amendment granting everyone the right to bear arms.

God Help America!
It's much more complicated than that. It's not just that guns are available; it's what yanks do with the guns that is makes the issue very complex. Every adult Canadian citizen has the right to own arms. Every one of the guns used in the Colorado massacre can be purchased by a Canadian citizen. Ok, there's a lot of paper work and background checking; but once you have jumped through the hoops you can buy your Glock 19. We have our occasional mass murders; but not like the yanks. There are about 500 murders per year in Canada ... most, not surprisingly, in the bigger cities esp. TO, Montreal, and Van.

And there is nothing remarkable nor obscene about the Second Ammendment in itself. Consider when it was written. At that time, the English were a real threat. All that the Second Ammendment did was to establish the need for what would later become the National Guard. And one can find similarities in the compulsory conscription of adult males into European armies before WWl ... the perceived need for a population which could be quickly integrated into the army in case of a war. Admitedly, the Second Ammendment has outlived its usefulness; but it will remain a force because to the yanks, The Constitution is only a little less sacred than the Bible.
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Old 06-08-2012, 18:39   #113
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Admitedly, the Second Ammendment has outlived its usefulness; but it will remain a force because to the yanks, The Constitution is only a little less sacred than the Bible.
I think you've hit the nail on the head, there, Eric The obscenity that I referred to was about the way modern day Americans use the Second Amendment, rather than the historical reasons for its introduction.
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Old 06-08-2012, 18:46   #114
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Six more people killed by a crazed gunman in the US. This time in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

No point discussing how such atrocities can be prevented. The consensus of opinion seems to be that tightening the gun laws will do nothing.

So let's just put it down as six more martyrs to the US Constitution's obscene Second Amendment granting everyone the right to bear arms.

God Help America!
Fact is the more it happens the more it's going to carry on happening - because any individual with a grudge is more likely to carry it out when he sees another do it. Gun ownership is like a disease and I'm not sure what the cure is? It's a sick society basically...
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Old 06-08-2012, 18:47   #115
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
I think you've hit the nail on the head, there, Eric The obscenity that I referred to was about the way modern day Americans use the Second Amendment, rather than the historical reasons for its introduction.
Maybe they are looking at historical reasons gynn they may just think the Sitting Bull or Geronimo might be making a come back
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Old 06-08-2012, 20:26   #116
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Another White Supremacist nut job, why don't they just learn to live and let live
When it comes to these self proclaimed martys and defenders of whatever race they regard themselves to be representing they are of course basic killers..they will kill anyone no matter the religion, sex, age or colour.
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Old 06-08-2012, 20:44   #117
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Re: Gun Control

I suspect that in some cases the gunman is mind controlled.
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Old 06-08-2012, 21:12   #118
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Re: Gun Control

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I suspect that in some cases the gunman is mind controlled.
Mind Control Information, Facts
Or in most cases evil nutters.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 06-08-2012, 21:39   #119
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Re: Gun Control

Do you want to be in my gang?

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Old 06-08-2012, 21:44   #120
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Re: Gun Control

Thought "Obamas" quote about soul searching needed,was very funny, If its gonna lose yeh n election................Whats soul searching?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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