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Old 20-02-2007, 13:37   #31
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Re: Gun Crime?

If those who want guns find it harder or nigh on impossible to lay their grubby hands on they will still find other ways to do what they are planning. Guns may be handy for drive by's hold ups etc but I reackon that most of the people with illeagal guns would find a way to make crude but effective DIY ones. We are at the moment fighting a loosing battle to which I cannot see an end. You could give life without parole to an offender for having one, but if that gun provides what that person wanted regardless of cost they aint going to bother.

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Old 20-02-2007, 13:52   #32
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Re: Gun Crime?

I think the people who are likely to use the guns and gang members dont think of the consequences re jail, they couldn't care less.
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Old 20-02-2007, 14:02   #33
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Re: Gun Crime?

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
i thought peopel who shot for a hobby had their guns kept at the gun club which ithink was a good idea as it meant them not been in the home
no they are kept at home.

you must have a secure gun safe fitted (set in concrete and fixed to an internal wall) which must then be inspected by the police firearms officer BEFORE you apply for a gun licence and you must also be a member of a home office approved gun/rifle club
and you must specify exactly which gun's/rifles you are applying for a licence for (well what calibre anyway) and normally they will only allow 1 gun of each calibre and the number of guns you can own is entirely down to the firearms officer.

technically you can still own handguns
but only if they are fitted with a rifle stock (which can easily be removed) and it must have a barrel of at least 13 inches or alternatively you can legally own a black powder pistol as these are not covered by the ban.
(with a license of course)
alternatively you can use the clubs own guns
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Old 21-02-2007, 19:02   #34
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Re: Gun Crime?

Bit of an interuption: Do most or all British policeman now have to carry guns. I thought not too long ago they were safely handling crime with just their wistles and billy clubs. Or is that just an un-informed American view?


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Old 21-02-2007, 20:32   #35
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Re: Gun Crime?

I think there's only a select few that carry guns, not all thank goodness!
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Old 22-02-2007, 00:27   #36
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Re: Gun Crime?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Bit of an interuption: Do most or all British policeman now have to carry guns. I thought not too long ago they were safely handling crime with just their wistles and billy clubs. Or is that just an un-informed American view?

no LYY the only ones who carry guns have volunteered to do so,no copper can be made to carry a gun.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 22-02-2007, 03:50   #37
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Re: Gun Crime?

This past July, I remember seeing 2 different police-type forces while riding the Tube in London. I believe I saw both "Bobbies(sp)" with no guns as well as another force with both handguns and I believed automatic weapons. Would that be due the recent terrorism? What agency does that group come under?


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Old 22-02-2007, 04:05   #38
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Re: Gun Crime?

Re. British police, what about stun-guns (tasers) are they standard police issue these days ? Once they (the police) get the feel of them it will be no problem up-grading them to some real fire power
I checked out a local deputy sheriff in the store the other day and he had more stuff hanging from his belt than Bob the Builder how the heck he could give chase I have no idea,
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Old 22-02-2007, 10:43   #39
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Re: Gun Crime?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
This past July, I remember seeing 2 different police-type forces while riding the Tube in London. I believe I saw both "Bobbies(sp)" with no guns as well as another force with both handguns and I believed automatic weapons. Would that be due the recent terrorism? What agency does that group come under?

The armed ones could be part of SO11 armed response.

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Old 22-02-2007, 14:16   #40
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Re: Gun Crime?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
This past July, I remember seeing 2 different police-type forces while riding the Tube in London. I believe I saw both "Bobbies(sp)" with no guns as well as another force with both handguns and I believed automatic weapons. Would that be due the recent terrorism? What agency does that group come under?

The first time I saw a policeman with a gun was in 1965 when disembarking from an aircraft (with propellors), at Aldergrove Airport Northern Ireland on my way to start a job in Antrim, at the time it was rather a strange sight as 'the troubles' as we now know them had not started, or had not been publicised.
One has to remember television was mainly government controlled and the news heavily censured. The Royal Protection Service branch of the Police Force have always been armed, as has the Secret Services.
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Old 22-02-2007, 14:33   #41
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Re: Gun Crime?

I cant believe so many young lads are going around with guns, i think i will give Manchester a wide birth
Not a full brick
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